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Important! Planet Arkadia Update 2014.4 (9 December)

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia Release Notes & Updates' started by Mathias | Arkadia, Dec 7, 2014.

  1. MrBabul

    MrBabul Member

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    new mobs :D

    Unfortunatly i got Error mesage 0. when i kill, loot mob or when mob kill me
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2014
  2. coz1969

    coz1969 Member

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    This is awesome! I always wanted to do them solo, but figured I needed to be in a team to do so, and now, I know better. *gears up for some Aakas instances*
  3. Optimator

    Optimator Member

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    I had this same problem after this latest update. After some google work, I tried what worked for others who had this same problem with previous VUs. Which is to abandon whatever mission is causing the problem. For me it was the mission having to do with ores (I've never done anything for that mission). The only reason I tried abandoning that particular mission was because I remembered seeing something about it in one of the Error Code 0 messages that I got. It worked for me.
  4. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    I did key 7 aakas right now.
    Globaled on sentinel with 31 peds.
    Total loot is as minimum 100 peds less as it used to be.
    Pre VU i usualy got from 540 to 610 peds worth items, today i ended with total loot worth 450 peds containing shrapnel , arkoins, muscle and eye oil , few extractors , hide and such and one lacerating nanochip (L) lvl 3.
    There were nooloters and nova fragment looters too.
    No high lvl oils and on mob wich global with 31 peds there is no chance to get Songkra Corrosive Dagger (UNL) or corrosive attack nanochip lvl 7 (L) as it used to be with chance and luck with chest containing 540+ worth of something to dicower.
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  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    ok that makes sense. But I recall that when we moved from multiple chests to one chest, the reasoning was that by combining all the loots into one, the TT value would be higher (of the one click, total TT remains unchanged) so there would be less barriers to looting an item. By going back to lots of smaller loots are we now reducing the chance that any given loot is high enough TT for an item to be included?
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  6. MrBabul

    MrBabul Member

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    Thanks! i had problems with badger and deliver ore mission. Deleted them both and now its fine
  7. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    I wasn't in game yet. Can't find any info about Arkadian Stables. They not added on Arkadia yet if not, is there any ETA? (at least one Stable on Calypso already working)
    Nusul Pet got any new tricks with this VU? Any new tamable pets on Arkadia?
  8. Bear

    Bear Member

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    Hi David,
    Thanks for the answer & clarification. I was not aware that you can crash “out“ of an instance. This has not happend to me (yet).

    What i do not fully understand: I pay 200 PED for Ak10 to enter. Why should i be more happy if i crash out after 10 looted mobs? Because i got atlast some loot?

    With your given information i can only point to Ak instances as bugged in the current implementation.

    Sorry to say so but to remove the chests is not a solution in any way. Only acceptable way would be to use the revive points as save points and store them along with the total inflicted dmg and team settings on the server.


    to give the entrance fee back in TT if someone crashes & to reintroduce the chests which will contain loot worth the entrance fee in TT. In order for you to get paid you would need to adjust the TT loot / mob.
    That way there would still be the “open sesame“ effect at the end of an instance and “crashers“ would “only“ loose MU on the key.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. May

    May Active Member

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    - Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines as Dan and Kikki about the Aakas change.
    I just did an Aakas key solo in a team, to have a look see.
    I understand the technical reason for this change, but I have to say: I really preferred the chest.
    That was the part that made it different from normal hunting.
    The anticipation is gone: it was a bit of an anti climax to just leave after the boss.
    For new players who I brought to do a key, and got to open a chest for the first time, that was a fun moment.
    Something special, not found outside the instances.

    But more importantly:
    "With this change it doesn't change the loot from the instance, it just means you receive it in increments as you progress"
    Are there still the same amount/size items in the loot?
    I'm not talking about the total TT value of the loot, I'm hoping that's on average still the same.
    But before, all the damage of the instance was added together. Which could result in items with a bigger value.
    Those items can't be split in the smaller mob's loot.
    So are the item drops from the bosses now smaller in size? Like Dan, that's the impression I got from the results.

    - The NPE looks great!
    Can Advisers really get inside the Arkadian Adviser booth to 'man' it?
    And awesome idea to use sweat for the passport.
    Gives a boost to the sweat market, and give new arrivals a clear reason to start sweating, and get used to it.
    (Btw, I don't have the passport yet: is there any info on it, like your planet of birth and landing date on Arkadia?)

    - Also, I didn't see the same message on the other PP's release notes:
    "New Player Experience (NPE), is now locked to only allow Arkadia players. "
    So only Arkadian born avatars can do the starter missions from now on?
    Meaning, if I bring a disciple from Calypso, he can't get the hoverpod etc anymore?
    Is this valid for all planets, and is just not mentioned? Or is this specific for Arkadia?

    - Nice, six new mobs including missions.
    Saw lvl5 Dromia at the AU main tp in a big spawn. Which is great: more lower level players can hunt actively there.
    And lvl3 Arkadian Hornets at Victorious FireBase.

    - Will there be a (future) separate mission for Oratan Prospector, now that there are more maturities for them?

    - Yay, new weapons to discover! Anyone found one yet?

    - New PvP area on 8C... well something for everyone in this VU, right?

    - Heard of only 1 Trading Card being discovered so far; so they seem to be really rare.
    Which is good news for serious collectors I guess. :smile:

    - Lovely looking shop, Anthony.
    I like the special feature each shop has: it makes them stand out. And I've heard of new players who try to find all the customized shops, to find out what the special features are.

    I don't really understand why there is so much different new content in 1 VU, while others have hardly any at all. But I guess that has a technical reason.
    In any case: plenty to do in the Christmas holiday. [​IMG]
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  10. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I checked out the Pandi pups at that south island. First my radar was all jammed and my Pandi Pup kills didn't do anything for the mission. After a relog the radar returned to normal, yet still the Pandi Mission remained at 0.
    - is the radar jammed there intentionally or a bug? Seems wrong to me, considering it's non-lootable PvP.
    - is the Pandi pup a single-maturity mob, different then 'normal' Pandi, that being the reason that my killcount didn't add up?
    I enjoyed the Pandies, they're a cute and adorable mob, and I specially like the description: DO NOT CLUB!!! Their mole-like ability can be overcome with little difficulties but moving away. Haven't found anything of interest from 'm though.
    Be sure to advice Ned and our friends the Smugglers to create clubs. I mean, these Pandies just ask for them, and so does the IFN with such a description.
  11. HaKuRa

    HaKuRa Active Member

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    I like all exept that :

    That in my opinion remove a big beautifull part from aakas, that moment when u made a pray infront of the chest before to open it.. Well about the loot, we will see if it's a difference, but i'm not sure it will be the same, hope at least to get the same ammount of arkoin (or more:cowboy:)

    But as i liked the beacon on caly with containers i loved also aakas, i'm really septic about this change, but well it's remain to try.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    I'll answer myself - no new tricks for Nusul, but finally - "Spawnable in all territories - Yes" :happy:
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  13. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    As you guys know we don't have control over loots and how they work, however we have confirmed with MA that this change will not have any negative impact on item drops from the instances.

    Our preference would have been to still have a chest at the end, however that wasn't possible.

    Arkadia Adviser Booth will get further functionality in the next update with an NPC inside to explain what the Advisers are, so door will unlock at that point.

    "I don't really understand why there is so much different new content in 1 VU, while others have hardly any at all. But I guess that has a technical reason."
    Well, I can't answer that really other than to say we have grown the Arkadia team, the team is working incredibly well together and getting an amazing amount of work done. I'm really proud of just how passionate the team is and their willingness to work extremely long hours to deliver a better gaming experience to you guys. The addition of Mathias, Lars, Dylan and Liviu has really helped to spark the creativity of the team which is really exciting.
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  14. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Pandi pup is a puny mob totally separate to the Pandi Seal, so won't count towards the Pandi Seal mission.
    As previously mentioned the animation will be improved for the patch next week to remove the burrowing behaviour.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Thanks Bear, it's a really good point you raise and I recognise I should have explained further in previous post.
    The value of a Key is very clear cut, so if there is a failure in the server etc it can be refunded at the discretion of Support Team.
  16. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I know Jen has been busy updating entropedia in past months. Will Ark devs be adding new creatures and relevant info to entropedia or do we need to plan to do our own tests around health, max dam, damage types% etc?

    SCILOCK Member

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    getting the loot in bits as u go along, also means no more Globals at the end, or very few if u lucky, :(
    Hope I can solo them, if not that unfortunately means the end of aakas rooms for me , saidly :(
    "You can abandon the team once inside the instance." Thank David, will try it Your way, hope that works.
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  18. Top07

    Top07 Member

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    Please don't tell me Gold Rush will overlap with Caly's Merry Mayhem. :(
  19. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    GOOD NEWS! I can listen to Arkadia music again :D
  20. Sniqs

    Sniqs Active Member

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    FYI, you can retake the missions immediately and they should be fine