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Planet Arkadia: Unlimited Smuggler Armour Series

Discussion in 'Armour' started by Few Scars, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Just remember that these are UL smuggler series, so they wont be as freely available as the Limited armours. There will always be a market for crafted Limited armours. These UL ones are going to be the bonus in your loot! The Level 4 series will be as rare as Shadow and the other high end uber armours. You don't see Ghost etc effecting the sales of similar Limited armours. It will all balance out!
  2. tatao

    tatao New Member

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    I prefer low tt, pixie is easy to keep full tt (but yes you need to repair more often than ghost, but the bill is more affordable).
    ? Does x% decayed armour = x% of full protection ?

  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Looking at this thread, I am starting to think this discussion is premature. Only half the Ark mobs have damage types listed in entropedia, and I'm skeptical that all of the ones given are really accurate.

    How can we design an armor for Arkadia if we don't really know what damage the current mobs do?

    If the entropedia entries are correct, and most mobs only deal cut, stab, and imp, then I'd much rather see a focused armor that protects against only those three, than a broad spectrum armor that takes high decay.

    That's how I understand it works, and this is the reason people want high TT armor, so they don't have to run to the repair terminal every half hour.
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Yep lets get the mob damage issue sorted first. Hoping to do another one later this week.
  5. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Given that the storyline for ark shows the oratan as the main problem, I think the smuggler armours should primarily protect against those with close combat defence a secondary protection.

    Something like this:

    Smuggler 1
    Burn: 15
    penetration: 15
    Cut: 10
    Stab: 10
    Cold: 5
    Acid: 3
    Electric: 3

    Smuggler 2
    Burn: 25
    penetration: 25
    Cut: 15
    Stab: 15
    Cold: 10
    Acid: 5
    Electric: 5

    Smuggler 3
    Burn: 40
    penetration: 40
    Cut: 25
    Stab: 25
    Cold: 15
    Acid: 8
    Electric: 8

    Smuggler 4
    Burn: 50
    penetration: 50
    Cut: 35
    Stab: 35
    Cold: 20
    Acid: 10
    Electric: 10
  6. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Just to throw in that I agree with Kikki and Neil, this seems a bit premature and difficult really. We don't know all the stats on types of damage all Ark mobs do, plus of course there are new mobs coming as well. I'm sure the Arkadia developers know that info since they made the mobs, so could create armor as they decide with the benefit of that info, but..originally UL armor was said not to be on the table, at least not anytime in the near future. I appreciate that requests from the community appear to have made the ATeam reconsider that, consider some of the designs submitted by forum members and allow our input into the stats IF any of it were to be made.. but then we have the issue of the mob dmg, and the UL by definition on Arkadia would be Smuggler version, which by definition (as I understood it anyway) would be top of the line stuff, so how can you have a Smuggler UL armor that could work for low level mobs and players?

    Just admitting to my own confusion on all of this and thus my inability to participate really, but will follow the developments with interest.
  7. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    The purpose of this discussion is meant to be fairly general in nature as I understand you guys don't have all the facts about mob damage types and especially relating to future mobs. By sharing your thoughts it helps us have some insight as to what you are hoping for, we'll ofc fine tune things to be the best fit possible.

    Regarding Smuggler armour being the only Unlimited armour on Arkadia - Smuggler armour was always a maybe for Arkadia, but Unlimited was always on the agenda, however not part of what the IFN are doing (hint: more armour will come with Treasure Hunting). So in essence, Smuggler armour does not need to fit everyone, it's really just being considered as something that is somewhat rare and desirable.
  8. AdeW

    AdeW Active Member

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    There doesn't have to be newly created mob-specific or mob-biased armour - just UL versions of a couple of sets of what we have now and let the individual player decide which set is best for any given scenario.

    A 'low level' set and a 'mid level' set of UL would do equally nicely - maybe enhanced a little to reflect the 'Smuggler' origins (now some UL Aquila would do VERY nicely thank you very much Mr Dobson sir!!)

    Right now, with Arkadia still being 'immature', I don't think there's a need, or a place, for Uber level UL gear.
  9. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    Does it possible for A-team to create Arkadia own graduate gift in mentor system? I would like to see that future avatar born in Arkadia will receive something like a set of UL adjusted Corvus and a adjusted hoverpod or some vehicle like that. I think that would be cool and it could be a symbol for Arkadians. Yeah maybe most of us can't get this set armor but would be cool for future Arakadians :p
  10. siremi

    siremi Member

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    Do we have some ETA on Treasure Hunting or a discussion about it? Arkadia armours rock :)
  11. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Yes it is possible, in time we will be adding unique Arkadian items for the mentoring system. It's one of a number of tasks for the team to do.
    We are targeting mid year for Treasure Hunting to go live, been working on it for some time and still have quite a lot of work ahead of us to ensure it arrives as something special.
  12. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    just to throw my opinion in:

    • I'd not like armors with many different protection types. I'd prefer armors to have a decent protection for a specific task, you can always add plates to customize them.
      So I'd want to see an armor concentrating on Cut-Stab-Impact, maybe adding a little Penetration and Burn. And one concentrating on Penetration-Burn, adding a little of Cut-Stab-Impact.
    • No armor should have below 5 protection in any damage type. Such is quite useless, and only causes higher decay.
    • I'd not arrange them UL Smugglers solely in a ladder (newbie, advanced, middle, Uber), I'd make them suitable for special tasks, maybe like this:
      1. Basic Smuggler armor: 10 in Cut-Stab-Impact, 5 in Pen-Burn. For the smuggler grunts.
      2. Smuggler Oratan armor: 20 in Pen-Burn, 5 in Cut-Stab-Impact. For the smugglers that need to operate in Oratan contaminated areas.
      3. Smuggler Scout armor: 15 in Pen-Burn-Cut-Stab-Impact. The all-rounder.
      4. Smuggler Hitman armor: A pure PvP armor. High protection.
      Yes, it has become kind of a ladder again ;-)))
      But there's also a special task attached, to every single armor.

      The protection numbers are purely fictional, used as examples how it is meant. Dependent of the availability these numbers can go up or down, the rarer the higher.
    Just my 2 muscle oil.

    Have fun!
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  13. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I like your thinking Xandra
  14. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Xandra, cant rep you, so here's a written +rep .. as Kikki said.. nice thinking.. :)
  15. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    OK, so... since Ark can have both "regular" UL armor (low/med/high level) AND super-special UL Smuggler Armor, we should probably design the Smuggler armor to be "uber" armor so that its MU will remain high (and high TT). You can have medium level armor as well as high, but its stats should give it an edge over all other Ark armors and most other armors in game. People who loot a Smuggler piece will be able to sell it for a big profit. The drop rate will have to be adjusted so that enough pieces drop for at least some players to be able to collect full sets--or at least look good combined with other Ark armors, so that a player can wear one or two pieces of smuggler and still look good. And it should not be designed specifically for Ark mobs, but be good for mobs on any planet... to increase its demand and encourage people to wear it on other planets... free advertisement for Arkadia. :)

    Edit: Great ideas, Xandra, and I agree if we make one change... Since it's "Smuggler", I take it to mean that they'll be extremely rare, and having 4 different sets of Smuggler armor means that it will be effectively impossible to collect a full set of any of them, with 56 different pieces needing to be looted before you can have full sets of all 4 armors. How many of us have ever looted a smuggler weapon? Unless the drop rate for these armors is quite high, how will anyone ever be able to collect a full set if there are 4 versions of Smuggler?

    So, I suggest taking Xandra's ideas and applying them to the "regular" Ark UL armors instead of the Smuggler versions, so that whoever wants one can own a set of these task-specific utility armors.

    I recommend only one type of smuggler armor unless the drop rate can be dramatically increased over the Smuggler weapon drop rate.
  16. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Feel free to just place a set of the super special UL smuggler armor in my inventory so I can be officially the first Ark Uber :)
    50 in all stats on my armor will be fine,,

    You can call it the Lunchbox Special
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  17. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    lol Lunchbox :) ...before that happens plz make sure all adviser get some of the cool armor :) +rep for the joke
  18. Mel_bosshart

    Mel_bosshart Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I like Milena's idea .. Arkadia advisors could show it off and could be like the vest it always remains the property of arkaidia studios ...

    nudge nudge wink wink :) as i love the first place winners armour ...

  19. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    I know it is a bit off topic but just to say one of the things I liked about the Advisor program on Ark was that unlike the Calypso program we did it for the sake of helping, with no reward planned or expected, so maybe I'm dumb I don't know, but if we are ever given anything like a set of armor like they got on Calypso, I would decline it myself. The vest we got of course is not a gift or reward, it does not belong to us, and that's good with me :)

    Anyway, thanks for the clarification Dave, seems somewhere along the way I had misunderstood about UL armors always being on the cards in the future at least. As for the current suggestions etc, I go along with what Neil said, basically UL versions of the existing armors and the Smuggler as something rare and uber, as the other Smuggler items have been so far. Whatever goodies are in store along with treasure hunting of course could be something completely different and unique from all of that, some ancient Arkadian items for all levels?
  20. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    @Lee....I was only joking coz a "lunchbox special" cant come in front of a adviser armor :)

    I never expected and I never will expect a gift for beeing helpful ......