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Competition Planet Arkadia Triathlon 2013 - "TEN" edition (Event has now ended)

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by Cyrus, Jan 29, 2013.

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  1. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I ended up with 5 pts so I guess I will have to rely on the random prize.

    A Hof is just a global that happens to be one of the 100 largest in the last 24 hours. So really it doesn't need to be clarified. A hof is a global always.
  2. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    I think the winner has to make aroun 50 point to get the top price
  3. toad

    toad Member

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    I started with 13 Level 10 amps that i had crafted myself, got 1 (one) global on that, more than 450 drops on treasure, then i sold the remaning level 10 amps and bought level 13 amps, almost every hit was global on them so i would say that to get globals in 4 days on mining you need level 13 amps or maybe im just very unlucky :S

    I think the winner will have 60+ points.

  4. slither

    slither Active Member

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    I really liked the idea of this event but as people have said it's just turned into a hunting event for players willing to drop enough insane markup big amps (lvl 12 or 13).

    This would have been a factor before but with the mining change the last couple of vu's the globals are so rare with smaller amps that they're not worth using in this event.
  5. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    With all this level 13 amps mining at 8 coins - i find it strange we havnt seen any really big hof from there
  6. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    We have, i remember seeing one maybe 5k... and efreet just got one about the same size an hour ago.

    Well, it was a fun competition! I'm probably nowhere close to finishing in the top 10 since I only have 20 points, but at least I have a good shot at the random drawings :) Even if the mining part just turned into a big gamble (e.g. lvl 13 amps) at the end, it was fun going back and forth from crafting and mining to hunting chasing down globals. And I even have 2/3 of a lvl 13 left for another special occasion :)
  7. fluske

    fluske Member

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    if i didnt make any mistakes then i am the winner with 88 huntingglobals...89 mininglobals and 98 craftingglobals

    mining was terrible..i started out with level 12 amps..but after i burned a couple amps and even had streak of 1 global of 51ped oil on 2 full level12 amps(so 51 ped return on over 800 ped costs) i tunded down to burning loads and loads of D-class and level8 amps....which resultes in 2 days mining( since i had 44 huntingglobals my first day) with only 1 global to show for

    so i tried couple level 13 amps and they delivered...forgot how many i bought but prob around 25..at atrocious prices 170-179%
    i had 1 small hof of 280 orso..no hofs at all mining further

    i borrowed level 5 mining amp bp(thx gunzy :))
    sent my wife to caly to buy materials...had to buy ganganite which normal is like 105 % at 170% !!!!!!
    did run of 960 clicks to start on 70% condition..but since i never ever craft it wasnt goimng well,luckily i hoffed at almost my last clicked for 2300,
    looted some limited bp i havent even looked at yet

    havent slept in 2 days and no time to sleep yet also....chuck crazybuk and garco were so close on my neck(only a difference of 4 globals) that i had to throw random level13 bombs while hunting korwils..so..after event was over ..i had 40 claims to extract..and the most right in dense spawns of korwils..not funny at all :)

    so thats what im doing now :)

    all in all,it was an nerfbreaking event for me,i thinkm i lost quite a bit,especially with the markup i had to pay on amps/materials and the poor returns,i doubt if the chronicle will even out the losses,but i had fun :)
  8. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Damn spent nearly 8kped to get 8 mining/crafting/hunting globals. Only 8 points, guess I can hope for a random prize. You really need to play 24/7 to compete. I thought 8 globals in each was a good effort, guess I was wrong :(
  9. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I'm wondering how much the prize winners spent compared to likely MU value of the prizes. Did they really win?
  10. fluske

    fluske Member

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    i was in to much of an hurry in all the globalfrenzyto keep any track..but i would not be surprised if i lost wel over 10k

    if i would have had more time to prepare..buying materials/amps etc....my losses would have been so much lower
  11. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    I think the mining was easy, just bought some level 13 amps and every second hit was a global. The crafting was hard due to the lack of materials on auction to do large crafting runs. Hunting was slower than usual. What is interesting is that there haven't been any modified loots on Arkadia. Seeing plenty of 2-3k HOFs on Caly but only rare ones on Ark.
    Anyway, hope we get the results soon!
  12. toad

    toad Member

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    Only got 17 points because of my mining mistake with level 10 amps, lost a few thousand peds on mining with those, hunting was really slow, yesterday i hunted big scoria, yuka young and big riptors and lost around 1k in 2 hours with mod merc tier 5, loot was even worse than in merry mayhem.
    I lost around 5k to get those 17 points, would probably have done alot better if i had sold the level 10 amps and bought level 13 for them.
    Crafting high tt clicks from a L bp was probably the best way to get cheap globals, would have made profit from that if i had sold the amps but would have needed more bps to get more globals since 17 was far from enough.
  13. helena

    helena Member

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    i wont enter this kind of event in future

    only profile that can win is:
    no life that play 22hour a day, with infinite pedcard, which are ready to waste 100k to get 10
    normal people, that cant play over some hours a day, and cant just buy 50 level 13 amp (or dont want to considering how big the lose will be) are just out of the tournament before it start
    The idea itself was not bad but the players made it bad
    its like playing a tombola with a 100$ firt prize and one player buying 10000$ of ticket to buy the first prize..

    ALso this event is terrible even for normal people that invested some money in (thinking about fluske) which had to spent a lot more than he planned to coz he couldnt give up after the time and money he putted in. i hope he wins

    btw, i got 24 points and will probably end up with a crappy paladin worth shit T_T
  14. Garco

    Garco New Member

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    GG all participants (specially Fluske, Chuck and Efreet).

    An event that i thought at beggining was easym just turned out to be MM kind in terms of costs / competition.

    Mining and craft was easy now hunt was other talk :)

    RL screw me on last day, i had only 6h to play on sunday :( and that will cost me a place.

    As someone says here, yes armor would cost less than my loss, but i was lucky to hit big on first days, so spending it.

    Special loots:

    6.5k melchi claim
    2 clicks mamba ul (2 sucess = 5k ped)
    Best on hunt 650 korwill / 300 scoria

    Total globals:

    Hunting 76
    Crafting 77
    Mining 79

  15. Garco

    Garco New Member

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    Some numbers for the record and i hope ark / MA crew read this kind of info and do some changes....

    Total globals hunting: 76

    Killed creatures:
    2200 Scorias Young Mature Old
    100 Scorias Alpha OA Prowler Stalker
    400 Korwil Young Mature Old
    100 Huon Young Mature
    100 Teladon Young Mature Old
    50 Teladon Alpha OA Prowler Stalker
    100 Yuka Young
    100 Riptor Prowler Stalker
    50 Kamaldon Young Mature Old
    50 Beladoth Stalker

    Total globals Mining: 79

    14 x lvl 12 amp
    5 x lvl 13 amp
    1 x lvl 11 amp
    1 x lvl 9 amp
    4 x Dclass amp

    Craft i wont mention cause daily i use to click that anyway but i managed to cycle loot only, not much worried in dynera runs for global only, cause that will become a loss too.

    Seeing the other events at RT and Cyrene, for sure ark one is the best.

    GG all participants.

  16. CrazyBuck

    CrazyBuck New Member

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    Hi all!

    This was for sure a fun and crazy event. As many others i didnt really expect the mining to be that hard to global in. The thought of holding a budget in the event slipped away pretty fast with the lvl13 amp.

    My guess is i will end up 2nd with 84 points.

    84 hunting,85 mining and 98 crafting.

    Killed about 2.8k small scoria and a small number of other mobs.

    Roughly estimated results in the diffrent activites:

    Hunting ( doa sh t6) : -4k

    Mining (21 lvl13 amps and 10-15 smaller amps): - 7k ped

    Crafting ( 1000 click dino and a few other things ): - 2k

    Notable loots: 1.6k azzurdite (with lvl6 amp!), a 700 and 2.3k scoria.

    Was a heavy stress there the last 6 h with garco,fluske and efreets neverending global sprees ;) also smilgs and Salty were starting to look threatening for a while.

    GG guys!
  17. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Really? Have you looked at the ten event on Cyrene? I think it will have a great success because it includes all the players have a time, a date to start and if you win top ten then you are opted out of the bonus prize. Is all you have to do is kill 1 person to get into the event and on the last day whoever did not place top 10 gets placed in a drawing for a prize, now will the prize outweigh the ped spent probably not. But say you kill 1 person and get lucky with your name being picked how cool is that? You dont have to hunt/mine/craft just to get 1 ticket for a random drawing. But the event is over and the ped has been spent lol. And those who have spent mad ped, I hope are excited about their prize but only winning 1 piece of armor with the ped spent I think this will be the most expensive armor in the eu you could buy several MS with what will have to be spent to acquire all the pieces lol. One win = one piece of the puzzle(armor) and I hope they are the right sex for it or else that one expensive paperweight lol.

    WOW I feel bad for ya bro but i hope you at least win in the random drawing
  18. fluske

    fluske Member

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    thx garco,chuck,toad and helene for posting your results and experience
    i have participated in other "most global "events and in those events it was pretty early to tell who would finish first....but not in thisone
    up tp the last 4-5 hours besides me/garco/chuck/girts there was also salty going strong.....so 5 competitors for 4 decent prizes
    in the last hour orso it was me/chuck/garco competing for first,
    i was 4 -6 globals ahead(hunting) when chuck got 2 globals in the last 5-7 minutes,i have never been this stressed in pe before :)

    some feedback for ma or arkteam regarding this eventformat,
    the miningpart makes this format something for people with a bankroll willing to take heavy losses due to markup payed for level 13 amps,since it was (for me anyway) impossible to score mininglobals with level 8 or D-class amps,
    so in effect it will rule out a great portion of eu-players and that can never be the purpose of such an event

    gg and gratz garco,chuck and girts for scoring the first chronicle TEN parts :)
  19. CrazyBuck

    CrazyBuck New Member

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    Yea, intersting to read how ppl did in the event. With garco, fluske and efreet hidden on tracker i was fighting for an unknown score, and i can assure you that it didnt make the stresslevel to decrease ;)

    Funny thing there in the end as u said fluske. 2 globals in the last ten minutes. I had two less miningglobs less than hunting at that point. Solved that with buying a lvl 13 amp 23:59:15. Managed to both tp out and to get my two last miningglobals in those 45 seconds :) would be fun id those 2 globs made me go from 3rd to 2nd!
  20. Garco

    Garco New Member

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    Competition was fearsome and you hiding your tracker didnt help me :p.

    I think honestly you did great. A noob on craft and mining eheh, i bet was a hard time for you there, but paid off. Well deserved prize.

    Chuck out in gremlin tanking 10 scorias! Have you slept in these 4 days?

    Forgot to mention Salty yeah, he didnt start on first day but came to win too. I think mob he choose kicked him...

    About Smilgs till last 4h i thought he would be on top 5 but then i saw that on craft he stoped/forgot.

    Efreet quietly did a great job too, and i think i stole me the F part!

    Other i was afraid was Leona, but then i saw she wasnt for event, just daily grinding.

    Toad crafting run scared me a bit too, and i know he can handle quite nice gear.

    Yquem playing at home too worth to mention

    Helena always arround

    Well great event, great time

    I never expected to spent so much.. After a 6.5k mining and a 5k craft, my profit is the prize only.. insane


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