Competition Planet Arkadia Triathlon 2013 - "TEN" edition (Event has now ended)

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by Cyrus, Jan 29, 2013.

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  1. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Hey Tim,
    I do explain that to them, as I stated I’m pro-depositing. I let them know that in order to enjoy the game to its fullest potential it is necessary to deposit and I know a lot of people who try and don’t deposit, and who would say otherwise, but it’s a matter of one’s personal opinion. I let them know that swanting is a good skill builder and you get the loot too lol. I also let them know that if the payers who do deposit did not then the loot pull would dry up, I explain it likeit’s a casino which in a sense it is, and that not everyone can play on the big machines and not everyone can win or the casino (EU) would close.

    I love Arkadia as though it was my own planet and wish for nothing more than it to succeed and become this epic planet that gamers talk about ALL over the world. But with that being said, the events that Arkadia (ARK studios) does for their players and the players of the EU player base needs to be well rounded. This will not only bring in new players but will also bring new players from other planets too. Yes, have events to where the ubers can pay along with the new players, I applaud the A-team for coming up with a reward system that ALLOWS ALL players to have a fair shot at a prize.

    Their reward system is Perfect you win a prize your out, it is basically based on what a person is willing to invest in getting the big W(winner title). But these last events were not so friendly to new players, example:Riptor how many new players have the skills to take down even a young Riptor? They neither possess the skill/equipment or the health to basically hunt them so they are out. And I know some may say
    1. Mining; is easy and a new player can do it. TRUE, get a finder drop a prob get lucky.
    2 Crafting; get a bp craft it bingo well………Maybe, but when was the last time you seen a tt bp global?
    3 Hunting; kill a critter get a global you’re in…..well again when was the last time you seen a carabok or something comparable that a new player can hunt global?"
    As stated in the op it is a triathlon meaning you have to be able to compete in ALL three events and global not just 1 so a global in ALL 3 get you 1 entry to win.So most ppl will do a day of hunting to get global’s, a day of mining to get global’s, a day of crafting to get global’s and on the final day they will focus on the areas that they are lacking the global’s to get a ticket for (i.e. 9 mining/10 crafting/10hunting) they will focus on the mining to getthat last entry.

    Now if it were set up to where if you got a global you got an entry to each event like in mining you get cool mining gear, in hunting you get cool hunting gear, in crafting you get cool bps. Then that would be a well rounded event where everyone is included even the new player. And if you were able to global in ALL three you get a ticket to be put into a special drawing for other prizes, so how ever many trio globals you get you get one entry. Prizes could be such as a nice set of Armor, armor plates, mining tools, bps ect ect something like that would be cool. You could win in only one event mining, hunting, crafting but…….. If you do all 3 and global you get rewarded for the extra effort and put into a special drawing for the Triathlon prize. So in effect you could win 2 prizes……only ONE in the 3 events(mining/hunting/crafting). And 1 in the bonus entry to the Triathlon Grand prize, it’s your typical progressive prize pool.
    This is a type of prize progression I have personally used and it is found to effectively product 20-30% more participation than ANY other promotion I have used in my restaurants.

    See the point in any business is to make money you know this as being a shop/business person in the EU already. I have been in businesses when I have used this and have increased the sales buy over 50-60%. One such place I have used this is with a Pizza place I worked for. I was a trouble shooter for a district they would send me in to evaluate the productivity of the store. And if it were not as productive as it should be then I was to make up a marketing plan and implement it, so to make the store more profitable. And I was very good at my job.

    So something like that could have been used but, it is an unconventional way of doing things and not many people use it which makes it work so well. See think “outside” the box because,if you limit yourself to whatis “only inside” the box you then will also limit your ability to earn that money that is outside the box. I have over 30 years’ experience in the promoting of businesses (Thank you MOM). But its simple really, the more players being able to participate equals more money for the evnt holder(PP).

    And ty for the offer I might just take you up on that one of these days. But enough of my rambling I would just love to see an event that would include not only the new players but the uberly old ones as well :rolleyes:.

    If anyone needs help on how to promote their business just ask I have a zillion ideas yes I made my own word up “zillion” because it is more valuable than a million lol.
  2. ElbryanWolf

    ElbryanWolf Member

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    First Day, 2 Hunting / 1 Crafting Globys. Now working on my first mining to gain at least one entry :)

    It's a nice concept to force people to work in all fields. It will be my 10th year in game in September of this year. Yes I've been in and out of the game a couple of years and back in force for almost a full year now.

    I like anthony's idea as that would have helped some newer players to concentrate on their designated fields instead of spreading out the effort. But right now, it's not an event limited to uber players since most ubers have chosen a profession and stick to it, so their skills aren't that good in the other 2. I think it's also a way to have people try new stuff or stuff that they've put asside in the past after being burnt (like dumping xK PEDS mining with amps and getting a really poor return).

    It's only the first event of many so, for those who don't like this one, don't despair, I'm sure you'll find the shoe that fits.

    Cheers and Congratz on the event Ark team :)

  3. remontoire

    remontoire Member

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    In case you end up with a Paladin TEN (M) armor part and you don't want to build yourself a Paladin TEN set - please talk to me. I'm interested in building a set. I could also do item trades (like regular paladin part + peds, say).
  4. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    i think this kinda "global" events are bullshit.. how am i supposed to compete against ppl who get 5x more globals with same amount of ammo than I? this is hunting on other proffs u can "buy" the globals
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    What are you talking about Ruskea?
  6. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    "The event is simple. Global in each of the three primary professions (hunting, mining and crafting) to score a point."
  7. billairboy

    billairboy Member

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    He his saying the same thing that i said before, the high level hunters have a big,big advantage in this event. Globals in mining and crafting easy mush easier to to get even if you are a "noob", just put on a big amp and craft weapons/amplifiers on condition to get the needed globals in a short time.
  8. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    This is true, you can't amp mobs. But if a noob is going to craft weapons on condition or use level 13 amps to win a competition, he's going to lose a LOT of peds.
  9. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    As a low level hunter, you can buy decent armour and a big ass inefficiant high dps gun and put an un eco amp on it. Then hunt mobs with reasonable hp and you'll see globals soon enough. But you will probably lose heaps of peds. Same as if you craft on condition, or mine low MU (ie shallow) ores with big amps. This event favours players who can efficiently work in all 3 professions. As a low level miner I know I cant compete with the all rounders because I cant use the really big amps.

    But lets get back to the basic issue. If you are high skilled or have big ped balance that you are prepared to use, then you will do better than low lvl players and players who wont spend. That's the reality of RCE. An event can either be a competition, a lottery, or a lucky door prize. With a lucky door prize, thanks for coming you get a chance to win or perhaps you get a ribbon just for participating. With a lottery it depends on how many tickets you buy. In EU you buy tickets with globals and that takes skills and/or peds.
    In a genuine competition, you need some way to determine who does the best. How can that be anything but gobals, either highest single, or total number? Both of those are going to be determined by how many peds you can cycle and how efficiently you use those peds.

    I don't see how we can get away from that. At least now we are seeing a mix of competition types and win conditions. If you don't like the way a competition is set up then don't compete. Personally I just like to compete in events. I never expect to end in the prizes but if I can do reasonably well without wasting too much money then I am happy. I'm really hanging out for the Mayhem results to see if I got a personal best, say somewhere in the top 20 for my category.

    It's possible to win the big prize but still lose cos you spent far more than the prize was worth. And that make things interesting from my perspective. What is a sensible amount of peds to put into a competition with prize value x?

  10. billairboy

    billairboy Member

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    I never said it would be cheap, and you don't need to use an 13 amp, a smaller one is good enough.
  11. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Kikki, I agree in any competition there is a factor of, you have to pay to play. But having it set up where you have to global in all 3 to get just 1 ticket, will limit the player participation hence will limit the amount of peds that the planet could have made. Look at the forum here and you can only see a small section where players are not participating in the event. I think the event is a good one just structured wrong and limits the players who will play. It like in my pizza shop if I only offered peperoni pizza I limit the customer base by 40% that’s a huge loss in revenue so it would profit me to find out and listen to my customers and try to compromise and offer what they want or need.

    Now I know I can’t satisfy all the people but, I would have to question how much thought was put into the event structure and did they forsee how it would limit the players who would participate? I would have tried to structure it to maximize my earning potential by having it where a majority of my player base could participate, if they chose to do so. Setting it up like I said in my #61 would have done just that. This is not the first and will not be the last event that is player specific. If the structure is not changed what will start to happen is a steady decline in player participation because they will think OK another Arkadia uber event and they will read no futher.

    Yes you will have the ubers come and play but what % do they actually make-up of the entire player base 2-3%? I would rather upset 1-2% who will still most likely participate then 98-99% or whatever the % is that will not even look at the event (this is just an example). But if it is structured properly your approval rate could be 70-80% instead of the much lower one it is now. just food for thought.
  12. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    i would have given a chance to this event but for me the hunting is very hard to get globals from.. my average globals rate is around 1 outta 1000ped ammo... and it takes some time to shoot that 1k ped.. and this event only lasts few days
  13. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Anthony I think I read your suggestion that you have a comp where rather than have an all round comp like this, you instead award prizes based on your results in each individual profession. Eg if you get lots of mining globals you get a mining based award. My feeling is that favours ubers and high spenders more than this comp because you can just focus on the area you are best at. This triathlon design, IMO levels the playing field somewhat.

    In this comp I found it really interesting that I had to workout how I was going to push up my mining global rate (I am around lvl 7), while managing my costs. I don't think I honestly have a chance at the non-random prizes but I am giving it my best shot. So far I have 3 mining globals and am really hoping I can get it up to 5 in the time remaining.

    Frankly, I hear a lot of bullshit about Uber only events in EU. Ok so the highest skilled are likely to get the top prizes but if you have a competition with a bit of depth then there are chances for people other than ubers. I think that the recent riptor competition was an example of a well designed competition. Sure the best, and highest spending players were always going to get the top prize - they worked hard, spent big so good on them. But there were several categories of prizes with a depth of prizes. I am no uber but I manged 6th (I think) in the middle block. Back when Arkadia first started, I managed 4th in the Huon category in the Smuggler comp at a time when I was less than lvl 40 - I just wish the prizes had gone below 3rd place :p. Over on Caly, I like the design of Mayhem though of course there is room for improvement. My first year I got 23rd in Cat1, then 28th in Cat2 the following year. This year I entered Cat 3 solo event and I am hoping for top 20. I get a lot of satisfaction in pushing myself, managing my costs and looking at how I can make things fun for myself.

    So my view, if we want to encourage participation:
    . have a deep prize structure to maximise the number of winners
    . have a variety of competition design to provide interest to different types of players.
    . if you can design several tiers of competition so lower level players have a chance to compete for smaller prizes.
    . be careful not to make the prizes too valuable, to discourage people simply buying victory
    . where feasible publish ranking results to include non-prize winners. Some of us are competing for the glory or Personal best or against our friends. Imagine if it were possible for a soc to award prizes within their soc based on results in a company event.

  14. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    true as i said in every event your going to have that high roller who will win at least one prize but after that they are opted out of winning again unless they go for the trio prize then he/she has a 1 in -?- chance of winning that prize. Player participation is what the goal should be here, if the high roller knows he has a shot at the top prize then he will play if the low roller know the high roller will not be able to win them all then he will most likely play how many high rollers you know will say hey I'm going to go for the little prize?
  15. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Sounds like you are agreeing with me. If there are opportunities for players at most levels then there is incentive for more players to have a go.
  16. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    While the feedback is good, it's gone too far off topic here in this thread.

    So please make a new thread in General Discussion or Feedback section of the forum and continue the discussions in there

    And as a reminder of what Chris said earlier in the thread
  17. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Player participation and fairness aren't the only factors to consider when making an event. MA also want to reinforce that skills give you advantages, sometimes the best way to do this is to design an event where 98% of the players have no chance.

    If you're part of the 98% you should understand that if you continue to skill up you'll get a chance to enter these events in the future. But, offcourse, they'll always be the whinners in the 98% who think life owes them.
  18. Uncle Mo

    Uncle Mo Active Member

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    I got a point! I'll just have to hope that point wins something :p
  19. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    tbh I almost posted complaining that it was a global event and that I hadn't globaled in years, yes years, late vu9 I think

    and then late last night I go and global on Jori :)

    I'm tempted to try mining and crafting but only tempted as my wallet and ped card tend to win the argument over competitions like this with me.
  20. billairboy

    billairboy Member

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    A thought just come in mind, it don't say if a HOF is counted as a global in this competion, but i guess it does, but they should point that out in the rules.
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