Competition Planet Arkadia Triathlon 2013 - "TEN" edition (Event has now ended)

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by Cyrus, Jan 29, 2013.

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  1. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I see, so 7 mini events... I guess not bad, especially if someone's willing to pay high prices to collect the set.
  2. ElbryanWolf

    ElbryanWolf Member

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    Thanks for the heads up about how to enter. Since I'm already crafting and hunting, I just need to add mining and start globeling loll

    GL to all and nice free event for everyone to try!

  3. Archman

    Archman Member

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    Another great event from Ark team :)
  4. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    This is what MA said, have that changed now?

    EDIT: re-read what they said and seems it's both.

    Originally here
  5. fattyboy43

    fattyboy43 Member

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    cyrus have you got any idea if there are gonna be any competitions where everyone has a chance or just competitions for people with massive pedcards? thanks fattyboy :)
  6. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Well, this one is pretty good... most of us have a chance to get all three globals for a shot at one of the random prizes, excepting those who can't hunt anything over 200hp and can't craft.

    I think it's an interesting competition... We're always asking for different types of competitions, and I like this one... mainly because I do all three, hunting, mining, crafting :)
  7. Xander Zan Catman

    Xander Zan Catman Member

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    Sounds like a kick ass event! I'll do my best to get to Ark to give it a go!

    GL everyone!

  8. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    lol so the new play is out.

    I agree with fatty on this one.

    Wow, Unless your ped card is deep it might be hard to place lol. And this is the event MA wanted to do to promote their 10[SUP]th[/SUP] year? Why not do something that the new players can join in on or something they can participate in? And before you say well they can think about it. Does a new player have a chance to hit a global in ALL three…. Mining they maybe get a lucky hit. And Hunting….. When was the last time you seen carabok global? :DAnd crafting really:huh: ?!?!? This event excludes the vast majority of new players who are just starting. Way to make them feel welcomed, as for my disciples I’m going to steer them away from this event as it seems to be geared for the ped head and not the general player.

    ut it seems to have it structure of the Riptor event, so all does not go to one person. But i must say this is still going to be another ped soak, and I thought the PP or at least Arkadia wanted to attract more players not run them off. Plus you only get a piece of armor or a armor plate, what is that about???? Well we all know, “it’s to make you join the other events to TRY and win the other pieces.” And what if you don’t win the other pieces then you are 1/7[SUP]th[/SUP] or so of a set lol.

    I had such high hopes for these events but it seems like most of the sponsored MA events. It’s about how much ped you can spend to win. And with this being a 4 day event it seems like it’s a “let’s see who can spend themost ped in 4 day event.” Not a, celebrate the monumental milestone of EntropiaUniverse's tenth anniversary. You really should rename this to the “How much are you willing to spend event.” because it really does not seems to be a celebration. it seems more like a how much ped can we soak from the player. But that’s just my 2pec. :shrug:
  9. billairboy

    billairboy Member

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    I guess the winners will be 100 % big hunters, because with crafting and mining you can easily get globals if you have peds to burn. More difficult to get globals in hunting if you are not a hunter.
  10. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    How exactly does this make players run off?

    This isn't an event for brand new players, let's just get used to that fact. But it will increase sales volume and likely markup of mining loot, hunting loot, it will bring players from other planets, put more crafted items on auction... how would any of this hurt new players?
  11. slupor

    slupor Member

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    This is an event that requires turnover AND skills AND gear.

    If you don't have gear and skills to kill a Huon or Scoria sized mob, don't have a decent maxed BP, or are unable to mine with good finders and > medium amps and know where to go, you have no chance to win top items. This is how it should be. For anyone who hunts caraboks this event is too big to handle, and they should skill up. Low level players can try to global on all 3 cats and get at least one point; this gives a shot at the random prize and that's a nice reward too.

    Note that it's not just about bankroll. In the posts on PCF you see big hunters back off, despite the reward are the best close range armor parts ever released in-game. Yes, bankroll is a factor but broad skills, gear, game knowledge, good tactics and dedication will be just as important.

    My prediction is that the winners for the top5 items will consist of several "surprise" names, and not just your standard Uber line-up
  12. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Question, do Aakas instance globals count as hunting globals?
  13. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    It's worth keeping mind that this is just the first event of many. And it has an unusual design which I count as a positive and bodes well for future events. OK so this one is probably not my cup of tea (I may drop few probes) but perhaps the next one will suit me more. Variety is good. Every event does not need to cater to every avatar in EU.
  14. billairboy

    billairboy Member

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    The "problem" is that it much easier for a hunter with good hunting skills and gear to win, than a good miner/crafter. Why? because in crafting and mining you can "gamble", crafting on full condition and put on a big amp when you are mining. You don't need a big nice finder you can have zero skill in mining, put on the biggest amp you can buy and just get 50 globals with lyst and be happy about it. Same with crafting, just craft amps on full condition a get your globals. Hunting? not many shortcuts to get the globals there. So, the hunters with the skills and gear will have an advantage compared to a good crafter/miner that are a "bad" hunter.
  15. Karmic Natures

    Karmic Natures Member

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    They count as hunting HOFs so I'd like to see this clarified. I do like the idea of cross discipline events and I would like to see some longer events that involve collecting items from multiple professions as well.
  16. DoubleZero

    DoubleZero Member

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    Dam I don't mine or craft so that's me out :( well GL to those that do everything and do them all well.
  17. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Exactly, neither was the raptor event for a new player. How manytime do you think the small man out wants to set on the bench while everyoneelse is having all the fun?? Exclude new players enough and the word of mouthwill destroy you. I know not all events are going to suit all, but hey at leastgive them something to be able to compete in. This will be the second eventthat my disciples cannot compete in because they donot have the skills to compete.

    I let my disciples know that depositing is a part of thegame so ped is not the issue as far as I know, but to throw good ped after badis not just a waste but it will discourage them. I have already had them ask ifthere were events that they could compete in and well……. The answer is not manyof the resent one’s. I practice a no lie to your disciple approach I let themknow the truth. And why have them compete in an event and spend hundreds orthousands of peds to not even get a ticket to win.
    After a while they will say “WOW” you have to have been herefor a while to even have a chance to win any of the events that they do huh? AndI have to answer their questions with the truth not a sugarcoated lie.

    And I agree with you KikkiJikki but like I said before what event can they compete in? At some point they must be able to compete or they will feel left out and go try another MMO. The point here is I know not all events are ment for all players that is just a fact of life but to exclude them over and over again cannot be good either.

    It cost 4X more to get a new customer then it does to keep the ones you already have. One bad experience after another and they tell 10+ friends how bad the game is, give them a good experience and they will tell 4-5 about the good time they had, give them a great experience and they will tell 6-8 about it and then they will suggest you come and try it yourself. They will tell more about their bad experience before they will tell half about their good/great experience. Kind of like the miners why tell where the good stuff is :huh: because there will be less for you if you do lol. (Consumer mentality)

  18. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hi Guys,

    Just some info regarding this event to cleanup some misconceptions and concerns.

    This event is just one of many TEN events that will be hosted during this year by all planet partners and is more of a introduction to the TEN event series. MA asked us partners to come up with new types of events that is interesting and works a bit differently then regular events. With the next partner update there is some new features that will allow us to properly host events for new players and because of that we decided to move the new players over to the Main event later this year.

    Further there is also TEN edition items in the loot pools to be looted outside of the events to give players the possibility of getting a TEN edition item even without competing in any of the events.

    Further for those asking about instance loot the loot from instances does not count towards this event.
  19. Archman

    Archman Member

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    Thanks for the clarification. Ten edition items looted from outside events......outstanding :)
  20. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    ok, just did not know what to tell the new players that are coming in, so now i will be able to give them a time frame when is the next pp update?
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