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Planet Arkadia Development Team Feedback

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Cyrus, Dec 11, 2010.

  1. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    About the first part: we do see that sometimes... for example with the harbingers which is nice. However I don't think this should always be the case since things become too predictable then even without knowlege gained by hunting.

    Ah and the second part seems to be a very bad idea to me since the PVP zones would be pretty empty then. ^^
  2. calemus

    calemus Member

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    i'm going to ask 4 something

    tell me what mob is going to drop the modmerc
    and then makem drop
  3. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Maybe the modmerc equivalent? I hope we have as few items/loot as possible that's the same as Calypso.
  4. calemus

    calemus Member

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    i dont care what it's called, or how it looks
    anything that is a permanent wep (UL) with specs near or at the lvl of a wep
    that can be what the mod merc is

    i've just chosen laser as my skillset, so thats what would do me all giggly and intoxicated

    cyrus did respond to one of my lustful wepon rants implicating the top ark wep would be a "mid-level one"
    i just dont know how high up the food chain his mid lvl is

    i'm assuming i'm probly as mid lvl as it gets
  5. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Yep, laser is my skill focus too; it would be neat to loot a mod merc equivalent. I never saw that post by Cyrus :S I'm sure there will be some nice weapons in due time on Arkadia, but I bet only a lucky few will loot them lol. Hope I'm one :D
  6. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    As far as PVP areas being empty, that's up to you guys, I never go there, I'm a miner, and that's my profession. PVP in this or any game is not what I'll be doing.However if getting things that are very rare would mess it up, then there must not be too many guys doing it..lol.

    You guys worry about the PVP areas, and I'll worry about where my first 1k peds are going to come from, and we'll all be happy.hehehe
  7. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    I fully believe you intend to have a much better start with having a real economy. I think the real question is though if/when MA screws up the launch are you able to pull the plug and tell MA "No this is not how we intended to launch pull the plug untill you get it right". Or possibly have the planet go live but only dev team log in to check it first before the rest of the Entropia community can get there.
  8. Futurama

    Futurama Member

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    I have a question:

    Can we expect something different in mining profession? Ofc, i understand that MA provides the systems, but can you guys modify it on your own somehow? Make it different from Calypso and others. I really hope we would see something slightly different and not just some new tools and a few new materials while everything else is exactly the same.
  9. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    OK, what exactly do you think would be better different? I see that there might be new materials, that's good and new looking tools...beats the boring old ones, even if they work the same. If they have anything different in mining, I'd like to see Surface Mining, something not done yet.

    On Calypso, there were small areas where large crystals stuck out of the ground white ones/ black ones/ but they weren't really there. You couldn't scan them and there was no Crystal...in mining. Though in reality, many kinds are used for things in manufacturing, either as polished pieces or ground up and remade into a different shape. Quartz in its purest state, is sometime used as fake diamonds, they are so close to the same hardness. Onyx is a black, shiny stone that is used in jewelery, and other things. Make things we see on the surface scan-able and mine-able that would add something new, and crystals already exist in the EU.
  10. Colbey Kal

    Colbey Kal Member

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    I hope there will be a 'bank' (pawn shop) with a low rate to help give the economy a boost.

    Personally I've never gotten into hunting or mining much, I like the economy and trading. I have become interested in crafting when finding items that can be made for a profitable MU. I use the banks to allow larger crafting runs - the added leverage can really help my bottom line.

    The banks haven't gotten much positive press but I hope there will be one available if I do move to Arkadia.

    P.S. If you do put an Arkadia owned bank in, I would be happy to be the manager. I'd only ask a very reasonable percent of profits...:cool:
  11. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Sorry, but how will a pawn shop/bank give the economy a boost?
  12. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    They could give a boost to the economy if they could give out loans or generate interest...but I think it is illegal because MA was unable to get the proper licenses for Entropia to have bank capable to taking money out of real accounts. Not sure.

    A pawn shop would be an interesting concept if they could get the item space to hold everyone's junk.
  13. Colbey Kal

    Colbey Kal Member

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    Say I have 3K PED on my card and I see three widgets I want to craft where I expect to break even or profit. Without a bank I would probably buy about 1k worth of resources, enough to make one largish run while away from home getting <500 Ped of what I wanted and <500 Ped residue. The widgets make take a couple weeks, or more, to sell, while the res would go quick. Then on day two I'd repeat for widget two and three with all my Ped locked up.

    If there was a bank I could buy 3k of resources, craft them, getiing <1.5k widgets & < 1.5k res. I could put 1k widgets in the bank and sell the res getting <2.5k back. I would use to this to craft widget 2 getting <2k back. Used to craft widget 3 getting <1.5k back. Now I've made alot more widgets which might take some time to sell but I've bought twice as much in resources and still have about half my Ped liquid where I can do other stuff like explore.

    Of course this is a very simple example, assuming 100% tt return, no MU, no interest, ect., but it shows the general principal. I think in banking / economics it's called the "Money Multiplier Effect."

    EDIT: Of course, if I am wrong and I can't sell the widgets for what I expect I can lose 'alot' of money.
  14. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Sorry, I have to disagree here.

    If you use a pawn shop, you have LESS money in the end. All this money goes to the pawn shop owner, it is not spread to several players. If you hunt, your money is spread to players, if you buy items with markup it's spread too. Not if used in a pawn shop, all the money goes to one person.

    Only if this person buys something with markup it's back in the player base.
  15. Colbey Kal

    Colbey Kal Member

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    If I use the bank to do something that I expect to have a less than 100% return you are right, it would be a poor choice on my part, and wouldn't help the economy. But there 'are' things that you can do and expect a small profit.

    For example, I am guessing that most of the people coming to Arkadia will be focused on hunting, and seeing what 'treasure hunting' really means. If you can mine on calypso while breaking even, or possibly profiting, you might not want to risk something new. So there might not be enough miners to get the new resources needed for any new weapons that the hunters want crafted. That implies mining, after MU, could be profitable. A miner could pawn some high tt 'calypso' items and do more (or amped) mining. This could be good for the economy even after a 3% a month interest charge.

    The 'boost' isn't about having a few more Ped in the system in two years as much as getting to a more active (stable) economy sooner.

    Telgard: There are already 'banks' (acting like Pawn shops) in EU. They range in annual interest from 33% to 99%. (Guess who's is at 99%...) When they were bought it was promised there wouldn't be any more for a year or two. That period has passed. I think there is even an inactive bank on Calypso. I don't see a reason why the Arkadia company couldn't start their own and sell it later if they got a good offer. I know I'd love a 20+% risk free ROI. :D
  16. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    hmmm....so not the same thing... opening up a virtual bank that acts as dollar or euro bank... would benefit the economy more than those excuses for Pawn shops. Being able to pull interest fees from dollar or euro tied bank accounts would make it more like a bank because it is backed by rl money. Interest can would be done similar to how real life banks work. The US feds do a pretty good job of keeping a stable dollar.

    This would allow MA + PPs to invest money gained like rl insurance and bank companies do.

    Got to remember Ped is not generated in game. It is caused by converting Dollars or Euros into ped.. so unless Arkadia or MA can get a worldwide banking license from those systems that matter...All money conversions are drains and the system can't self replenish properly.

    Imagine setting up a real life online Entropia Universe bank account, deposit into it, change how MA+PPs receives money and generate profit in game. Set the system to full cycle of the loot pool, set EU profits based on services like loans and software apps and on investment of moneys located in EU bank accounts. Its rather complicated but banks do it.. EU bank accounts would then be virtual currency that can be converted to real life dollars & euros and virtual ped based on exchange rates.
  17. Sissi

    Sissi New Member

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    Could you start a thread that Arkadia will be attending the Asiasoft games festival (news/event category) and what kind of promo you will be doing there. I sure hell would be interested in this :)



    ps. tried to start thread myself but its restricted :(
  18. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hey Sissi,

    As advised in the Frontline News (Arkadia Newsletter) a formal press release will go out early this week - we will post a thread with further details at that point. If you have any specific questions now please feel free to post them here in this thread.

  19. Sissi

    Sissi New Member

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    Yikes, that was fast.

    Thanks for the answer, Ill be checking that.

    Another question, Asiasoft seems to be a fairly big player in its field and Mindarks RCE could be a nice addition to their service. I guess both parties are aware of each other, question is, is it beyond awareness? I know its a kneedeep question :)

    Could you specify your vision concerning Arkadia's cooperation with Asiasoft?


  20. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Arkadia Studios has a formal agreement with Asiasoft. Asiasoft will be marketing Planet Arkadia - so yes, we definitely know each other well. Discussions between the two of us began around one year ago.

    Asiasoft are a very professional company that we are proud to be associated with. They have a great deal of experience in marketing games in this region. The relationship is definitely for the long term, Asiasoft have a very strong history of success in games marketing - and you are right, the RCE of Planet Arkadia is a nice addition to the stable of games they promote.