Planet Arkadia Development Team Feedback

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Cyrus, Dec 11, 2010.

  1. Cani Ostro

    Cani Ostro Member

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    I always liked the idea of avatar bound gear obtainable via storyline or other missions (or even treasures^^).
  2. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Same here :D
  3. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    alien treasures

    I like the idea that: "When your on an alien world, there will be stuff that you have NO idea what it is," until it gets checked over by engineers and such. It's alien technology so why would we even THINK we know what it all is? It wouldn't look like anything we use now or then as it were, and they designed things that they thought looked right, not what we thought looked right.So how about finding things that we have no idea about, and....some time later it's technology can be 'explained and used' in ways we can understand.

    As can simply be marked as :" Alien technology" and could have a set price for it so that the scientists get it from you quickly. I play a space game where we can loot wrecked ships, and there's a loot called 'unknown technology' that is worth 50k for each piece, the story explains it as "technology that was developed by some person unknown and we gather it for research and development." So maybe a rare drop called "alien technology" worth X amount guaranteed, or take the chance and auction it hoping for more, but to the player, it would be worth nothing for manufacturing and such just for sale. (100 ped?)
  4. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Oo that would be neat!
  5. boost

    boost Member

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    I just had a great idea come to me:cool::eek: maybe we could have segways transport for use in cities on arkadia that we can rent for use in the city small area if their is one , maybe in the far distant future of arkadia like 1 ped for 10 minutes or some thing and a speed of 30kpm*

    A good way for arkadia to make some money on their planet what you guys think maybe break my idea down and put it in your own ideas and wording

    peace im out :eek:

    or something futuristic or futuristc alien transport maybe a maglev train leading to a city housing building for colonist around the city for city transport other than segways lots of things with a quick google search on futuristic stuff i like this idea tho and it fits with the futuristic alien type thing

    Just let your ideas flow
  6. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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  7. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    I'm sure the way Arkadia is going right now..we'll use TP's to get from place to place, once there you'll run, yet again, until you get a vehicle. Of course that will happen instantly, since people can bring vehicles anywhere they travel in their backpacks. So, special transport only Arkadia can have? That would need some thought, since EU has an assortment now. But segways, probably not, too small, and can't carry much weight around, it's not going to be a city that's secure and well established, it'll be the front lines in a war, so everything they'll have had to come with them, or be discovered there, but personal rentals would be months if not years away on a new planet.
  8. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    This may be a bit long but I'll go head and post anyways.

    Maps & Devices:
    I'd like to see the creation of a PDA / Communicator / Ipad? that holds your maps, stats and missions and has an attachment place for your ped card. Basically, I read the mining forum about creating a map for miner's to know where resources are in-game outside of the game via guides. Why not have Arkadia develop apps for you avatar's device that carry a Miner's resource fog-of-war map overlay that slowly uncovers as you mine resources from different locations, a second app could then be created to log your mining expeditions, a third & fourth app could do the same thing for ground resources like fruit, treasure, and rocks, a fifth app could create a monster log with stats on creatures you have scanned or avatar stats you want to save (PVP purposes of course) ...Much to the dislike of players certain of these apps could then be sold by Arkadian NPCs and be transferred directly to Arkadia's fund (forfeiting Arkadian decay profit of course)

    If this applies since this is from my Calypso blog: TPs & Auctioneers
    : Make them have three levels Planetary, Continental, and Regional. Aside from hangers, Arkadia would only have one Planetary TP capable of Teleporting off-planet. Major cities would have continental TPs capable of teleport to farther away continents while all nonmajor city have regional TP only capable of TPing across the continent. This will also apply to the Auctioneers with the exception that Planetary Auctioneers will also be located within major cities on Calypso's continents.

    Sub-categorical Skills:
    This is just an idea to show that their might be key differences between different planets that might need to be taken into account and not just lumped into one skill.

    Geology Skill
    -Calypson Geology Skill
    -Arkadian Geology Skill
    Biology Skill
    -Calypson Biology Skill
    -Arkadian Biology Skill
    Botany Skill
    -Calypson Botany Skill
    -Arkadian Botany Skill
    Zoology Skill
    -Calypson Zoology Skill
    -Arkadia Zoology Skill

    Current General skills would be split with current homeworld gaining 75% of Skill points and 25% being placed into the main General Skill. That way some of the main skill can be used on all planets but part of the skill has to be relearned or adapted to a different planet. ...Sorry, I'm not really counting Next Island and Rocktopia..but I guess those could be put in as well.

    Translocation & Xenobiology might be splittable as well.

    This would make it to where the General skill would account for half of the skill and the given planet's skill would account for the other half when determining skill & profession levels for different planets.
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  9. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    That's a really good, thought out explanation of how you think, bravo, but I feel that Arkadia will be a lot like the other worlds, and less 'special' in terms of things that the other worlds don't have. It might be my sad,realistic nature, but a lot of new apps made just for Arkadia or new equipment just for the new apps? I feel the same about those as I did when people asked for segways in citys, it might happen but not for a while, they just don't have time to make everything everyone thinks would be nice, not this year at least. The addons will come maybe not everything we ask for but what they want, so as not to make other worlds look too bad, but each having some small things of their own.

    This meant to be a profitable business and with every new item or app the price they pay before we even see it goes up. There's a limit to what they'll do to please us, and that limit is profit.Not complaining, just being realistic.
  10. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I think you are being realistic. The aim for launch is to ensure there is a fully functioning economy and that Arkadia really feels like you have arrived on a new planet. We are still operating within Entropia Universe, so many things are designed to at the very least feel familiar.

    We are all for anyone posting any ideas they have here. I think the posters know full well that most will not be there when Arkadia launches, but this acts as a great reference for the team to look for ideas of how to make things better and better,

    My aim with Arkadia at launch is that you can see the quality and detail we put into the planet and you will get a sense of how Arkadia will be in the future. Don't read that as me saying there won't be much there, there will certainly be plenty to explore and many new items on the planet - but of course we will continue developing at the same pace after we launch. Try and remember that we began full scale production in August 2010, once you see what we have achieved when we launch you'll get an idea of where it will be a year after launch.
  11. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Very good post David. I think that it's insane at how quickly that Arkadia Studios is putting together the planet; you all must be working very hard and I'm sure it will show.

    If we all think about it, if Arkadia launches being fully functional, it will already be ahead of RT and NI at their launches. That would be a win in my books. As well, as David said, if they can get a fully functioning planet up and running in 9 - 10 months, just think of what they will be doing in a year's time!

    Just my thoughts that I wanted to share with everyone.

  12. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    thx lol, and yea, I know that realistically implementation of any number of the things I've mentioned in a number of posts on here and calypso's forums require generous amounts of time that doesn't exist with preexisting projects in place. I'm just generating and archiving a lot of semi-thoroughly thought out ideas that could be used in the future.

    I assumed as much and someone has the be realistic. Its always good not to get ahead of oneself and leave the basic creation of the planet unfinished before adding more bells, whistles, guns, little furry critters, and automated killing machines.
  13. Teiwaz

    Teiwaz Member

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    I think that Arkadia will be ahead at any stage, not only comparing to launch. IMO Ark at launch will be ahead of RT and NI year after launch.
  14. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    well if the promises from now still stand at launch day and are kept then you can be certain of that. 0.0
    However I want to set my own foots on Arkadia before I believe in it... not because I don't have faith in the work of Arkadia Studios, just because no other developer working with MindArk has done it before. I believe if the A-team manages to keep their promises on launch then they have done something previously considered to be impossible.
  15. Chrome

    Chrome Active Member Pro Users

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    A few suggestions to tie in the awesome backstory to the launch of the planet:

    1. Consider offering an exclusive Arkadia Uniform for Fleet Arkadia, one uniform available per avatar, only for the first few days (maybe a week?) after the launch of Planet Arkadia. This would be a small token of welcome for your new customers, and may also be an incentive to increase traffic to the planet during the first week of operations.

    2. Script some of the Planet Arkadia missions so they follow the story line. For example, anyone who has a VTOL or Chopper could sign up at a mission broker as either a "Drop Ship" cargo pilot or "Troop Transport" pilot (2.1 Arkadia Rising), and be assigned to fly to a remote area of the map per order of Commodore Harvir. This type of mission would provide players an incentive and purpose to explore the far reaches of the planet. This type of mission could also be modified for land, amphibious, and water vehicles.

    3. A special chain of missions could be tied in together to encourage activity in all professions. Each quest MUST be completed in order to obtain the next step in the sequence.

    Mining - Sundari Zhen requests that players be sent to 8 Coins (2.6 Report from Arkadia, #7) to recover two very specific resources... a new alien (Arkadian) enmatter, and a metal alloy (Ore) never before seen on earth. Obtain a certain amount of the resources and return to Sundari Zhen, who then instructs you to deliver the materials to the Celeste Harbor weapon Technology Development Center.

    Crafting - Before being killed (3.5 Reconnected), Milton Lee had created a new (L) blueprint which is able to harness specific Arkadia resources (found in the mining mission above) to modify and improve our existing Binary Liquid Propellant technology into a new weapon class (HERMAN ASI-10). This weapon blueprint will provide the landing troops of Fleet Arkadia with an inexpensive (L) weapon which is readily available for military missions (found in the military scouting mission below).

    Hunting - Captain Chiharo (2.3 Before The Dawn) has instructed that special task forces be deployed throughout the countryside to keep the area immediately surrounding Celeste Harbour clear from hostiles. Using a HERMAN ASI-10 (L) pistol, you must kill 100 creatures in order to receive your Official Fleet Arkadia Cap, exclusive to Planet Arkadia (one per avatar only).

    As this is a chain mission, a new arrival on the planet cannot simply complete the hunting mission for the cap until they have successfully mined some resources and crafted their own Arkadian weapon! :cool:

    Anyways, that is just a couple of ideas...
    I hope they may be of some use to the team. :D
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  16. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Sounds like that could be a little complicated, Chrome, but I see where your going with it. As a miner, I'd be willing to jump in and mine for fuel, or metals needed if there was a mission for it.The beginners weapons on Arkadia wont be even as strong as the weapons many of us carry now, so they'll be mostly for collectibles anyways. So, sticking to my specialty, I could go for some mining on missions, or maybe as a salvager ...gather plants for medicines? Something like that.Make it seem that's a need for what we do, not just another sandbox to play in.
  17. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Something else I just thought of. on Calyopso and even the asteroid base and other worlds, if your mining, or probing the planet and you leave some behind. Lets say, you drop a bomb and it shows a small or tiny mineral deposit, and you deem it not worth gathering....then after a few minutes that claim becomes 'open' to others claiming it. The company so far has gone with the idea that once someone drops a probe and finds something, they'll own it and mine it...not true. I've seen places where someone ran along dropped a lot of probes and left, sometimes with 3-4 active...and never came back. Make it possible for someone who never stops to claim the resource to lose it to whoever wants it...not immediately, give them 5 minutes or so to claim it..if they don't by then, their either dead, and far away at a revive, or they don't want it, maybe its too small for their But for a minute or two, they turn into free property, so another way to find treasures, things others don't want or couldn't get.
  18. Chrome

    Chrome Active Member Pro Users

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    Well, this "Craft a beginners weapon" mission wasn't really conceived with you or any other existing players in mind...

    Hopefully it could be completed by brand new players? :confused:

    As far as "collectible" weapons go, ingame I currently own carry an S30 pistol and CB5 rifle. Although you and others might consider them beginner weapons, they are great as finishers, or as main weapons on hunts for smaller, weaker creatures.

    As such, mine are used frequently and are hardly just "collectible" weapons. :cool:
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  19. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    I believe many higher amped miners don't extract any claims untill their complete run is done... so yes they do extract it... might take a few hours though. :) Not sure if that is what you meant but I have done it sometimes. It just helps to avoid interrupting a good run with extraction time.
  20. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    To add realism to the game and fighting, how about we get an occasional enemy weapon from a dead soldier. In Calypso we can get junk from ANYTHING. I saw people laughing not long ago about asking MA for a set of tires dropped by But if your killing an enemy soldier it would not be too impossible to get things from the body, like, knives, or ammo or weapons that you cant buy anywhere. Instead of having animals drop swords or guns, have them drop teeth or bones for manufacturing, make enemys drop weapons and equipment, since every army has several different types of soldier, not all would drop the same thing.

    Oh, and if I shoot down an emey fighter or vtol or something, give me a 1/1000 chance to claim it..heheeh. ( I was once told by a relative if your going to ask for something free....ask for something BIG, because you have the same chance of getting