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Planet Arkadia Development Team Feedback

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Cyrus, Dec 11, 2010.

  1. kalanen

    kalanen Member

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    Radar jammed, non pvp areas with some very rare thus supposedly valuable resources + few grand-uber mobs around. Mobs that are (nearly) impossible to kill solo no matter what gear and skills you have :)
  2. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    That would be awesome!

    Also how about a lootable PVP with no vehicles allowed?
  3. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    no worries... what I was writing about was about many weeks to figure things out AFTER the release though. With "it" I didnĀ“t mean the planet but the technology! Sorry for my confusing wording whatever.... :p
  4. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    Its still not to late to contribute ayy, ok then :).


    You know I like the evolving guns a lot, but I had an idea. What if you just had one gun through your journey that you kept on modifying, 1) whenever a you find something in a creature 2) a treasure artifact on or in the ground 3) or something you crafted. That could prolong the usefullness of the gun unto a certain limit, as you can't keep on modifying an opalo for example to resemble a DOA Foeripper :p.

    But maybe to allow just a handful of simple/advanced modifications. I'm not talking about the tier system either. Something similar but totally unique, enhanceres are something you add to the gun as a temporary fix, but I want something added to the gun as a permanent fix upto a point. Where you would now try to find another gun to mod out in a similar fashion and the items needed as you progress become more difficult to find if not found already.

    I think it gives the hunter something to do and look forward too that is what I'd like anyways, since people moan about the lack of items on calypso. Just by reading todays new story release with that Scientist rambling on about new discoveries that would revolutionise we already do things got me thinking like this. When he tried to find a way to make that new energy resource stable and trying to figure out a way to replicate the way the alloy was manufactured.

    Finding a new piece that could give better properties or performances to the gun or whatever item you had, same with armours I guess but I already have an idea for that which ill try explain.


    I would like to see armour do some thing else other than absorb damage types from creatures, I'd like to see something much more. Maybe armour could have different abilities that give the user some sort of advantage over mobs, people or environment/terrain. I will try give an example. Tp chips are not not that accurate to use, for instance you wanted to get to a higher ledge that is inaccessible you cant 100% get their with your tp chip. Ok so you have a Vtol big woop beats the whole purpose instantly, that is not what I would call exploring.

    Maybe there is a suit of armour that lets you increase your jump ability. Maybe a suit of armour "that" makes you run away from mobs upto 50 metres ;). Maybe there is a suit of armour that actually renders you "almost" invisible in pvp. Maybe have weapons integrated in armour, maybe the defence capabilities can be augmented with an extra energy source for a short period of time or give you a type of "invincible" mode, like only recieving 10/25/50% of damage. Edit: just realised that the jump and running away that there is an alternative to both and that is instant transportation or teleportation :p. The armour acts as a 50metres directional tp & also as a sight to tp. But then you could pretty much make that into a specific item with both uses...

    Maybe these suggestions could be magic based, but I would prefer if it where based on armours. This would imo give armours more of a purpose than just defend against a certain damage. It would also give you the ability to come up with better tactical scenarious & give the whole armour division more deepth and a wake up call. Maybe there could be armours powered by different materials found on Arkadia.

    Anyways these are my suggestions, which probably wont happen due to MA not approving them. Oh well :)
  5. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Some nice ideas on the armours there. I agree there is plenty we can do and I can say that we have been investigating what we can do to give more variety to armour. I think the gameplay will improve when armours give the user different abilities, maybe a mining armour that increases your weight bearing ability (still running at 200kg for example). I can't say all we have been testing and researching, but the team here are certainly looking into it. Don't expect anything too radical regarding armour when Arkadia launches, but in time we plan to do some very cool things :)

    The gradual modification of the guns is a cool idea, I'll look into that some more as I reckon it could be possible. It does suit the way we build things here (ie component based production).

    @Kalanen, we are working on something along the lines of what you wrote, designed to be a bit of a moral choice for players :)
  6. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    YIKES!!! Leaving choices to the morals of gamers? Is that such a good Idea? That could collapse the entire world as we know it into Chaos and Anarchy.

    Oh wait... we are pretty much already there... Go for it!!!! 8=}}
  7. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    I don't mind waiting 1-2 years to see these kinds of changes. I'm happy that your just willing to try it out at least. Good idea about the mining armour :p that is what Emine pg armour should be like but isnt.

    If you can also make gun modifications with the theme of treasure hunting it would just make the whole concept even better along with the gun evolution, just all super stuff. Let us know if it is possible :)
  8. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    Just remembered another suggestion that I had forgot about. I would like to have items with multiple uses or actions. I don't know if MA will allow you this one but. I want guns to have different modes of firing, like single shot, burst, automatic & many many more. I would like a BLP weapon that had the automatic feature would make hunting seem more realistic.

    Even though your ammo will be getting used up pretty fast, maybe there could be pros & cons for using any of the firing modes you come up with. Automatic uses x1.5 more ammo maybe. Or if using a shotgun you can use both barrels at once causing double damage but 1x5 more decay or x2 reload etc.

    Then I was thinking about different ammo types, another idea I'm sure MA will have issues with. There is a reason I make this suggestion which would go with my next one after this.

    Ammo Types; I'm not sure what you can do here but have fun stuff. Maybe a new decoy dispenser that makes mobs stuck for 10 seconds without getting actually stuck and unable to be attacked, leaving them a sitting duck, because even the decoy dispenser is flawed. The new gun could shoots some sort of mud-glue mixture or tree sap or something else. Or a magic power that makes vines grow from under ground trapping the mob. But I'd also like to see different types of ammo being made.

    I would also like mobs to have to able to resist certain weapons more based on their physiology. I would think that robots would be more resistant to blp than energy weapons. Because metal expands with heat & would also fry their cpu's if they have one :p etc. Or if shooting an area on a creature did more damage, but this is unique to every mob. Usually when I get a critical hit it just says I found a weak spot, would be fun if as a hunter I had to work it out on my own, keep crits but make weak spots take x1.2-1.4 more damage.

    So this is why I ask for different ammo types, because mobs would be more resistant to say blp or laser you would need something new that a mob had no resistance to too deal more damage. Maybe this one sounds too complex. In any case Id like to see what can be doing about multiple gun uses/actions or nice toys that actually helped in the wilderness/battlefield.

    BTW dave the invisible armour also masks your radar signature but I said you are almost invicible because when you move light gets distorted around you making you more visible. This new armour would also make you a formidable Player Killer... though the armour itself offers you no protection :p.
  9. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Wow, lots of ideas here, though I think some would be a little too 'uber' if it was used. Invisibility armor...if it wasn't 'completely' invisible so you have at least a small chance to see it if your in the right place at the right time. Anything 'magic' I'm against but technology can do many things that might be thought of as magic in the past, so I guess I just hate the word as an explanation..lol. Different ammo, yes, that could work, we have exploding ammo now, while I first thought that would be a huge thing, EU watered it down to the point that a rocket launcher does the same damage as my gun, or less, looks good though.So maybe, armor piercing ammo, for pvp, and exploding ammo for shrapnel and hitting more than one target,and standard ammo for generic 'hunting' that I could see.
  10. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    Yes definately krm398. Would love to see more ammo types & like someone else said, magnetic liquid propellant, MLP ie rail gun :).
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  11. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Just give me a wave motion gun like the one in the Yamato from the anime series Starbalzers and alll will be good in my world.
  12. keith

    keith Member

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    i would like to see mind force use a modified tier system in damage, range, &/or uses per minute. say mind essence @ 100% , light me @ 85%, & synthetic mind essence @ 70% . This would give sweating a boost (it builds some great evade skills =) )
  13. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    And as long as I have an automatic weapon like the ones irl, ill be happy :).
  14. raynopssgold

    raynopssgold Active Member

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    While I'm a miner, I would want to add some ideas here...

    What if we add a new feature for miners? Rather than the "Beacons", we might need something more, "Thrilling" here. Like example, beside of getting the beacon, the miners also have the chance to find a Super Huge "Reward" ---> Artifacts Searching. This is how the thing works out...

    First of all, you'll spot something strange on your signal, such as, "You've spotted an unknown artifact treasure!" Soon after we got this signal, you'll be given approximately two days (48 hours) to find out the artifacts.

    The artifacts are usually hidden underground, which is protecting by a four different maturity level of mobs.

    First floor: Low maturity mobs with 50 -100 hp (Two mobs guarding the artifacts)
    Second floor: Medium maturity mobs with 250-500 hp (Two mobs guarding the artifacts)
    Third floor: High maturity mobs with 1000-2500 hp (Two mobs guarding the artifacts)
    Fourth floor (The final floor): The Boss with 5000 - 10000 hp (The Big Boss)

    The reward for each floor would be:
    First floor: 50-200 peds in loot form
    Second floor: 201-500 peds in loot form
    Third floor: 501-1000 peds in loot form
    Fourth floor: 1001+ peds in loot form

    In this case, it's a guarantee global and you have some excitement during your "Artifact Searching" journey. Also, it can be done by individual or team.

    That's all from me, any comment/feedback is welcomed...
  15. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    probably too rich

    I don't think you'll ever see a treasure hunt where every team has a chance at 2k or more because of the multi levels. I'd like to see the same idea..but on a smaller scale. Just one level, maybe a cave or mine that's being guarded, and a treasure worth maybe 500 peds. It could be solo'd or teamed whatever you want and the difficulty could vary according to the skills of the person who found it. It would be nice and easy to find a treasure worth thousands ,but as EU has shown, they avoid those like the plague...and since Arcadia is part of their planets system, I doubt they'll be any more generous, there are rules of course to being allowed to have your own world, and agreements they must keep.
  16. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Im weird bout stuff like this... I love hunting RL.. hate it in games specially regen mobs...Its like masterbating without the pay off. Yet I will sit and do something intricate like model building or fine woodcrafting that takes forever and a day to do. Not sure why I am like this.. I would be morer apt to sit in game with a paint brush, some sun screen and small digging tools to get a rare fnd then spend 30 seconds killing a mob to get the same find... Go figure.
  17. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    Tbh onyar this sounds like a suped up version of beacons with more rewards, beacons had 5 floors you could explore :p & imo I think miners would more like puzzles to solve in the levels than killing stuff. Maybe a simple maze or a puzzle with increased difficulty on higher levels. Ofc this layout has to be unique for every time you found the strange signal otherwise they could complete the tasks in a matter of minutes, so some sort of random layout generator will be needed I guess. Every time you enter this place the materials you need are already provided to move unto the next level. Certain items you cannot remove from the cave after you've finished or exited but some are allowed to be taken out, so as you leave you could get a message that says "upon leaving the (enter name) you realised that a few items you had acquired are missing from your inventory. They must of dropped out... oh well you still have some artifacts left" or they could just have no value.

    People could pick items like a block of stone then place it somewhere else to trigger "something". There could be multiple triggers off-setting the next floor unlock. So you have to pass multiple tasks on the same floor before progressing. You could also have items in the previous floor for the one up ahead to mix things up. If you wanted to do this as a team it is also possible, each person gets given a trigger to solve but as a team you have to do it in a time limit for example. As krm398 said this is to much of a big payout to do in the longterm imo & no PP would do this I dont think. Otherwise these sort of new finds or signals unlike beacons would be very "rare" to find. If the payouts were really good then anyone who finds one would not sell them. I think if any rewards should be given it should be other artifacts that work with a network of other similar dungeons for you to unlock & go explore maybe eventually leading you to a place where there is an ancient gun left by the alien race that still is functioning O_O for all your hard solving work as a treasure hunter. Making the treasure hunting and puzzles more complex and individual to the adventurer. There are so many ways you could spin this idea, maybe indeed have a big boss mob that does not spawn on planetside but only in special area's such as this one on the furthest level. Again the rewards don't have to be peds they can be an item.
  18. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    If someone else has an idea please post, as I would like to expand on things & maybe give the development team something else to work on :). I'm fresh out of idea for now.
  19. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    Thanks David glad you liked it :). But I'd like to say something else about gun types. On calypso there is prodominantly laser & blp these two can be found almost anywhere. Plasma even though does not have many options, weapons of this type can still be found. The one that can be found the least is prodominantly Gauss. The one that trumps me all the time is the Particle Beamer type's. I have never seen this type of weapon ingame before that uses heavy cells to power it I believe. Maybe you could develop something more in this area along with guass? Just some thoughts.
  20. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    New weapons heh? Here's one for you, a disintegration rifle...used in sci fi everywhere, they actually kill creatures and disintegrate objects in one blast, but they take a lot of power. I'm forever mad about having to shoot animals who are attacking me a dozen times to kill them. Ever hunt in RL? There's no time for ten shots either they run away or your hurt or dead, there's no shooting a small weapon on big animals, it makes no sense, so why would anyone use a pellet gun to kill an eagle while it was ripping your face off? MA has always used this idea to sell ammo, and to me it sucks, sell weapons that do the job not hordes of ammo that doesn't always work in time.