The new Puny Bash for upcomming Saturday is in the system now This weeks Bash will contain 3 unlimited weapons. Started with the Ozpyn Chon donated by Murkalael, a Mann MPH DLx donated by Rondo and a Herman LAW-R which I still had in my storage . BASH ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
Woot another Puny Bash wrapped up. It was a good Bash and I loved the livestreaming bit a lot more this time I hope everyone loved the animated webcam dog . Anyways here are todays winners! 1: Miss Izabel Shift 2: Heinrich DEATHEYE Harzah 3: T33 Riehls T33 Congratulations the 3 of you on your new UL weapons! Next Puny Bash is already planned for October 17, hope to see you all then again BASH ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
As if it wasnt busy already for upcomming Saturday! Yes another Puny Bash is comming your way! Its up in the event list now. BASH ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
Another succesfull Bash! The livestream was a lot of fun Ty all for participating in that as well. I will see to upload the livestream to youtube for others to see as well who missed it. Thanks for the feedback on the livestream So here are todays winner!: 1: Kiril TheGreat Beast 2: MA lucky RF 3: Paris Saint Germain Congratulations to these winners. Someone asked me to put them on the prizelist as well. So congratulations Lucia Lulu Zaharia for most no looters during the events (this wasnt my idea but Lulu's ) Anyways, next Puny Bash incomming for October 31, which is around halloween, so I will try and make something special for it on the livestream BASH ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
GOOOOoooooOoOooood day Ghoulies! Today the Monster Mash has been established (aka Puny Bash) for upcomming Saturday. I will be trying to get the livestream up and running in a special setting with music. Most likely a music request bot so people can help out with keeping the Halloween music going. I will also have some give aways for it as well..... so see you all upcomming Saturday.
Tonights MASH was amazing like usual. Lots of people on the stream as well Really loved it and I hope those who tuned in liked the overlay I made for the stream . Anyways here are tonights winners: 1: Eleni Von Estila 2: Danny PED Super 3: Mike KingMike007 Hussey (Who also had his birthday today during the Monster Mash! so Congratulations!) Next Puny Bash will be on November 14, so hopefully see you all then again . Incase you got feedback for the stream or Puny Bash itself, just drop it here and I will see what I can do
Todays Puny Bash is wrapped up and done Good job all who participated Our winners for today were: 1: ameryanna ammery lee 2: Paris Saint Germain 3: Xumza Shayah Ghaxakh Congratulations to todays winners Next Puny Bash is planned to happen in 2 weeks time again See you all then again.... BASH ON!
Hello everyone Don't panic everything is alright . Seems like there is a small collision in dates with the Sholle's C&G Funfest. So I will postphone the Puny Bash to NEXT week. So don't worry if it looks a bit strange that the Puny Bash isnt there this week Wzzls Wauspaus
sorry Wauspaus, it was not intentional so in the future I will make my C&G FunFest on Sundays All best, Sholle Von Cartiz
No worries If Saturday is the best day for you then sometimes an event is postphoned by a week I dont mind at all
New Puny Bash has been setup I won't be there this time though with a livestream due to having a family thing for the Dutch celebration of "Sinterklaas". However that shouldnt stop the fun BASH ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
Last Saturdays Puny Bash was a good one yet again, to bad I wasnt there to witness it. However we did have a nice board of winners! 1: super dagadtzsozso man 2: Joe MinnerJoe Moneys 3: Rui Bender RT Congratulations to the winners from this Puny Bash . Next Puny Bash is planned in 2 weeks. Best get your gear in check for more bashing!
New Puny Bash made for upcomming Saturday I will be having a bit of company this time on the livestream on So come watch, ask questions and give feedback if you like BASH ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
How embarresing. I was just updating the thread for the new incomming Puny Bash when I noticed the results of the last one were never posted..... Oops So here they are, the results of the Puny Bash from December 19 2015: 1: Toni Billthebong Montana 2: ameryanna ammery lee 3: mister unicorn magik Congratulations to these winners Now moving to current events New Puny Bash setup for upcommgin Saturday! In your event list you will notice that it is now just called Puny Bash, its still a PFEU event however I didn't see much of a point stating that So just Puny bash it is. BASH ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
Todays Puny Bash has ended and it was awesome yet again. People got a little scared when a 10PED global dropped on a carabok, however it wasn't on the Event Area Loot seemed to be fairly good . Today's winners were: 1: Rui Bender RT 2: Flo Kingflo Deepfried 3: Bounty Hunter Irisa Congratulations to the winners from this Bash Next Puny Bash is scheduled to happen in 2 weeks, hopefully see you all back again then
New Puny Bash setup for upcomming Saturday. Increased amount of tickets due to popular request. Hope you all are going to have a blast (or a bash ) BASH ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
Seems like the extra tickets allowed more people to have some fun without the danger of people running out of punies to bash . The winners list of this times Puny Bash looks as follows: 1: Tyrion Struggler Lowborn 2: Kallisti Lilith Me'Kai 3: Danny Ped Super Congratulations to the winners of this Puny Bash . Next Puny Bash is already in the works for Febuari Hope to see you all then again.
Today Puny Bash was awesome. For the first time ever did a global land during the Puny Bash : [Globals]: Attila Khaosz Vaffer killed a creature (Gallard) with a value of 16 PED at Arkadia Event Area 2! Which is awesome Congratulations to Khaosz. Now the list of winners: 1: Attila Khaosz Vaffer 2: Orian DaJuggernaut Appomattox 3: Silk Road Trader Congratulations to todays winners and hope to see you all next time again which is in 2 weeks (Febuary 20)