New Puny Bash is up on the event list now. For testing I limited the tickets to 20 but the event will be 1 hour. The next Puny Bash will be having only 30 minutes of duration with the normal amount of tickets probably. See which one is best until the respawn can be fixed (or perhaps it already is ). In anycase.... BASH ON!
Another Puny Bash wrapped up. Gratzzzzzzzzzz to the winners of this Puny Bash: 1: amerryanna ammery lee 2: Igor Kromas Guk 3: Kirgon -- Evingrale Next Puny Bash will be May 16. This time I will increase the amount of tickets, spawn seemed alright. Till next Bash everyone!
oh, the bashing..!! count them punys till they last next time they´ll be eradicated. me... i hate ´em...
New Puny Bash inbound for May 16, will put it up on May 13. This time with more tickets, expanding gradually until we find the perfect number
Puny Bash is created, 30 tickets available. Also because some people had requested it, bumped up the maximum health as well. BASH ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
Its in your event list ingame, and yes I noticed when I made it , the date was technically still May 12, for me it was already May 13, so I had a bit of a fast start
WOOOOT another round of Punies have been Bashed...... Todays winners were: 1: Kiera Inquisitor Hooper with a global of 15PED on a Gallard BIIIIIG gz 2: ameryanna ammery lee 3: Kiril TheGreat Beast Respawn timer was perfect for this amount of people, will keep it at 30 tickets in the future, also will keep the increased max health rule in . Next Puny Bash in 2 weeks..... For now, this is me logging off and going to bed XD
the health rule means people with higher then 120 health cant register/enter the event. Dont know what third place highest loot was tbh. You would need to ask Kiril that
Thank you everyone who participated today. It was a really good Bash ! Todays winners were: 1: Igor Kromas Guk 2: Danny Ped Super 3: Glitter Hot Pants Congratulations to the winners of this Puny Bash! Next Puny Bash will be in 2 weeks again. BASH ON BROTHERS AND SISTERS!
Another Puny Bash has been wrapped up. Seems like people have a blast! Our winners for today were: 1: ameryanna ammery lee 2: Silk Road Trader 3: Mr Super Muis Congratulations to todays winners. The next Puny bash will be in about 4 weeks, since funds seem to be a bit tied atm. But will work hard to try and fix that. Stay tuned in for that
Hopefully I can shorten that time frame for you a little. If you see me in game please track me down. Events really bring people together and its especially good for new players to get a feel of the community this way so what you do really should be encouraged and supported by the wider community.
Since I just finished my decipleship and got some rewards, and an abundance of help in so many ways, I'd like to pay it forward. I don't know what prizes you usually offer but I have 3 full TT Piron PBR-0 (L) to donate. I would even donate the MK1 Explorer (L) if it can be traded (I prefer using sleipnir). I'm online right now so find me if you have use for these items.