We ran into some problems in regards to Sal'Diresh Vault 2. It seems 2 members of the team weren't originally able to get into the instance, getting a message that they had insufficient funds to enter the area. This was after the other 5 (including myself) already entered. One was able to enter after he sold some oil to the TT, the other one never got in. Is there a bug in regards to the Vaults? Has anyone else experienced this as well in bigger teams maybe in other instances?
Today I made a big mistake on the stream, muted myself (volume of mic to 1) and was talking for like 10 minutes. Was really fun probably for people who were watching to see a talking dog without sound . Anyways, todays winners for the hunt are; Krim Krim Leingod Edi Ziggy Stardust Xico Deadalltime Trompama Marcelo chelo8888 Guillen Greg Vigril Hill Xarleen Shoshii Beru Thank you all for registering, this is the team for today. Wish us luck Woot hit a global! [Globals]: Team "PFEU hunt Arkadia #156" killed a creature (Feran Alpha) with a value of 21 PED!
Short update today, not much banter Here are todays winners for hunt number #157: Mr madpodz rfyaa Virgil VirgilNHO Toma sandocane fourfingers sensei Tucan Mistico Tinieblas Dr Clausius Jr Raleigh Riley Jones Lets go kill some Tiaraks!
Alright guys, hunt number #158 is underway with the following people: Raleigh Riley Jones Virgil VirgilNHO Toma Jennifer jenny Smithers Tucan Mistico Tinieblas Antrace Letale Very Dr Clausius Jr Congratulations to todays winners! Have fun hunting Jori
Today we be going for hunt number #159. The livestream was cancelled due to personal reasons, however that didn't prevent the draw nor the hunt Today we are going birdspotting, lets hope we can spot a global. This weeks participants are; Logan Rick720 Joseph Flo KingFlo Deepfried Anya Angelique Salt sandocane fourfingers sensei Alexander Trappa Free Ha Llu Cination Good luck guys !' Another global this week [Globals]: Team "PFEU hunt Arkadia #159" killed a creature (Feran Alpha) with a value of 12 PED!
Tonights hunt will be done by a new player who will be helping out host the hunts hopefully also in the future, Dr Clausius. Our winners for his trail of fire and hunt number 160 are: Marcelo chelo8888 Guillen Alexander Trappa Free Tucan Mistico Tinieblas Venus flytrap Jepsen Raleigh Riley Jones Greg Vigril Hill Congratulations to tonights winners. Go have some fun and don't make it 2 hard for Clausius
It is very nice to start this way) [Globals]: Team "PFEU hunt Arkadia #160" killed a creature (Tiarak Young) with a value of 12 PED!
Hello everyone, Tonights PFEU hunt won't be happening. Sadly enough I have been sick all week and I am not able to stay logged in long enough to get the hunt going for tonight. Hopefully I will feel better next week. Puny Bash for tomorrow is still on though Wzzls Waus
PFEU hunt #161. Today winners are 1.- Travis Chance Morgan 2.- Raleigh Riley Jones 3.- Marcelo chelo8888 Guillen 4.- Antrace Letale Very 5.-martin craso osornio 6.- Virgil VirgilNHO Toma Congratulations to todays winners! Enjoy hunting Hadraada
Hello everyone, Todays hunt number #162 will be done by Dr Clausius again. Sadly enough I am still sick so I am rather useless . But thankfully Anna and Clausius are helping me big time to keep these hunts going. So a big thank you to them both! Here is tonights list of winners: Garry Shorty Midgetson Darius Krowz Black sandocane fourfingers sensei Raleigh Riley Jones Ha Llu Cination Tucan Mistico Tinieblas Congratulations to todays winners!
Todays registration is over and done. We found our 6 volunteers for our little hunt again . Hunt number 163 is underway regardless of the server outage and other problems. PEW PEW, PFEU hunt is a go with...: Duke Alami Starseeker Alexander Trappa Free Marcelo chelo8888 Guillen Xarleen Shoshii Beru Richard Templar Knight sandocane fourfingers sensei Kill em all!
Time for another PFEU hunt (#164) on Arkadia. We expect to have a lot of fun hunting Tiarak at Sanctuary Cove. The list of winners is the following: 1.-Antrace Letale Very 2.- Greg Vigril Hil 3.- Virgil VirgilNHO Toma 4.- Ha Llu Cination 5.- Ruslan Rtiru Orekhov 6.- Eric Edg Carpenter Pew, pew and enjoy)
Hello everyone, I'm pleased to announce the list of winners for PFEU hunt #165. 1.- sandocane fourfingers sensei 2.- Virgil VirgilNHO Toma 3.- Ha Llu Cination 4.- youneaa youneaa90 5.- Death Nakor of Boreft 6.- Greg Vigril Hill Congrats to the winners We are going to hunt Ferans close to Ocean Lookout. We expect to have a lot fun hunting these flying creatures. Go, go
Another PFEU hunt (#166) hosted this time by Anna. Hadraada are the victims. The list of the winners is the following: 1.- luke sparklli carroll 2.-Antrace Letale Very 3.-Mr Nanoc Berger 4.- Aryanna Arja Skogh 5.- Jillian Varzog Lich 5.- Garry Shorty Midgetson Congrats to the winners, have a good hunt.
Today we have good news for the community. Thanks to a very nice donation the number of participants in this hunt will be 8 instead of 6 . This means a sensible increase of the team firepower and we believe that we can hunt bigger mobs. The bet for today (PFEU hunt #167) is to visit UG and hunt wombanas. The winners are : 1.- Xarleen Shoshii Beru 2.- Tauezee P-O-C Feaurmei 3.- Tucan Mistico Tinieblas 4.- sandocane fourfingers sensei 5.- Jillian Varzog Lich 6.- Duke Alami Starseeker 7.- Ron Gilevro Hun 8.- Bruce TheNight Wayne Congrats to the winners, have a good hunt
Yes, as Clausius mentioned. For at least the upcoming 9 more hunts there will be 2 additional slots for players to join in for the hunt due to the donation of ENTROOPIA CEASAR123 KAAK. This will make the hunts a bit more dynamic and obviously more players/newbies are able to join in Hopefully soon I will be able to restart the Live Streaming as well again... we will see Wzzls Waus
Tonights hunt number 168 is going to be livestreamed again!! YEAY! I hope in the near future I will be able to continue this again, together with my doggy avatar In any case, here is tonights list of 8 lisa wolfydoggy kong Greg Vigril Hill The Mathace Adventure Noyuimi NoGo Goluki Xarleen Shoshii Beru Jillian Varzog Lich Garry Shorty Midgetson Ha Llu Cination Good luck everyone
There it is, a global for the books [Globals]: Team "PFEU HUNT #168 on Arkadia" killed a creature (Bokol Young) with a value of 53 PED! Screenshot might follow soon
Another exciting PFEU hunt (#169) is scheduled for today. This time we are going to visit our beloved friends at Sanctuary Cove ... Tiaraks. The team is formed by: 1.- Ha Llu Cination 2.- Travis Chance Morgan 3.- Virgil VirgilNHO Toma 4.- Antrace Letale Very 5.- Garry Shorty Midgetson 6.- youneaa youneaa90 Death 7.- Duke Alami Starseeker 8.- Marcelo chelo8888 Guillen Congrats to the winners. Have a nice hunt
Tonights PFEU hunt is accompanied with another Live Stream! So let's have some fun on those Oratans! Here is my team for tonight: Greg Vigril Hill Alya Alya Drarh sandocane fourfingers sensei Delicious Ajvar Sauce youneaa youneaa90 Death Marcelo chelo8888 Guillen light cerealkiller revant simonyte Ree panteryte Good luck guys, give em hell!