PFEU events on Arkadia

Discussion in 'Community Events' started by Wauspaus, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Wauspaus

    Wauspaus Active Member

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    Hello everyone,

    To my absolute delight I am happy to announce that the PFEU hunts are going to be starting up again on Arkadia. BIG Industries is providing donations to support the free hunts and we are just about ready to launch. There are some changes I am going to put in with regards to the registration and selection of hunters.
    The website of PFEU is still going to be used next to the livestream. The registration and selection procces of hunters will be broadcasted using a random team generator online. Since I don't have full control of the website results of the selection will also be posted on the forum of the planet where the hunt will be. There will be a new thread in regards to this which will also be for our donators and sponsors :).

    Hope all you mentors, old-PFEU hunters, disciples and newbies are as excited as I am about this :D We will be starting up again on Friday Febuary 5 on Arkadia and maybe soon with more happy news about another PFEU hunting location :)

    Wauspaus (aka Simone)
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  2. DaughterOfAnarchy

    DaughterOfAnarchy Active Member

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    That is some great news and I'm really happy to hear that you managed to solve this and restore the hunts; big grats and thank you for all your efforts to provide great events to (new) EU players. :)

    On a side note, I'm also happy to see that finally (and probably totally unrelated with me :p) my suggestion about broadcasting the drawing/selection process of the hunters is gonna happen too; looking retrospectively, I can say I was a visionaire back then - hahaha. :p :p :p
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    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016