Personal Holo Projector (PHP)

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by nirfu, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. nirfu

    nirfu Member

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    Personal Holographic Projector

    I have thought about this type of device for several years. I even thought about creating one for real life, to bad the technology of today is not yet invented or in usable size. The main idea is to beam a holographic image over one of the shoulders of the avatar. The holographic image should display player created content. In the first step I see it applied at the same place holder on the avatar as the bat wings displaying flag like contents. This could be used in events like World of Firepower, soc identifications or just for fun. I think the players will find lots of use for this and at the same time add an extra dimension of identification.

    My suggestion is to implement the holographic image as a cloth part with 3 fields possible to color and texture with the same tools used for clothes and furniture etc. More advance figures have higher TT value. It could also be implemented the same way as the makeup masks with an area where the player can write what ever they like or similar to the signs. To implement it like makeup masks or signs will have a higher risk of abuse since the player is totally free to write/draw whatever they like. Of course the EULA prohibits abusive language and that is also applicable in this matter. The German player base could complain in the lack of colorers who can use black.

    View attachment 4376
  2. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    would you code the actions of the projector by enclosing your code with <?PHP code here ?> :p
  3. nirfu

    nirfu Member

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    smartass ;)

    I wrote this long ago in a word document and found it yesterday named PHP and I thought, "Why do I have a document about PHP", then opening I found it worth to share"