Pegsus Armor & Pulsar Plates 9 (L)

Discussion in 'Business' started by Jandre Kroeze, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    With this, I wish to inform Arkadians, that my Shop Janitors Closet @ Sanctuary Cove, now stocks Pegasus armors and Pulsar 9 Plates.

    Two reasons you would own such a exo-suit.

    1. Immunity from space pirates and robbery.

    2. Best protection against robots.

    Janitors Closet also stocks all the Terra-amps. finders, etc. ( I also craft VRX 2000 (L) finders if I can get my hands on zanderium ore.) Weapons, faps and much, much more.

    Feel free to visit and have a browse around.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2019