The spawns are time of day ONLY if you consider who is hunting that time of day, and what mission they are on. If someone comes through killing bandits they are going to be rare, if someone comes through killing thugs they are going to be rare. Once someone starts killing other maturities they become less rare. When a mob dies the area goes below the spawn cap and spawns a random maturity, if someone kills every new bandit that spawns of course its going to be rare because other maturities capped out the spawn. It's a simple concept that Entropia has been using for ages so I'm really not sure why theres so much debate over how the spawning works lol, especially when its all changing next VU anyway.
What time of day will you find mostly all Vandals? It's a very short time period but when. and yes, looters are well...never want to wake up I guess.
Day or night - number of Vandals are same as is set for that spawn of mobs. Vhen alone at repulse spawn i used to collect all mobs using explosive and run them in that small lake to drown them. It helped on low lvl mobs but higher lvl alvays respawn as minority - so not many.
I still feel that, from my 'selfish' perspective, the spawns are broken but appreciate that the number of any given maturity depends upon the number being killed and if it is only me after Thieves then maybe they only spawn for me, so to speak. Teasing me, making me stay longer, waiting........ But given the Thieves available at Repulse tonight, if there had been more there hunting thieves, then on the numbers I saw, we'd have still been there tomorrow! My point is that if the spawn mix is say, 20% each of any given maturity, presuming that there are 5 maturities involved, then surely, over time, the spawn should maintain that distribution. And right now there appears to be a basic bias towards Thugs and Bandits and this is my gripe (as it must be for those hunting Vandals) This evening, the mix 'appeared to be' 45% Bandits, 45% Thugs, 6% Vandals 3% Thieves and 1% Looters. Now it may very well be that the mix is deliberately dynamic in that the 'system' is globally 'aware' that right now there are more people on the Bandits and Thugs than anything else and so alters the mix accordingly. I have no idea if it works like this, but it would seem to suggest it - but the fact is I see far more Thugs and Bandits at both Implacable and Repulse than anything else, and I end up killing multitudes more of maturities that don't interest me (mind you thanks to the Vandal that gave me that global!!) than I do Thieves. But let's wait to see what happens post VU update - whenever that may be (probably when I move onto Vandals and it's their turn to be nerfed!!)
Vandals and looters are supposed to be in significantly less numbers. Thungs, bandits and thieves should be on relative equal proportions, depending who hunted there before.
The Implacable spawn has been moved partially downhill (north). There's a good mix of everything from Thugs to Menaces.
Edit the Menace is a Lvl5 AND New prospectors spotted. (This was south of Cobra Dig Site, lvl 4s and up here) Lvl6 Rogue Lvl7 Villain lvl 9 Fiend North of Valiant Firebase lvl10 Enforcer
Single maturity spawns can't be done, unless the mob itself is single maturity (at least I've never ever seen one). We got the next best thing, a few spawns with different maturity settings, so it should be easier to find the maturity you need. We'll see how it works, but so far I like it.
Been to Cobra, Redoubtable, Valiant, Rocky Ridge and Implacable - found 3, yes 3, Thieves!! So unless somebody has found a location with a decent number of Thieves, I am far from happy with this 'update'!
As I run around to each spawn on the dev provided map I'm documenting spawns, I'll crosspost once the list is complete but for now refresh the following, I'm editing it as I go:
So I finally made it to every location. Implacabale, Repulse, Kestrel and Victorious are mainly your lvl 3 prospectors. All the others have the new maturities lvl 6 through 10 along with 4s and 5s. A couple of the higher maturity spawns for some reason had random lvl 3 thiefs mixed in. Not many and surely not worth hunting that one mob in those locations. I am satisfied with the new spawns, even happier I do not need to worry about aggroing lvl 5+ mobs while working on lvl 3's. Robot Factory spawn is kind of lousy as far as location wise. Is a heck of a run east and than when you die you end up at a location with no TP. Implacable spawn is messed up with them on a near vertical cliff. Mining tweaking hopefully will be done. If not plenty of locations to hunt. Curious to know if the mission timer was adjusted to reset at XX time or 24 hours immediately after accepting it.
What I've seen is 24hrs after finishing - so last kill at 20:00 on Monday will give mew mission at ~20:00 Tuesday