So glad I went to bed and didn't stay up waiting for a big one. Hopefully they are still there when I get home from work. A little guide on loot distribution: Throughout the night I got 1.5 up to 5% of the loot depending on the amount of shooters. This was using a setup with 110 dps. So. If you were shooting at the time when I only got 1.5% and you were yielding 25 dps, you would have roughly a chance around 0.34% to loot the item, if a item dropped. What does this mean? If you craft full condition at 3% success it is not unusual to go 100 clicks without a success. You need a big sample size for things to even out, which is not possible to achieve during one event. You need to draw an average over a long time. I ended up with five weapons and a return around 75% last night. I put about 3300 ped into the mobs. This is not bad loot at all, since we have yet to hit any big ones. A 18000 immortal is the equivalent of a 50 ped mutated beladoth young. It's big stuff and if you only participate one night, you are gambling. I generally need around 30% of return in multipliers above 10x to break even.
With every Oratan Event it seems most of the Oratan Lancers become more "Unreachable" for longer periods of time I am totally confused as to what are the causes, since the Unreachable condition happens even when the Lancers are far away from the Repulse Firebase entrance wall. A few times hardly any players were in front blocking them, yet still they were stubbornly Unreachable. I know that no Ammo is expended from your weapon during these times, but I still prefer to stop firing and wait out the obstinate Oratan Lancers. Maybe this is why these events go on for days
The oratan become unreachable when they want to attack a player that is far away, and they can't move close enough to hit that player because there is a ton of players blocking the path. Many players are either AFK or don't know what to do, and some just don't care.
Then why can't their AI be programmed to attack any player that is in their way of attacking another player doing them the most damage? It's not like a Wall or something like that. Those blocking players should be attacked first. Wonder if that could be done. Or perhaps the Oratan or Boss mob should be able to long range attack and reach whatever player is doing them the most damage no matter how far away.. Either solution should lead to less Unreachable conditions.
Another solution would be letting them run over players. Since they are quite big they should be able to do so. But until then, people should listen.