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New Player Experience Feedback

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by Snape, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    G'day folks,

    In an effort to get the much anticipated feedback in one place for the A-Team to see it ASAP, I've started this thread for you to put your thoughts and comments down.

    Make it as long or short as you like, but please make it constructive and on topic.

    Thanks in advance
  2. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I havent finish yet...but...awesome,unbelievable, really great :) best starterchain i saw so far......+ rep for David and the Ark Team :)

    edit: now i ´ve finished and is great...also I sended one of my disciples through it and he comes to the same conclusion...way better then before and more info´s around :)
  3. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    The hover pods textures are all messed up, looks like a big chunk of delicious poop.

  4. Cyrus

    Cyrus Well-Known Member

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    Hi Angel,

    We are aware of the issue and are looking into it. Thanks for the feedback.
  5. Evil Aeon

    Evil Aeon Member

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    Some stats for "hoverpod" ?
  6. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Try going to first person in hoverpod. Couldnt see outside the canopy.
  7. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    Why not texture some Arkadia textures on the vehicles that put in Rosolute Firebase. I think it can be a good sample for people who wants to texture their vehicles just not sure how it will be looked like
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  8. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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  9. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Reserving for my feedback later, currently still doing the NPE at a nice relaxed pace, so far enjoying it an awful lot, loving the hoverpod for sure :)

    Ok, far as I can tell I finished it all. Overall very nice experience and looks beautiful, and double love on the pod when the texture bug is fixed so we see it as pretty as in the preview pics (and have a view in first person).

    Only other thing I found at all that was a 'bug' was that at times the waypoint markers when heading out from the firebase toward the towers were in the wrong place on the map, though following radar (and really easy to just follow the road) you get there and it corrects itself.

    Other things I'd like to see though are a hunting mission added, like the one from the academies, maybe on the many puny mobs along the journey. I'd also like to see some kind of basic crafting mission added as well, so that all 3 main professions are included. The way it fills newcomers in on the storyline is a great addition, but we still need those 'abc's covered too.

    Oh, and we need to have the female half of the population represented in the clothing depot, even if it is just previews, for now it only has a men's department lol.

    Generally speaking though, very pleased, well done A team!
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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  11. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    The 10 oro / carabok kill mission is missing from the chain ... So we have the new trainer weapons, but never got a "reason" to hunting anything other then using the pistol at the shooting range.

  12. db123189

    db123189 Member

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    This is my summary of the New Player Experience (NPE)

    Remember this is just my opinion of how I felt about everything and im sure others will feel a different way.

    Starting Off Point: I liked this part, will be good for players to slowly immerse their way into the game by getting to know the controls as they run to their destination. The environment is really nice, I like how it’s all high up and you descend down a flight of stairs, and then you are greeted with a mission. I think it’s possibly to early to give the sword because there was nothing to kill, but its cool to have it.

    Then to the cave: Was pretty cool to go from one environment to another, everything is nicely put. I did at first head towards to the inner parts of the cave thinking it was the way to go and found I got to a dead end ,which if I must say kind of annoyed me as its far to run and I kept trying to search for a tunnel that never existed lol. That’s me though and im sure many won’t make that mistake, but for those who do it won’t be fun for them too. Maybe a sign with an arrow for direction can be put up, but no biggie if nothing is added as im sure like me the player will figure out eventually they have gone the wrong way (I hope).

    Hoverpod: Hoverpod is nice and is fun to drive, but I found it a little noisy (after a while), especially after driving it all that way. Perhaps making it quieter or changing to a more harmonic sound (my opinion others might like it). I found when I zoomed in that I couldn’t see anything maybe it was my graphic settings or glitch, but if not maybe a hole or glass so I can see through it (it would greatly improve the experience).

    Carabok: I passed a lot of carabok on my way, which I was surprised I didn’t get a mission telling me to kill a few because that would have been nice. Good going with the large spawns though im sure many people are jumping with joy about it. I’m sure many would kill the carabok anyway, but if a newbie was doing it they might not be as bold to use the sword up. Adding a hunting mission to kill some carabok would keep their mind entertained that they just killed and looted something for their long travels. It would also be a good time to teach the use of loot and what to do with it.

    Freebies: They are AWESOME, love the hoverpod, armour and the clothes (neat designs).

    The Mining Mission: It’s good that there is a mining mission to teach mining and the mu of the ores. The place to do it was good as it is a nice empty plain to mine like crazy and a fabulous way to end the whole experience.

    Absence of Crafting: Maybe in the future its possible to add something so that all three professions can be experienced equally, but the main two is good for starters.

    Overall: It was really good, im sure a newb will find themselves well at home after the whole line of missions. You definately get the whole range of things from learning more about the storyline to getting free gear and learning the interface and professions of the game. A lot of exploring involved with the missions, which is nicely designed not only to get people wondering everywhere, but also good for spreading out the players to reduce lag. It's a job well done; I hope that everyone appreciates what you have made for them and enjoy it for what it is. It's stuff like this that I am sure Arkadia has a bright future ahead of it.

    Great job A-Team, keep it up!!
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  13. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Haven't been able to login yet. Have the FBA Frigates departed?
  14. Boardian Chilix

    Boardian Chilix Active Member Pro Users

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    I liked it, too bad scan didnt worked on soldiers and couldnt check those weapons :)
    I would mainly add some info or task to summon a claim after first find, making a little explanation abaout claim deed and how to summon to avoid a common frustation situation by newcomers
    Love the drive of the hoverpod
    Give you a 9/10 because of the hoverpod textures on the new player experience
    Well done
  15. Raito

    Raito Member

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    Liked it very much. db123189 has valid points and i did miss the crafting part. What the comunity at the quarry found out is that, we'd like to get rid of certain items.

    You can't sell items, ok that's cool i get it there's a fairly high tt on items and you wouldn't want to give away free peds. So the only option is to drop them, but as i've found out, you can't drop an item that reached it's minimum tt. So if you don't want us to discard or tt the items i don't know what could be done, since i have no use for an item i can't even equip let alone use.

    The rookie finder and extarctor are good, any plan to introduce them to your tt for newbies?

    Haven't used the gyro-fap but you've given me a decent tool for some solo hunts, depends on it's number of uses anyway.

    And thanks for the pants i needed them badly, i refused to repair the ones from calypso (such an ugly colour)
  16. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    I think most players will agree, a "Returns bin" is needed for the used Training items we no longer want. If these free items are not meant to be traded, then it makes sense that we can dispose of them in some way, keeping clutter out of storage.
  17. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    We are working with MA to find a solution to allow you to dispose of items once used up. Just drop them in storage for now and we'll let you know when a solution is ready.
    I have to say, that with so many missions and items, if that's the biggest issue being discussed then we've done well :)

    We are working to add newbie tools into the TT very soon.

    The New Player Experience is designed so once completed players are free to explore and they still have their ammo and guns to join team hunts or just test out some mobs while exploring. Certainly no accident that we don't ask players to go kill 10 Caraboks.

    We also decided not to include crafting as part of the introduction. There is lots for a new player to take in already, when they are ready they will work out how crafting works, either by asking around, checking the extensive tutorials we created here on the forum or just through trial and error.
  18. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    So far i'm really enjoying myself well done, got one bug though i think. Whenever there is a mission where you get an "item" like the rock, or something for some twins i get the big square in the mission text, but it doesn't show any graphics in it?

    Ohh just did my first backflip with the hoverpod, awesome! :)

    Edit: sometimes the waypoint doesn't show immediately (for example when the bridge guard give the waypoint to the Archeological society, you have to switch the mission you are tracking and then back for the waypoint to show.
  19. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    same here, that aside you did a great job. i havn´t played completly through but i like it so far.

    one minor thing i noticed is the lack of terminals i.e. a revival at the research labs. only tested it there but when u hit T or die there u revive at one of the watchtowers near celeste harbour. a long way to go back :(
    and imo the watchtowers need a TT and repair aswell, hundreds of mobs around and no chance to buy ammo and such.

    oh, and another thing which might been caused by my gfx settings(most is at vhigh).
    it would be nice to read the little signs at the armoury. i like the weapon exposition but give ´em a name :D
    u got lil tags and bigger signs but for me they are all shiny and i can´t read whatever is written on them.

    as others said, hoverpod textures are messed up bu the thing is awesome!!

    great job!
  20. Menace

    Menace Member

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    The new player experience is FANTASTIC. Though I must say I find it strange that the new players only get 2 pieces of armor and are given neat pants/boots but no shirt? Not that I think Ark should just hand over all thier income to new players but to me it just seems a bit odd. From a new player's point of view I think they'd be wondering where to get the rest of the armor and waste some time clicking on every NPC they find until they finally figure out that there is none.

    As per the learning experience though.... I think it will most definately secure some long time deposting players!

