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Important! New Credit System

Discussion in 'About Arkadia Forums' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hi there everyone,

    It has been a long process but the beta testing of the credit system is now completed. We have viewed all the processes and how the credits affect the system and now we have officially put them to use.

    We have reset all forum credits to "0". This was warned about beforehand in a previous post.

    Read post here

    Below you will see how the structure works and how credits and points are rewarded.

    New Forum Currency

    As you might have noticed, there are two forms of currency on the forum now.

    1. Arkadia Forum Credits (AFC)
    2. Arkadia Forum Points (AFP)

    Arkadia Forum Points are rewarded for every action on the forum. These actions are as follows

    • Daily Login - 5 points
    • Registration - 10 points
    • Happy Birthday - 10 points
    • Complete your profile - 10 points
    • Upload and Avatar - 3 points
    • Update your status - 2 points (Daily)
    • Follow a member - 2 points
    • Get a follower - 4 points
    • Create a new thread - 10 points
    • Thread gets a reply - 2 points
    • Create a poll - 5 points
    • Vote on a poll - 2 points
    • Get a vote on your poll - 3 points
    • New post - 5 points
    • Upload a HoF Image (Attachment) - 4 points per image

    Now it is all nice and dandy that you earn points for these actions, there is of course a negative counter if any of these actions below take place.

    • Transfer points to other user - 5% transfer fee.
    • Remove content from a full profile - 10 points
    • Delete Avatar - 3 points
    • Unfollow a member - 2 points
    • Lost a follower - 4 points
    • Thread gets deleted - 10 points
    • Remove a HoF Image (Attachment) - 4 points

    Arkadia Forum Credits is now considered a premium form of credits. AFC can purchase premium services on the forum and grant you access to restricted early access content shared on the forum by Arkadia Forum Officials.

    With this currency, comes an exchange rate. Yes, we thought about that and have implemented an exchange gateway from Arkadia Forum Points to Arkadia Forum Credits.

    The exchange rate is as follows.
    1 Arkadia Forum Credit = 10 Arkadia Forum Points.

    Exchanging your points into credits will come at a cost of 5% exchange rate fee. So if you exchange 10 AFP to 1 AFC you will be charged an extra 0.50 points. So you will be notified that your exchange was completed at a cost of 10.5 points to 1 AFC.

    Arkadia Forum Credits can also be exchanged into Arkadia Forum Points at no extra cost. Meaning there is no exchange fee or percentage.

    You can top up your Arkadia Forum Credits via the "Credit" link at the top right and then select "Buy Credits".
    This will take you to a secure payment gateway with Paypal where your points will be loaded immediately after payment has been received.

    Advertising with Credits


    Anyone can advertise their services in Entropia Universe on the above displayed advertising spots at a monthly fee. These spots are available to all participants and registrant of Arkadia Forum.

    All you have to do is transfer the credits to Mathias | Arkadia with a note "Advertising" and he will get in contact with you.

    The price structure is as follows.

    1 Month Banner Advert (Top)
    3 000 Credits

    1 Month Background Advert
    10 000 Credits​

    Banner Advert

    These adverts are displayed randomly and are linked to a forum post. You will have unlimited views and clicks. Your banner will be displayed for 30 days and automated to come down once the time limited has been reached.

    This advertising space is open to all services universe wide. All banners are subject moderation for quality purposes.

    Background Advert

    This advertising space is ONLY limited to Arkadia related services and activities. These background images will not link to any forum post and will be a static image that will rotate automatically for 30 days The image will be removed once the time line has been reached.

    All Background Images are subject to moderation for quality purposes.


    • Planet Arkadia and Arkadia Studios (We) take no responsibility of lost credits, false transactions by members of the community.
    • All transaction are final.
    • Arkadia Forum Credits have no PED Value.
    • If members exchange PEDs for Arkadia Forum Credits, we cannot take responsibility for false transaction and/or transfers that do not take place.
    • This is a forum currency and not related to Entropia Universe or Mindark and thus carries no real life currency.
    • Informative Informative x 4
    • Like Like x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  2. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    oh thats pretty interesting idea :eek: Look forward see its use
  3. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    I'm honestly not sure I like the changes.
    1. The post seams to imply that the idea of in game and irl rewards have been scrapped, and even if they were introduced they could simply be bought, was the idea not to encourage users to be more active in the community?
    2. No conversion of existing credits? There were users who performed trades using those and now they have been wiped without warning, not even a flat bonus for users who participated in the previous system.
    3. The naming conventions are confusing, not sure how you are supposed to know which is pay and which is earn, or even why there needs to be two since they can be converted.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    I forsee a lot of useless posts to earn credits. Also current credits should be already converted to something to withdraw for real content generators. I believe this move will only drive away real forum users.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Coon

    Coon New Member

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    So am I to understand that the whole point of earning points and credits is to advertise. I myself and many others probably have no reason to advertise. I hope that in the future that this system allows me to exchange these to something more useful.
  6. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    Is there any chance we can do without the alert for every point gain,not sure how others feel about it but I don't need an alert every time I make a post.

    Other than that I have no dog in this fight.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. TechKen

    TechKen Active Member

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    Hmm... Well, I'm mildly upset at the "tossing out" of all our previously earned credits... but we were warned last year of the possibility of that happening. Some members are probably upset over that issue alone, due to exchanges they made for items using credits...
    Would be nice though, to see some use for them other than simply to buy ad space though, since MOST of us have absolutely no reason TO buy ad space. (IE: Where's my Frimpin' T-Shirt that I can buy with em, or my coffee cup, or etc...)

    Ok, that's my 2afp worth...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I notice in the OP that advertising is just one thing that credits can be spent on but its the only one that has been detailed. People who don't want to advertise should probably just stay tuned for further updates.

    I think the form to purchase credits for dollars needs to be tweaked about. Run the scenario where you want to purchase 3k credits or 29.xk and check the purchase options. Not an ideal situation.

  9. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    Probably not publish how many AFCs and such you have either. Hope there is an option to turn that off.
  10. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    • Alerts have been tweaked so that notifications are not so overwhelming.
    • Removed Credit Status on public view. Only you can see your credit and point status.

    Personal Note

    There will be more to come. This is only one option available for the credit system at the moment. This was mentioned before with the implementation of the credit system. Please keep checking back on progress and updates.
    • Like Like x 2
  11. travolta

    travolta Member

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    when will the sound be fixed? what do i care about forum points when the game play is not fixed! very unprofessional i most say
    • Like Like x 1
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    As Travolta pointed out I do think as well that all efforts should go to top priority issues; I'm sure the reply will be that this is different department or whatnot... but still, at least it should've been postponed until major problems are fixed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel Active Member

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    Isn't this just going to lead to massive Spamming by Avs that need points to advertise? I've been on forums for years (in other areas of interest) that have no credit system at all and never will. Isn't the point of a forum to share ideas and help others in need? IDK hopefully it works out ok.
  14. Mathias | Arkadia

    Mathias | Arkadia The Chief Whip Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Please stay on topic for the rest of the thread, but I will answer you again...

    The sound issue needs a PP update, and we are confident that it will work after next PP update, and no I can't give you any date when that will happen. But we said several times this is the case so please understand things might not be as simple as it might look at first glance.

    Any further replies or discussion about the sound issue in this thread will be deleted, as this thread is about the new forum credits system.

    If you feel like you need to reply to this post about sound, send me a PM or create another thread
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  15. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the Alert change but you might want to remove the 'Richest list' from the forum members section or it seems like it defeats the other change.
  16. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    There is already quite a surge in the music thread... I'm not insinuating anything, but it doesn't seem implausible that "New post - 5 points" would give some people certain ideas. If we value quality over quantity, maybe removing this completely and giving more points for positive feedback instead would be beneficial.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  17. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    That's a fair point and a fair idea.
    Maybe also we should just earn credits from certain parts of the forum(information threads,loot threads) etc but not the off topic section and the like,or maybe it is already that way,I don't know.
    Something for the forum guru's to consider :yoda:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    I agree. Posters should not be rewarded for writing rubbish and the best assessment of what is useful etc is other members. So maybe no credit for writing posts etc but credit for likes or useful flags etc.
  19. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Any system can be gamed. Given the amounts awarded and conversion rate from points to credits I'm not convinced there is a huge amount to be gained from doing so. I think we should give it a week or two and see what adjustments are needed. I'm interested to see what else we can use the credits for.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    If the credits are only used for advertising etc, I agree it probably wont be an issue. But we should be encouraging quality posts not just posts of any nature. If the credits extend to buying T-shirts or in game stuff, then I think it will become more of an issue.