[IMGRT]http://arkadiaforum.com/images/flags/Lithuania.png[/IMGRT]Avatar Name: Aleksejus Liosha Beskrovnyj Player Since: 2008 Society: Iron Wolf (LT) Time Zone: GMT+2 Country: Lithuania Main Professions: Hunting, Mining, Crafting, Trading, Mindforce, Other Days Usually Online: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Time Usually Online: Evening, Randomly Usual Hangout Location: Celeste Quarry How to Contact Me: Arkadia Forum, Private Message, Email, In-Game Email: liosha.eu@gmail.com Additional Information: Hello i play entropia universe since 2008 autumn and would like to share my experience in playing this game. I won't give you anything except my knowledge about game. Most of time in game i mine, do small craft and hunt staff. I'll put full my atention to Arkadia disciples and help them as much as i can. I won't take lot of disciples because i care about quality not amount of regret disciples. I don't care are you big depositor or small sweater both ways are good just need some time and knowledge to do it right. Do not forget all the disciples over time bypassing their mentor's.