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Land Plots - Planet Arkadia

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia News' started by Dylan | Arkadia, May 5, 2017.

  1. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    I am not screaming or yelling, i am marely bumping this thread once a week at most and most of the time even less often. I am only asking for updates, surely this is a fiasko already and is frustrating and all, but i am not whining or being hostile here. I am awaiting a resolution and reminding of it by the ONLY way possible - by bumping this thread (which actually is a promise itself).
    MA has multiple times already clarified that they do not manage stuff on this planet and that is up to Arkadia team. Which is funny (and an issue itself) because contacting arkadia support redirects you to EU main and EU main sends answer we have to contact Given PP ourselves. Since Dylan is “managing” this issue then obviously all inquiries goes to him. He however is busy and is not answering private mail. Besides this matter is NOT private. Its full blown public as many many people are affected.

    There are many broken or unkept promises in this universe and not just on Arkadia. And people affected (or not) by it have the right to use public forums to raise awareness/seek resolution. As it is done on PCF and CF and other planets so it should be allowed on Arkadia forum.

    Please dont derail this thread, not lookig for fights, but for resolution!

    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
    - Martin Luther King Jr.

    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    It seems an odd position to be constantly saying "I want my prize" and "the results are wrong" in the same post.
  3. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Unfortunately that is the case, hence the frustration.
  4. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    I am not sure who you spoke to at MA, but clearly they are misinformed. The Ark Devs do design they do not do implementation. It is therefore not in their remit to implement items, locations or other changes in game. They simply develop ideas and designs, storylines and events, then pass to MA, the parent company, to make the programming changes necessary to add it to the game. They cannot implement because MindArk has always retained full control, not least because of the need to 'balance'. It is true not only for Ark but all planets, including Calypso, though they at least seem to get priority despite MA claiming it is a separate company.
    I suggest therefore that a monthly, weekly (or whatever frequency works for you) support case to MA may at least push things forward after what has been (yes I agree) a silly amount of time. With the changes seen in response times lately, who knows you may even see action.

    It is easy to say Ark team should compensate, but since they will have already paid MA for the work, they were promised by MA would be done when they then offered the prizes, we would be asking the smaller company to take a hit for the failings of the larger one.
    Now while in the real world we often see this, we also see a myriad of small companies go to the wall, because of failed deliveries, faulty goods etc from other companies. For us this is a game but for MA and the Devs this is also the real world, do we really want to see the Ark Devs have to pay twice for something ? Where will that extra ped come from ? yep you guessed it, it will have to come from game. So all that will happen is MA gets richer for doing damn all, Ark devs have to design, ask for and buy whatever it is from MA...and oh yeh still no guarantee MA will deliver, while the players will have to restore the financial balance.
    As I said before I understand your frustration, I really do, but perhaps you need to understand the frustration of the Devs having to work in this hamstrung environment, and direct your enquiries, complaints, requests for action to the core of the problem....MA
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Man, you couldnt be more wrong!!!

    • MA do NOT manage Arkadia.
    • MA is not the parent compang of Arkadia
    • MA does own Calypso, and they do not state otherwise (FPC is a thing of the past)

    And yes Ark, HAVE TO (not “should”) compensate, as they are the business providers and managers. You are trying to preach me about how its all MA fault when in fact you are overlooking completely everything. Where in real word does stuff work like you described? That would be a mad world. Arkadia is first and only ones to talk to about the fuckups they do. When u try to talk to MA you get diverted back here and you know what - i understand that. Whats MA business to intervene in PP to Customer relations?
    If you still dont know how world works, here is a quick example.
    - Player is having a bad experience of sorts
    - He contacts game support that he accesses from launcher or game website (arkadia game web support links to EU main)
    - Support then decides if this is something they can deal with ( harrasment, abusement, bugs, general gameplay - will always got to MA. Planet specific stuff will be forwarded)
    - Support then advises on what you can do (in this case since the issue is out of MA hands, players have to contact Arkadia or they will say they will forward it to Arkadia)
    - Arkadia’s only support option is private message to Dylan here on forum. So stuff often is not taken care off.
    Now what should happen next?
    - A-team handles PP specific support and resolutes
    - Issue is resolved or given player is advised on what to do next
    - Compensation or refund is issued by A-team
    - A-team then evaluates whose fault the issue was. If it was server provider (just example) they contact them, if it was employee fuckup - employee gets a “dont do this again” from boss, if its MA - they request MA to compensate to A-team (and not player directly) because A-team is affected on different level than PP customer is for example.

    An example from real life maybe?

    - A restaurant orders fresh salmon from their contracted fishmonger.
    - Salmon is delivered but is refused by Chef, reason - its not fresh
    - delivery company then takes the salmon back and returns it to fishmonger.
    - fishmonger here needs to understand how this happened and find who’s fault it is to recoup and not repeat.
    Few simple solutions fishmonger has to decide about.
    1) was the chef just being picky? Is fish really bad?
    2) if fish is bad, did we send out bad fish?
    3) has delivery truck taken longer than needed or their trucks chiller is broken?

    But no matter what was the issue, they have to refund the restaurant in 2) and 3) and for good customer relations most of the time for 1) too. If it was 3) they will ask compensation from the delivery company. And so on!

    Too much writing, just tried to explain you how wrong you are in preaching about A-teams innocence and MAs malpractice. When in reality it is the other way round. We the customer have to talk to our service provider which is A-team, they talk to their service provider and etcetera.
    Makes sense? Maybe someone smarter than me could explain this in fewer and simpler words?
    • Agree Agree x 2
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
  6. LuisArkadov

    LuisArkadov Member

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    Is there any plan yet regarding HOW the prizes will be handed over?

    Not logging on regularly as of late and wouldn't wanna miss the time.

    Can we assume you just gonna drop a deed into the inventory? (plus a bit of uni ammo as compensation? :p)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Haruto Rat

    Haruto Rat Active Member

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    I still think the easiest solution would be:
    • MA gives winners Calypso land plots (note that the original event announcement did NOT specify planet or even game, it simply said "land plot")
    • MA and Ark sort it out between themselves
    Better a painful end than endless pain.
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  8. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    better yet, make it a plot on Rocktropia, lol.
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  9. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Sounds like the most reasonable thing to do if other roadblocks cannot be removed at once. Would it amount to MA admitting fault when they see it differently, though? You want to pull your hair out over it. The impasse has to end somehow, anyhow. This is damaging for everybody, guilty or not.
  10. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    I am in the market to buy an app that will provide me with a push notification when Ark Land Plots are provided, frequently checking for an update is quite frustrating at times.

    I suspect that there may not be too much of an urgency, should anyone start to develop such an app.
  11. San

    San Well-Known Member

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  12. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    I should have specified iOS

    It is dated 18 June 2015: "The application is only available to Android devices at this moment. We are working on an iOS version of the application."

    Which do you think will be available first ? Ark land plots or Ark iOS forum App, and shall we include the iOS for Compet too ?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Geee-zus. If you're subscribed to a forum thread you should get notification by email of any updates. Any number of apps exists for creating an alarm from a message filter if getting it in your inbox isn't good enough. The problem really is another one and quibbling over notification is only a distraction showing one doesn't know where to spit acid anymore. They will make it known the moment they have a resolution, assuming anything else is illogical. They will also attempt to contact affected participants directly, I am sure. And if nothing happens in due time and nobody even knows for sure who the actually responsible party is, well this is RCE and the business world has established routes for getting movement into a conflict. Decide if the value is enough to go there. Being childish achieves nothing.
  14. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    HuGe HuGs, now take a deep breath, and I recommend a light alcoholic drink.
  15. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Some doctors prescribe this herbal remedy:

    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Maybe it's time to start a new thread both here and on pcf with a day counter, similar to the infamous one about how many days/months etc. that taming was gone. Suspect you'll get more incentive from Mindark to do something if it's somewhere there they actually read it daily...

    (wonder if anyone's ever compiled a list of all of the let downs and how long stuff was out of game that should have been in other than Mccormick... There's a huge bunch of consumer protection issues that Mindark doesn't seem to give a damn about over the years... wonder what can be done to start fixing that?)
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  17. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Maybe you should stop posting offtopic?
  18. DannyO

    DannyO Member

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    Thank you for the fun times.....
    • Funny Funny x 1
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
  19. LuisArkadov

    LuisArkadov Member

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    Yeah, while we're waiting for a few pixels to be developed a certain Elon Musk developed a few rockets and fired them into orbit.

    (Statement includes blatant exaggerations and inaccuracies for dramatic effect)
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  20. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    alrighty... how about moon deeds for the compensation bit...
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