Bump my buy thread. Also looking for Output Amplifier Components now as I need them to make damage enhancers and am nearly out of the components.
The trick appears to be hunting big halix. This also applies to other small mobs with reasonably valuable parts; an example is ostelok head plumes (not sure I've got that name quite right!).
Bump my buy list. I've updated post 1 to remove a few items for now as I have a bit of a stockpile. What I really, really need is alkar. I have high level weapons in demand and I just can't make them owing to the low supply of alkar.
Update to my buy list. See post 1 but summary is: Animal parts are flowing well though auction so my need is not so desperate for those. But I continue to have trouble sourcing Alkar. Somin and Dianthus are resources I would like to acquire as soon as possible. Would like to build up my supplies of rarer animal oils.
I was mining quite a few Dianth and Somin everyday in past few weeks, but I just stopped mining since last week. There are only a few minerals has nice markup, rest of them are close to TT food what even worse is even put it at very low markup it sells extremely slow. Because the dropping of markup in Dianth, Somin, E-crystal make it even harder to profit, so I have to stop mining til the markup on them recover to a sustainable markup to start again.
see the markup history you can clearly see the decline of markup and sales of E-crystal and dianth, but you are right somin are back to 160% or so, I was still in the impression of last week being down to 152% or so. But sadly the markup still can't justify the shitty enmatter comes with them.
Hi I've added Pel as I have a new bp to click (Law-50). It needs 10 units of Pel per click. Also I am still desperately short of Magurg Male Pincers. And it appears I am not the only one looking for them as I am regularly seeing an order appear in the auction house. Hunters take note...
Bump my buy thread, especially for Pel and for Magurg Pincers. It makes me sad when I can't click my bps.
Bump for my list of resources I need to buy. I'm particularly after Quantium at the moment so if anyone is flying back from Caly I'm looking for around 500TT of this.
I think I have some pel and Xelo in small quantizes and maybe some tef. Ill log in and see if yer about
Made a few changes to the list in OP as I have now sourced Quantium but am short on Copper, Somin, Wenrex.