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Kadra MASSACRE @ Sanctuary Cove

Discussion in 'Sanctuary Cove' started by Hawkwing, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. Tasiorek

    Tasiorek Member

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    When we will see results for may? I got print screens for 23 EntropiaTracker missing globals. How can i deliver them?
  2. Parker

    Parker New User

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    Reward for may recieved. Ty Snape/Hawkwing.
  3. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I saw your message to him about it, I have also been given a spreadsheet with payout figures on it for May. Hawk is currently away and has very limited and sporadic net access so I've been logging in to pay people for him.

    You may have to wait a little while longer if you want to talk things over with him regarding the missing globals, otherwise I can give you the PED he has for the globals recorded and you two can sort the rest out later when he's back.
  4. Hawkwing

    Hawkwing Owner of Sanctuary Cove Platinum Member

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    First of all, my apologies to many of you, I found myself on a last minute work trip that has taken me to places without internet and with limited phone reception, which hampered my ability to get prizes to you. Many thanks to Snape, who being a true gentlemen was willing to step in and help me out to distribute prizes to people. Many thanks Snape!

    During May there were FIVE people who qualified for the Kadra MASSACRE prize this month, TWO of whom were VIPs.

    Well done to:

    Adrelina Tasior'ek Unknown
    Felangur FEEL Wish
    i'am fluske's boss
    Parker Parker Van Helsing
    sardine23 maya a1

    I am also aware that Entropia Life had some troubles during May for a few hours. If anyone has additional globals that were not counted by EL and can provide some for of evidence to Snape (screen shot for example) then he can add on the appropriate sum to your prizes.

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Kadra and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
  5. Tasiorek

    Tasiorek Member

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    Friend request is sent. I could be in game 7:00-20:00 MA time. Please set meeting date/time.
  6. Hawkwing

    Hawkwing Owner of Sanctuary Cove Platinum Member

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    Another excellent month of hunting at Sanctuary Cove with Kadra continuing to grow more and more popular to hunt. During June there were FOUR people who qualified for the Kadra MASSACRE prize this month, ONE of them a VIP and another member qualifying for VIP status.

    Well done to:

    Felangur FEEL Wish
    i'am fluske's boss
    Parker Parker Van Helsing
    georgie cheese smoker

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Kadra and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
  7. SrLezarD

    SrLezarD Member

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    I'm in!

    ;) 141 of 4800 in moment ... Estagio 4!
  8. Hawkwing

    Hawkwing Owner of Sanctuary Cove Platinum Member

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    For those of you enjoying summer, it's an excellent season to be out hunting. For those of us surviving through winter, it's a good time to stay inside... and go hunting! During July there were FOUR people who qualified for the Kadra MASSACRE prize this month, ONE of them a VIP.

    Well done to:

    Adi Bili Wen
    i'am fluske's boss
    sardine23 maya a1
    SrLezarD LezarD Vicius
    Felangur FEEL Wish

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Kadra and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
  9. Biliwen

    Biliwen Member

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    hello hawkwing,

    just wanted to ask, when the prices will be paid off (cause i am running low on peds :eek:)

    great event btw, i really enjoy it.


  10. Hawkwing

    Hawkwing Owner of Sanctuary Cove Platinum Member

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    Hi Biliwen,

    I attempted to add you as a friend on 2 Aug and again on 6 Aug. As yet, you have not accepted my friend request :)

    It will certainly make life easier to meet up in game and give you your prize if you are on my friend list.

    If it has not worked for some reason, perhaps you could send me a friend request?


  11. Biliwen

    Biliwen Member

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    Hi Hawking,

    yes, it is a bit weired. Just tried to send you a friend-request ... system told me, it is not possible cause i already got a friend-request from you - what i didn't.

    but ... most of the time i can't see my soc-mates on the friend list, so .... let's call it a new MA-feature :D

    Just send you an ingame-message - i am sure we will meet in game soon.

    anyway, this is a really, really great event. i am hunting on caly most of my time ... never had an event like that. be sure, that i will try it again, to get to vip-status - but at the moment, i need to try something else (can't see any kadra for a time ;))
  12. Biliwen

    Biliwen Member

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    Reward received - everything is fine. Thanks again for this great event. :)
  13. SpeedMetalVai

    SpeedMetalVai Member

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    Very excited about this event, I'll be shooting for the 100. :D
  14. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    Here’s some feedback from me having decided to make an attempt at the Kadra Massacre this month.

    After 3 days and 5k PEDs cycled I’ve only managed to get 8 globals so far, which seems like a very poor start and I think I’m going to abandon this attempt. This is particularly disappointing for me because I’ve been hoping to try this for a while, but it’s taken a long time to find a month when I felt I could commit to it as much as I’d want to. If I do quit, I’m not sure when there will be another month like that, so it could be some time before I get back to the Kadra. I could try the Huon instead, but having lost 3 days already I’d be making that more difficult for myself if I did so.

    If, instead of having to do it all within a calendar month, I was able to attempt the massacre within, say, any 30-day period, then I’d probably just leave it for a few days and then start from scratch again in the hope of a better start. In the meantime I could try the Huon Massacre instead and see if that was any better, knowing that I still had 30 days to get the globals.

    I realise that using calendar months as the event periods makes it much easier to administer, and that other commitments might make it difficult for you to run it with the system I’m suggesting, but I’m sure you’d get a lot more people attempting it (which of course means more tax income) and you could use some of the extra income generated to hire an event manager to do the work.

    Just a thought, I hope you’ll consider it :)
  15. Hawkwing

    Hawkwing Owner of Sanctuary Cove Platinum Member

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    Hi Oleg,

    Thank you for the feedback.

    I have found with Kadra and with Korwil for that matter, that the old 20/80 rule applies... that 80% of my globals come from 20% of my hunting time. (Made up figures but you get the point.) My only suggestion for your bad luck is to stick with it a little longer, which isn't very helpful I know.

    I do agree that calendar months does make it harder for people to participate. I also agree that allowing any 30 day period will be an interesting challenge to administrate. Perhaps not surprisingly, at this point I have gone for what is simplest to ensure that I can get prizes out to people in a timely manner, while not eating too much into my personal time at home.

    There has been a lot of feedback on these events, not limited to but definitely including allowing both Huon and Kadra to count towards the same total, a similar event for high maturity Tiarak, allowing teams to participate and of course your suggestion to allow any 30 day period. I cannot promise any changes in the short term, but I do have some longer range plans to change things up a bit and allow more people to participate. (By longer range plans, I mean before the end of the year.)

    I greatly appreciate the feedback and hope you will remain patient while I try to find the time to make improvements.

  16. Hawkwing

    Hawkwing Owner of Sanctuary Cove Platinum Member

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    And welcome to Spring! Or if you live in the northern hemisphere, welcome to autumn/fall/whatever you choose to call it. :)

    Fortunately, I am a little more on the ball this month and so I'm more organised and prepared to hand out prizes! In fact, I have handed out a number of prizes already, even before I have posted who the official prize winners are.

    During August there were THREE people who qualified for the Kadra MASSACRE prize this month, ONE of whom was a VIP.

    Well done to:

    Felangur FEEL Wish
    i'am fluske's boss
    dutch fluske mooren

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Kadra and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
  17. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    Yeah the bad loot is just the way it goes, I can cope with that :D Actually in this case although the loot hasn't been great, it hasn't been as bad as it might sound from the numbers I gave, it's just that I've had an unusually large amount of 30-40 PED loots rather than globals. But that's nothing to do with the contest of course, just the usual up and down of life in EU. I only mentioned the loot as an illustration of the position I'm in.

    Thanks for your other comments, it's good to hear that you're listening to feedback and considering improvements.
  18. Klod

    Klod Member

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    Very intresting! I will try this
  19. Hawkwing

    Hawkwing Owner of Sanctuary Cove Platinum Member

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    Hello Everyone,

    My apologies, I am have been in the process of moving house over the last week and a bit and have not had internet (or half my stuff that I need) and it is not an experience I am eager to rush to repeat anytime soon!

    I will go my best to get online for a while on Sunday, but will mostly be online more from Monday.

    Apologies again for the inconvenience.

  20. Hawkwing

    Hawkwing Owner of Sanctuary Cove Platinum Member

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    And apologies to the prize winners this month for being so late. I have been moving house. I hate moving house. Enough said on that topic.

    On happier news though, there were FOUR people who won prizes for the Kadra MASSACRE prize this month, ONE of whom was a VIP.

    Well done to:

    Felangur FEEL Wish
    i'am fluske's boss
    dutch fluske mooren
    Klodvig Klod Malkord

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Kadra and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
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