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I dont care!!!!

Discussion in 'Aakas Island' started by Jandre Kroeze, Mar 8, 2020.

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  1. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    Huge Land owners, like an Island, with multiple revival points and a TP, have Powers also. Albeit Limited. Its a Real Economy and the Huge amount of Peds, buys you that. ;) ;) ;)

    Read the welcome message when TPing to the Island. Its a Beautifull Island, with Lapping ocean waves, you can hear, along its vast shores. It has Trade, Storage, Revive and Repair Terminals, on Two seperate sites, Under cover from the elements and Automated Turrets Installed for Protection. NOT @ main TP , just Turret & Revival @Aakas Ilsand Main Teleporter. See if you can find them. EXPLORE!!! :) :) :)

    Tax set at 3,33% for both Hunting and Mining right now. Reasonable right?

    Miners may find more information, Posted on a small hanging sign, @ the House, Near Main Telleporter. :)

    Ubo and Magurg Males, abound. They have been simmering for a while now, and well fed. It is rumoured, they drop precious items. Go figure :) They fat now :)

    Just a friendly warning.♥ Magurgs are Stalker. ( They loot well, wink-wink. If you can handle them. He He He He He Its all about the returns right.) They are Strong and they Hit hard. But on the Plus side, regen, is terribly slow. So absolutelly no probs to go back, and finish him off. Do you have stamina, guts, determination? Do you actually have what it takes?

    Then you are the Mean Ass Hunter that can handle them easy-Peasy. Talk is easy, dont tell me, show me! I got my eyes on that friggin HOFlist too you know? The buggers HOF like a Mo-Fo bro!! So....Prove yourself, here. This Island will Test you.

    Ubo are the most funniest & "cute" thingies , youve ever seen. Im a Genetisist also, from Planet Calypso, waay back in the Old days. So I dabbled with some Larvae, I discovered in the Secret Aakas Instances & dark chambers, passages and tombs. Flip out your scanner first, see if you can figure them out. At times they just keep baffling the heck out of me. Strange little creatures indeed. carefull. They nibble. Little bit corrosive too. I firmlly believe, this DNA strand, should be preserved. The same goes for my Male Magurgs.

    Have had some dreams/ideas, to obtain the Female Magrurg DNA, and Mutate a Male strand. Now wouldnt that be something huh? Okay im getting carried away with myself now. That will be all.

    Have fun. Go Nuts! You know the drill! That was your Aakas Island Intel. briefing.

    Move out.

    Roger! Roger! Wilco! OUT!

    PS: Im a Colonel damnit! An officer! Gen. Westmoreland, was my OC, back in the day. When the Verse was smaller, and we initially colonized this sector, of this Galaxy. Only one planet and two space stations back then. Hard to believe. Im sure youve seen history vids during your orientation and training. Sigh! Most have.
    You remember that, the next time you see me, and show the propper respect. Copy?

    FYI-Think im Crazy? Little woo hoo and all? This aint Earth Buddy. You in deep space now. The sooner you realize that, the better it will be for you. Ive been here for a very long time. It.......it changes you. Uch!, I suggest you talk to some of the Neuro-biologists, Psycho-analists and Particle scientists about it. They know how to talk the talk better. Im just a Millitary guy. Something to do with different Suns/Stars, and the different radiation effects ,it can have on Organic Bipeds, due to long-term exposure and so on. Go figure! Profound huh? Carry on lol :) Stick around long enough, and you too will, "feel" different.
    Avoid getting PEd-fever. See the Doc for some Meds. Fix you right up. :) May have some anti-Woo-Hoo Buffs laying around. Takes the edge of.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
  2. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    Your post is like your avatar picture. Maybe cool down and edit later?
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  3. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    Noted! And Propper Editing done. Thanks for your response. ♥☻♥☻♥☻♥
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
  4. Bily

    Bily Member

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    This is the last of a series of ridiculous posts by you. Are you just attention seeking or have you gone completely mental? Best to take your medication before turning your PC on.
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  5. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    What do you mean? Care to explain please? I dont understand. Or do you want me to miss-understand you?

    { Why keep "Pushing"/"Poking"/"Clawing"? Neurotic Retribution syndrome much?}

    Is this not a Game.??? Who shares your sentiments, whatever that might imply & why? Morover Clarrify please, who you are and why you set the "standard". Your "sny" remarks, say more about you than me right now buttercup. There is also nothing wrong, rectifying mistakes. Moving on, etc.

    You obviously trolling me here and playing your hand. Read the above edited post please, and explain, why it is NOT Platform related in any way. Cmon little buddy, back yourself up. Speak your mind. Have a spine. Show some imagination, like a real gamer. Are you even Human? Non-Humans lack empathy , Compassion, Love & Understanding?

    Do I know you ? Should I ? Why ?

    HOW OLD ARE YOU???? JUST CURIOUS. Read this SENTENCES carefully okay:

    1."YOUR "FEELINGS" ARE NOT MY RESPONSIBILLITY." Please dont make it out as if if it is.
    2.I am quite okay, with your faulthy perception of me.
    3,I dont want you, to like me. It is not important to me. ( I was just trying to be Nice, and not claiming to be good at it. )

    Have nice day
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
  6. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
  7. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
  8. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    This is normal posts from OP.
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  9. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    What do you mean? Care to explain please? I dont understand. Or do you want me to miss-understand you?

    { Why keep "Pushing"/"Poking"/"Clawing"? Neurotic Retribution syndrome much?}

    Is this not a Game.??? Who shares your sentiments, whatever that might imply & why? Morover Clarrify please, who you are and why you set the "standard". Your "sny" remarks, say more about you than me right now buttercup. There is also nothing wrong, rectifying mistakes. Moving on, etc.

    You obviously trolling me here and playing your hand. Read the above edited post please, and explain, why it is NOT Platform related in any way. Cmon little buddy, back yourself up. Speak your mind. Have a spine. Show some imagination, like a real gamer. Are you even Human? Non-Humans lack empathy , Compassion, Love & Understanding?

    Do I know you ? Should I ? Why ?

    HOW OLD ARE YOU???? JUST CURIOUS. Read this SENTENCES carefully okay:

    1."YOUR "FEELINGS" ARE NOT MY RESPONSIBILLITY." Please dont make it out as if if it is.
    2.I am quite okay, with your faulthy perception of me.
    3,I dont want you, to like me. It is not important to me. ( I was just trying to be Nice, and not claiming to be good at it. )

    Have nice day :)
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
  10. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    Place a Heap of Dung, and it attracts only Flies & Maggots.

    Fresh flower & Fruit beds, or a Pot of Honey,, attract butterflies & bees.

    ♥ Scroll back up Please, to Post # 1, and Read, before posting/responding. Thankyou ♥

    In order to rectify or "make things" right, I have deleted/Self-moderated, most of my recent posts and replies. My sincerest apologies for any inconveniences caused by it. I wish no harm, nor grief toward anyone. I just like to play the game, like you.

    ♥☻♥☻♥Thankyou for having reason & understanding. ♥☻♥☻♥
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
  11. KingMike

    KingMike Member

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    Where are the mods ? People having to mod their posts themselves, I am sure mods can help a bit more :D
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  12. Bily

    Bily Member

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    This guy does not need a mod. He needs psychiatric treatment.
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  13. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    I rest my case. The cockroaches of lesser nature, crawl out of the dark cracks, and expose themselves, for how evil & wicked they are. Stupidity isnt Macho or kewl. NOT good atributes at all. Or even something worthy to aspire for. But sure shows. Jeeeze some idiots. Why do I even care LOL? Get it? I DONT CARE!

    You know, like beating the tall grass & Reeds with a long stick, to chase serpents. They crawl, hissss and squirm, making all the wrong moves and noises.

    Hypocrites also! Behave as if they themselves, are such perfect models of society to dictate or judge others. Sane people know better. And dont try to berrate or try break people down. Says a lot about you, when you do that. Why dont you get it? I do.

    So much condissending hate! Uglyness! Wow! Sad and Lame!

    How interesting. Enlighting. Profound!

    There Im done here. You can go lick each other in a corner somehwere. I dont care! I wasted my time here, because I actually ♥care♥, about the game, others and me.

    Go sweat, hunt or do something uselfull Mkaaaay? Bye now kiddies : ) Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ♥☻♥☻♥☻♥
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
  14. KingMike

    KingMike Member

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  15. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    None atributable to me. Dont act as if you know me buddy pls. Dont try and lable me. FAIL!! :) Lame!! :) You dont know me and I dont know you. Lets keep it that way, okay? At what point, will it hit home or penetrate your thick skull, that I am NOT INSECURE??? I REALLY dont CARE what you think, or Opinion is. Do you understand those words? Or is it becuae you lack logic of understanding and interpret them, out of contexts? Thats what im thinking is happening here. One language, English, but just as well we speak entirelly different languages altogether. Brilliant my buttocks lol

    In fact Opinions are like Arm-pits. They Stink and everyone has One. And that right there, in an opinion. LOL

    you are a funny and colourfull person. Cheers for brightening up my day. Im all smiles and jovial here. Had a great Laugh :)

    What I had written here, about you lot, who responded here in this thread, is just my Honest assesment. That simple really. If it was not true and outright incorrect, you wouldnt be so triggered, now would you? Be honest to yourself, im not fishing to have my mind changed.

    Morover, I will go as far, as to say, that none here, in this tread, mine my Island or Grind my Mobs. EVER! So from that, can be concluded, Aakas Island and its Mobs, were NOT the primary reason & motivation, for comments and posts here, at me,by others, at all !! Logic! Thats why I call you out as hyprocrites. Am I wrong?
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
  16. KingMike

    KingMike Member

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    I will put some opinions ( which stinks ofc) .

    As a miner myself why should i mine in your TAXED area while i can get same minerals without tax just north of your LA ?

    You have any event running like get a global of xxx+ PED and win x Ped ?
    Or get ateast x numbers of global and win x ped ?

    Well i know you dont care but better learn from other Land owners how they run event instead of saying people dont do activity on my area or you have the other option which you chose already to just sell and move on.
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  17. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    Noted ♥
  18. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    Yes ladies and Gentleman! They are Popping. Big time. Was I right or was I right hmmm?

    Did you also notice the Magurg Male Stalkers Hofspamming yetserday? I did. They are indeed popping.

    Even if you dont like the land owner, you dont need to be that idiot, shorting yourself, on your piece of the pie.

    If I can loot shopkeepers and hit a 40K uber on a Magurg Male Stalker, so can you!!! Jus tdont give up too easy.

    My thinking of the Hoffer, "Clever Bastard! Obviouslly read my forum posts, and made a move. Good move and gratz from me."

    I told you. My Mobs are Fat. They been simmering and very ready to pop. Havent seen a huge banger, yet, which mean you havent killed the one margurg, who has it. Neither item drops ...yet.

    So its on. Hunters, you best take notice. Your loss if you dont. Go molest my mobs and figure out, I aint lying.

    Good luck Hunters! Im rootin and tootin 4 ya!
  19. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    I dnt realy hv to explain myself to you cos i only said that its normal post from you.iv read most of your pissed off threads and i know from that you either hate yourself or the EU system.what i did was sold all my stuff and play occationaly which i know i can withdraw anytime i want to go.the way you do your treads is funny as F..K.
    But we all know that you are not a normal person.gl anyways lol
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  20. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    Feeling is mutual.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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