Hi all. First to any mod please move this to correct location and sticky.. Wasnt sure where to put it.. Thanks to my boyfriend Jane Daggerthuggert I can now provide you with an easy and permanent solution to streaming AHR (or any other mms radio) on your android phone. Step by Step guide: 1: Open Google play and search for Daroon Player*. 2: Download and install Daroon Player. 3: Go to your internet browser on your phone and go to www.atlashavenradio.com 4: Click "Launch In External Player" in upper right corner of the site and choose "Daroon Player"to open it with. 5: Voilá - You should now be streaming AHR on your phone. 6 (optional):When you exit the stream it gives you an option to save the stream link. This is tested with success on HTC Legend and Sony Ericson XPeria (Neo). *Remember to turn on the internet on your phone, if you're the type like me that turns the internet on your phone off when not in use. Enjoy! - Let the river of music flow no matter where you are.
For the moment we're going to leave it here till we hear back from the AHR owner regarding a possible sub forum. Will update you all if and when