Guide to streaming AHR on any Android Phone with Google Play (Android Market)

Discussion in 'Atlas Haven Radio' started by zume, May 26, 2012.

  1. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Hi all.

    First to any mod please move this to correct location and sticky.. Wasnt sure where to put it..

    Thanks to my boyfriend Jane Daggerthuggert I can now provide you with an easy and permanent solution to streaming AHR (or any other mms radio) on your android phone. Step by Step guide:

    1: Open Google play and search for Daroon Player*.
    2: Download and install Daroon Player.
    3: Go to your internet browser on your phone and go to
    4: Click "Launch In External Player" in upper right corner of the site and choose "Daroon Player"to open it with.
    5: Voilá - You should now be streaming AHR on your phone.
    6 (optional):When you exit the stream it gives you an option to save the stream link.

    This is tested with success on HTC Legend and Sony Ericson XPeria (Neo).

    *Remember to turn on the internet on your phone, if you're the type like me that turns the internet on your phone off when not in use.

    Enjoy! - Let the river of music flow no matter where you are.
  2. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    For the moment we're going to leave it here till we hear back from the AHR owner regarding a possible sub forum. Will update you all if and when