Don't think we'll get far more from that today. Your arrogance cursed us all! GC login problem is YOUR fault! And just the day when I could run a few...
Not at the slightest. I am however sure that you did take the above statement far too seriously, despite the icon. Now all that's left is to resync... *sigh*
ZOMG! So excited to see your progress on this, especially knowing we did our little bit to help you along. At this rate I better get a start on an article when you finally buy the deed!
Unless someone is sitting on a mad stash they want to sell me, you still have plenty of time to do about a dozen rough drafts
Hey atomicstorm, I am sitting on a small pile of 18k coins after some nice key 2 runs (still too noob for more LOL), and would like to sell them to your program, if you still want. I've sent you a friend request (not sure it's you, though LOL). I'll be online usually in the evening, and Saturday. Please let me know. My ava is "CptKARA -Starbuck- THRACE". And GZ for being almost at 100% for LA there ;-) I did not know about the program, so wasted all koins on auction. Sorry for that! Cheers, -Starbuck-
gg man, subscribing. will add you ingame later and buy some keys. try help you with the arkoin stacking take care, afroman
Calling all runners... we are now over 80%... last leg folks... let's get it done If anyone has 3 million arkoins they want to offload, hollar at me
Since we are in the final stretch, all points are doubled. 1 point per 5K arkoins turned in until 4/5/14.
Down to the last few coins. If you have arkoins, holler at me before the MU crashes. Take this opportunity to farm these instances for armor, esis, weapons, mission rewards, and more while there is MU.
If I get time over the next few days, I'll start putting together some question I'd like you to answer for the article I'm planning. Sound okay? Feel free to think up some questions you'd like to answer or any inspiring statements you'd like to make, we can make it a collaborative effort
Well, it would be disingenuous for me to answer my own questions. Maybe runners and such on the ark forum would like to ask something? I will also be putting together a bombshell of a case study. Some details inside the study will name some names in a not-so-positive light... so I will have to link to a neutral source.
1. Why choose to invest in Ark not on Calypso? 2. what was the biggest challenge to getting the land area/how did you convince your wife? 3. that awesome streamer running keys all the times team name is always "fivedolla loves men" is that true? ps. sorry had to ask the last one xD
4. How many times did you think about abandoning this personal mission? 5. what % of the arkoins did you loot yourself? 6. Did you do this for a personal achievement, or do you think you'll get a good enough ROI on the LA?
He already answered number 6 7. What was the experience of it all like? (I remember you gathering EVERYTHING for keys 0.0) 8. What is your choice of mob for LA? (I think we know this one too) 9. Why that mob? 10 .Which LA and why? 11.....*blank*