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Competition Gold Rush 2015 - Hunting Division

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by Mathias | Arkadia, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Qster

    Qster Member

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    Looks like I wont get to do any other cats because no way in hell am I canceling. I'm in it to win it! (at least cat2 anyway)
  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I have been getting disconnected in the instance... and after relogin the timer is not showing. I don't know if it's hidden or the timer has stopped. Is there a way to get the timer back? How much time is consumed during a disconnect? Just the 1 minute connection timeout or is it longer? And is there a way to see our total accumulated time? I assume these are the same as the caly instances so maybe someone who does those has some insights.
  3. Falagor

    Falagor Member

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    So far there is no way to bring back the timer but it is ticking after disconnect (you will get auctokickout at reaching 2h in the instance).

    Disconnecting is rather unpredictable on how long our avatars stay inside so if you get one:
    1) in events where it is "up to X hours" (like Halloween Mayhem) - add AT LEAST 10 minutes to "your measured time" from the moment you noticed the disconnect. So you will not pass the 40h and get disqualified - this is the safe way.
    2) in events where it is "normalised X hours" (so you need to do minimum X hours - like Gold Rush) - try to check timer every now and then. And consider that from the last time you were in - you went offline. So even if your avatar WAS in game and time was ticking - better consider it was not. This way you are safe to know that you will pass the 65h. To be even more safe - add few hours over required time: it is normalised score so should not make much harm on your score.

    For example i came to Ark yesterday and did two 2 hours runs. On first i got disconnected twice and i consider my total time spent 3h and 30min (it is probably around 3h and 50min actually but with my under-estimating it i will be safe at the end).

    So far MA has not implemented "timer" to check and know exactly how lon you have been in the event...

  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I've been using the auto loot pills I've accumulated, so that's given me a good idea of hour much time I've actually been in the instance when I ctd. To get the 65 hours I am planning on 33 two hour runs, giving me an hour buffer. If I get too many ctds I may do an extra run just to be sure, to be sure.
  5. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Can't make the two hours full every time with or without disconnects, so simply counting instances is not good enough. But it's easy to keep track of how often the evade bonus mission was completed, and for the current one the counter works of course. After measuring the speed I can go (see this post), whenever I lose connection or get sidetracked, I derive my time from the kill count and the maximum frequency I found myself capable of (800 per 2 hrs), which means any slowdown will add a safety margin.

    However, implementation of a proper tracking mechanism for the vital bits that can make or break your achievement should be high on the priority list for future instances of any such event.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well ok plan B. Back in the old Merry Mayhem days, i dl a stopwatch app to my pc and ran that for the duration. I had to make some decisions about allowing for disconnect and login time. We could do the same thing here.

    Yes I agree that it would be better if the mission included a visible timer but in the absence of that there are a number of ways to do what we can to adapt.
  7. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    If you need a timer.. grindstone 3 is the way to go
    • Useful Useful x 1
  8. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    I'm in a similar situation...

    I took all 4 missions and did a test run in cat 1,then abandoned that so I could test cat 2.

    I then abandoned cat 2 as I decided to go back to cat 1 and there is no cat 1 in the IFN terminal now and cant go straight into the cat 1 instance either.

    The reason for all this messing around is I wont get a chance to complete the hours so its all about the bonus for me and after spending 2k in cat 2 I had no where near enough for either skill pills or evade bonus but after 500ped in cat 1 I had 3 pills and 60% needed for the evade bonus.(adjusted bonus but a bonus none the less).

    So for me to take any further part in this GR I really need to get back to cat one as there is zero reward for me in any cat thats still available to me(Cat 3/4)

    below I've highlighted the part of the OP that made me think it would be possible to do what I've done....

    I assumed this meant the instance you abandoned could be restarted,did I misunderstand this part?

    Easiest way I've found to track time is to swallow a 1hr loot pill after my first mob and do one more mob after its finished.
    Its an assumption but I've assumed that the timer on the skill pill will continue until fully logged out nor will you leave the instance until fully logged out.(unless you get kicked from the instance but not the game).
    It's not fool proof but it helps.
    Plus you can always do an extra hour or two to be sure.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
  9. Qster

    Qster Member

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    From what I understand if you got all 4 gold rush missions then you didn't need to abandon any of them. You would be able to go into any cat. If you are just doing it to finish up the magurg mission then all you would have to do is abandon any of the gold rush missions you have still. Then they should all be available again.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  10. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    given you have abandoned one, you might need to abandon them all to get the choice back. But of course that is just guesswork on my part.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  11. Sniqs

    Sniqs Active Member

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    I agree with the above, you shouldn't have abandoned any of them. As it is, abandon the rest and you should have all 4 of them available again at any IFN terminal.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    Unfortunately it wouldn't let me into cat 2 without abandoning cat 1 first but thanks for the tip, it cant hurt as I don't want to go into 3 or 4 anyway so I'll give it a shot.


    That did the trick,thank you ;)
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
  13. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    You should never have to abandon any of the 4 magurg breeder missions, you can have all 4 running concurrently.

    You can only have one Gold Rush mission active at a time. If you have been inside category 1, then you will not see any other Gold Rush mission in the IFN terminal until you abandon the Gold Rush 1 mission. Then you could go to the IFN terminal and choose another Gold Rush mission. If you're competing in the Gold Rush hunting division, you should only abandon your current Gold Rush mission if you wish to compete in a different category than you're currently in. Abandoning your current Gold Rush mission will reset your Gold Rush points to zero (if you haven't reached 65 hours, presumably), but it will not reset your magurg breeder mission kill counters.
  14. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    I didn't abandon any of the magurg missions,they are all running fine.

    I opened all the GR mission categories at the terminal before starting so they were all available in my mission log to track but once I had done a little time in Cat1 I couldn't 'activate' the cat 2 instance so therefore had to abandon Cat 1 and relog before it would let me in.

    Once I'd decided I wasn't interested in Cat 2 I ran into the problem as Cat 1 was no longer in the IFN terminal and of course I didn't have it available in my mission log as I had abandoned it.
    Since I wasn't interested in keeping the time I had done in Cat 2 it was no problem for me to abandon all GR categories and relog to find them all in the IFN terminal again.

    Its all good now the advice given fixed it for me.
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  15. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Just remember that you still have used up time if u abandon and restart a category. 10hrs in cat 1 abandoned and then doing another 70hrs in cat 1 will result in 80hrs but you only have the points for the 70hrs.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  16. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    Oh Really?

    I wasn't aware of that thank you.

    So if I'd done 20hrs then abandoned it and started again and completed exactly 70 'new' hours my score would be divided by 90hrs and not 70hrs?

    Which basically means if you'd completed a major chunk and accidentally abandoned then you need not even bother starting fresh as your facing a major handicap on the 'normalising' instead of the usual handicap of just having to do it all again.
    That seems pretty rough though probably an unavoidable result of the scoring tally system not actually being directly linked to the instance where as the time is.
    Or to put it another way the scoring is linked only to the mission where as the time is linked only to the instance,I'm guessing.

    I doubt it'll matter for me given the time I have to compete and I'd only abandoned 2 hours worth anyway but its good to know.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  17. helena

    helena Member

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    5h in so far
    first 2h -975 ped loot
    h3 -126 ped
    h4and5 -1657 ped return

    seems like u guyz at arkadia became so greedy that you are gonna kill urself
    seeems like i m not only one if i believe what friend trying cat 4 hardcore are saying
    280us stolen in5h, thats 56usd/hour. i can rent a lawer for that price or i can list u everything possitbly done. nice joking ark team

    i give it 1k more mob and run away from ark
  18. fluske

    fluske Member

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    it is indeed very bad returns,in the last 24 hours i played i had 1 profitable run..namely + 100 ped
    the rest of the runs were between -400 and -1650
    i lost 11k in an timespan of 24 hours
  19. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    was planning on hunting a few hours on the island.
    now i will stay away for a couple more days...

    thx for the heads up ;)
  20. moise

    moise Member

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    same here
    1/4 good run
    3/4 really bad run