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Competition Gold Rush 2014 - Auction

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Gold Rush 2014 - Auction
    Event Starts : 6th February 2015 - 8th March 2015

    Attention Gold Rush Enthusiasts

    The Gold Rush fever is upon Planet Arkadia once again and it brings about with it an Arkoin Auction.
    Prepare your bids because there will be fierce competition.

    1. A variety of items will be periodically auctioned during the Arkadia Gold Rush 2014.
    2. The auctions will occur entirely here, on Planet Arkadia Forum, and not in the in-game auction system.
    3. Bids will only be accepted in Arkoins.
    4. Minimum bid increment 1000 Arkoins.
    5. Bids of any items other than Arkoins (eg PED) will be deemed invalid.
    6. For each item being auctioned:
      • The item will feature in a new auction thread of its own
      • That auction will be announced in this thread, with a link
      • The auction will begin when it is listed
      • There will be no buyout bid amount
      • For the first four (4) weeks after the relevant auction thread is published, the auction will remain open.
      • After the first four weeks, the auction will then end when a bid remains the top bid for a period of 48 hrs
      • Such a 48 hr period will be taken to have begun no earlier than four (4) weeks after the auction thread is published
      • The winner is required to contact Dylan | Arkadia to arrange for trade or collection of auctioned item, within one week of the end of the auction.
      • If the winner of the auction fails to collect their award within the aforementioned one week of the end of the auction, the item will be awarded to the next highest bidder.
    7. The potential issue has been raised that somebody could bid a million bajillion Arkoins that they don't have, with the plan of winning the auction, not claiming their prize, and having the prize go to their friend, the second bidder with a very small bid.
      • This is a great point, and we appreciate it having been raised.
      • Arkadia Studios will at its discretion check that interesting bids are backed by an actual Arkoin balance.
      • Arkadia Studios will announce a bid to be invalid on such grounds if deemed necessary.
      • Please note, "million bajillion" is not a real number, though legitimate attempts to bid this high are of course encouraged.
      • Bidders must have the Arkoins in their possession as spot checks will be made by Arkadia Studios/Mindark
    8. To avoid potential confusion, all bidders must ensure that their full in-game avatar name is visible by stating it in the actual bid post with the amount of Arkoins that they are bidding with.
    9. Prizes will be sent after the end of Gold Rush 2014 (estimated end of March 2015).
    To begin with, we are pleased to announce that the following items will be auctioned during the Gold Rush 2014 Auction!

    1 x Hydra Armor Set (M)
    Starting Bid - 50000 Arkoins

    1 x Hydra Armor Set (F)

    Starting Bid - 50000 Arkoins

    1 x Terra Amp 1 Gold Rush (UL)

    Starting Bid - 250000 Arkoins

    1 x Ankitus Armor Set Blueprints - 100QR

    Starting Bid - 25000 Arkoins

    1 x Modified Melee Trauma Amplifier VIII

    Starting Bid - 75000 Arkoins

    With that said, best of luck to one and all. The event will be announced across all media platforms. So get your Arkoins now and get ready for the Gold Rush 2014
    • Informative Informative x 4
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    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2015
  2. Acehazbin

    Acehazbin Member

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    anyway to add some way for noobies to take place in the gold rush? all these items cost far to much for any noob to attain without buying arkoins from others. and with the mining event you need a high level for the big amps
  3. Chronos

    Chronos Member

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    250 000 Arkoins = 2500 PED's starter for amp?
    > Hmm, is it same decay as L ones
    > Will there be many of the same items auctioned ?

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2014
  4. slither

    slither Active Member

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    You can hit big with unamped mining, especially in underground. Amps may help but they don't guarantee a big hit, i'm sure a few of the prizes will be going to unamped miners (or small amps as many will try for rock ripper bonus).

    There's a month long aakas event which is plenty time to collect arkoins (and possibly win a prize). You don't need to be uber to collect arkoins, but being rich might help :)

    There's still possibilities for noobs to win here (especially mining). Ubers may have a better chance but that's the way it should be, why have skills if they don't help?
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    This will be good!
  6. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    will there be other items auctioned as well and this is the start of the list. or are these the total items to consider?
  7. May

    May Active Member

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    Interesting event. :biggrin2:
    Especially in conjunction with the hunting event.

    And I agree that it would be nice if there also would be some smaller items up for auction.
    So that (newer) colonists with a smaller wallet also can participate.
    But those might already be in the pipeline? :wink:

    Following on point 6: I didn't see it mentioned, but is it allowed to retract a bid?
    As the minimum auction period is 4 weeks + 72 hours.
    I could imagine that even if someone is in possession of the Arkoins that are bid: it's not like the AH, where the bid is held. So one might be temped to sell the Arkoin after bidding, and retract?
  8. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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  9. Rowdoc

    Rowdoc Member

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    Any noob freelancer ( yes we recruiting member & management ) who want to earn a few Arkoin on low level keys, just add yours truly to your FL Rowdoc Donner . I will be running a few over the next days ;)
  10. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    When the LAs are all gone.. they will have to make more uses for arkoins. We could see almost anything be made available.
  11. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    100 QR Ankitus UL BP's were sold last time as the "only" set, along with the koroma UL BP set right?
  12. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Hi Chuck,

    Allow me to refer to the old auctions for reference.

    Arkoin Auction 2012 Rules
    Ankitus Blueprints: Gold Rush Arkoin Auction 2012
    Koroma Blueprints: Gold Rush Arkoin Auction 2012

    Just to make it clear, these Blueprints were never unique to the auction but I can assure you they are EXTREMELY rare. That is why we are auctioning the Ankitus blueprints off this year. In the 2012 Auction event, it was won by Jim "Ewok" Morris (Snape) for a value of 370 000 Arkoins.

    I hope this answers your question.

    Best regards

    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I gotta say I'm a little concerned about the possible implications for my set of Koroma bps,as only some auction items have been announced.

    But at the end of the day there are no guarantees in this game and I've had 2 years almost exclusive access (there have been some L bps). So if I do lose my monopoly I will adapt just as for all the other challenges that have come along.
    • Like Like x 1
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  14. Top07

    Top07 Member

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  15. Sunsout Gunsout

    Sunsout Gunsout Member

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    There are about 6 ways I can think of that this is flawed.

    Someone already touched on one, with bidders, (even with a verified arkoin balance) placing high bids to scare off others and then retracting a month later after people practically forgot about it, so some friend can win.

    No bid increments? Well, I will be waiting 71 hours every time I outbid someone I don't like by 1 ped. So will others. Someone might even do it for a year, only to not pay, just to mess with someone.

    Having no penalty for people messing with this or retracting a bid is a mistake.

    Doing it this way, it would be too time consuming for you to auction off lots of small fun stuff that the majority of the players could afford, little fun items that make them proud to be an Arkadian...it basically shuts them out. That is poor judgment. Maybe I am wrong and there will be 500 trinkets too, with separate threads and non-stop orchestration of PtoP meetings...we will see.

    Really, you need an arkoin auction broker that accepts arkoins like ped for the auctions.

    Not giving the full list is going to limit your bidders...as Kikki touched on, if its one set every 2 years, people can live with that...but if it is unknown if more will be added this month, MANY bidders will be more timid to bid a lot. It only hurts yourself. If these are unique or limited to 1 every few years, say it ahead of time, and your bids will be higher.

    Adding too many of the same items after NOT giving a list of what excatly there will hurt you too, and in a much worse way than $.

    This is your time to make people forget about the key-losses, and having fun and getting something with their arkoins and their effort. A design like this is only going to end in aggravation.

    I know you didn't ask for my advice, and it's your world, and we just live in it, but I only say this because I care.
  16. Top07

    Top07 Member

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    I concur with most of this. Subtle replies here and there:

    A-team tried to make this as simple as possible. Have some faith in the players Taco; although the only potential traumatizing problem that can break this auction is Liliane.

    That's something Liliane would would do if he gets this info. Why do you have to say this out loud in the public planting ideas in people's mind who would do such a thing.

    High probability your depicted scenario will not occur.

    It is not. People might bid on multiple items in hopes of winning one or two item(s) the person likes. In case the person runs out of Arkoins, either it being the person won too many bids or sold Arkoins to other players. In any case, if the bidder is indeed as you described "messing around", I'm sure A-team will think of a way to filter them out (ban them from bidding at all). Yes, with an in-game Arkoin Auction house would resolve all these "dark ideas" of yours. I have to admit, these scenarios are possible; must be your daily job at work here.

    A bit more transparency from the A-team would appreciated. Apparently they don't have an economist on the team. Even one set every two years is a bit fast. Does any one have any idea how long each business cycle is? For EU, it is really short. In reality, more close to 5-8 years.
  17. Top07

    Top07 Member

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    ^sorry, not bothering to fix the typos there. trivial enough...
  18. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    So if I recall the last auction we had had minimum bid increments of 500 koins on the armour sets. Not sure about the other items. PP can put an minimum increment on each auction tailored to the perceived value. eg. 10 koins on teensy stuff, 1k on uber gear (should it be available). Shouldn't be a hassle as long as it is clearly stated at the start of each auction.

    Any suggested changes that involve in game features to be developed clearly just aren't going to be feasible. This auction is being run independent of any involvement of MA, and I think that is the right way to go. We are going to have to depend on the staff being vigilant, responsive and sensible. We've seen the rule's about a bidder potentially being required to demonstrate that they have the bid amount covered by actual koins. Can the PP make a verified bid binding? I don't think so. What is to stop the bidder selling his koins? So I guess it's a question of what is within the powers of the PP. Perhaps in extreme cases they can ban an avatar from entering Ark in the future.

    I do think the auction period is too long. I expect we wont see a lot of activity until the 4 week initial period is up. Certainly that is what happened last time. Serious bidders avoided committing early so others woudnt know if they needed to get a lot of koins together. And the big item auctions, at up to 3 days per bid will go on for a long time. Have a look at the armour auction threads from last time for an idea of how things can play out. So I think that the PP failed to pick up on that particular aspect. I think it would have been better to have the auctions running for no more than 2 weeks, perhaps with a 48 hour idle period. Oh well, I dont think it should be changed at this late stage. So expect a long drawn out experience.
  19. Mathias | Arkadia

    Mathias | Arkadia The Chief Whip Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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  20. TechKen

    TechKen Active Member

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    well, since I have exactly '0' arkoins... guess I don't need to worry about any of this, right?