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Entropian Practices And New Player Pitfalls

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by Mutant Atrax Stalker, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    This is a thread to warn new players about some of the subtle dangers existing in the Entropia Universe, and sometimes found on Planet Arkadia.

    This is NOT intended to be a thread about:

    - Scams or Scammers
    - Morals or Right Behavior

    This is intended to be a thread about practices which may not be obvious to a new player, and may cause a new player confusion and/or cost them PED.

    I believe that there are other, more appropriate places for detailing common scams and other practices which actually violate the EULA and other terms of the service.

    Every practice described in this thread should have a clear possiblity of being performed in some fashion or for some reason (even plain ignorance) that isn't malicious. EVEN IF that particular practice is performed with bad intentions 99% of the time.

    Once I post the thread I'll lead with a sample:
  2. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Selling TT ITems At Auction

    Many times you will find items at the auction which are available at a better price from a terminal somewhere in the Entropia Universe.

    Players sell these "TT Items" at auction for many reasons, some of them are helpful, and some of them are just a silly attempt at fleecing you for a few PEC.

    There are good reasons and bad reasons for doing this, and partially used TT items often allow a player to try get started with just a little less time spent sweating. Buying (or selling) TT items at auction is not always a bad idea. However, this early start often comes with a hefty markup.

    On a planet where the same items available from the TT are both looted and crafted, you may never know how or why an item found it's way to auction. Sometimes these items are improved in ways which are not clear or obvious to a new player. However beware that players WILL post unimproved and overpriced TT items in auction to see if they can grab a few extra PEC.


    Knowing when an item is available in the technician or trade terminal can save you PED over time. If you are a new player take some time to familiarize yourself with what is available in the various terminals.
  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    ... but don't get TOO cozy with the TT!

    I want to warn you about a pitfall some new players fall into by their own actions. Two short, true stories about bad TT practices and how they were regretted:

    A few weeks ago I talked to a new player who bought his first VTOL, flew it in space and got blown up by pirates. He didn't know that vehicles can be repaired, so he TT'd the wreck (nearly-full TT). When I explained to him that vehicles are easily repaired, you can imagine how he wanted to kick himself. And when the TT value goes to zero and the vehicle is really broken, they can still be used as very good storage boxes, and in that capacity are worth 20 or more ped, even though their driving days are over.

    That pales in comparison to another player I talked to, who years ago TT'd a mod fap. I'm not sure if it was accidental or if he just needed a few ped at the time. If you don't know, mod faps, because of their rarity and uber-economical healing powers, have sold for exorbitant prices. One sold a few years ago for 450k ped.

    But to talk about more normal day-to-day situations, you shouldn't be selling all your loot to the TT either. In the long run, the TT value of your loot will always be less than the amount you spend on ammo and gun/armor/fap decay. Same with mining. So if you feed the TT everything you loot, you're playing a losing game. A few ores and loot have no use or are over-abundant, and they have to be TT'd. But most of the time, you should try your best to get a good price for all your loots by finding crafters or traders to buy them.

    Sometimes, however, the best choice is to sell something to the TT. But make sure you know precisely what you're doing, and if you have any doubts about a specific item, ask your mentor or an experienced player if it's a bad idea. And be very careful when dragging items into that selling window; more than one valuable tool has been TT'd because it looked too much like something else.
  4. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    In "modern" entropia, if you get an unfamiliar loot item with no (L) in the name, make sure to ask a few questions before you sell it!!

    EDIT: didn't want to double post but it's an excellent point to reinforce for new players that vehicles are NOT UNUSABLE just because it got blown up. You can get a vehicle repair tool and repair your vehicle from what appears to be complete destruction many times before it is no longer usable.

    I have heard that a new player TT'd a vehicle after a single SI (structural integrity) loss several times before. It's a surprisingly common misunderstanding about vehicles.
  5. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I've done that... TTed the LifeScanner-V I had just crafted instead of the dinky LifeScanner-III that wasn't selling.. :p Oh well, not like I was out anything.. Only difference was that a LifeScanner-V had a MU of like +450 PED (hadn't repaired it, either) :p :D
  6. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Might be worth making this thread the discussion thread and making a separate thread the published one, that way you can have this one available for other peoples feedback and the other nice and tidy and easy for the n00bs to read and use it as a reference. Thoughts?
  7. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    I'm already overworked ;)

    If someone wants to format a nice bullet list or summary thread i wouldn't object to this one being superceded.
  8. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I can easily do it by copying the relevant posts into a new thread. I'll leave this thread as is for people to add to it and then when we have a few full posts then I'll make a new one up. If people are going to do a post, please make a point of adding a title to your post so that i can make a list in the OP and link them to each post. This will make it nice and easy for everyone to go straight to what they want to read.
  9. PestaSyde

    PestaSyde New Member

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    thanks for the info that save me selling my vehicle thinking it was a burned out wreck :)
  10. Sirhc

    Sirhc Member

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    The biggest new player pitfall I see in general with EU is people attempting to play it just like a subscription based MMO. EU takes some time, patience, and learning. Even those with unlimited funds might find it a challenge to reach high levels unless they purchase a high level avatar outright. Even if you buy your way to the top you can miss out on things along the way. There is a learning curve in EU for a reason in my opinion. That curve gives players an opportunity to seek out opportunities at lower levels where the cost is somewhat less.

    There is no single formula for success in EU and I think it is wise for people to look at all aspects of the game mainly hunting, mining, crafting, and trading. Some will have instant success and others will have to scrape and claw their way through every mine field MA and the PPs design for us.

    Overall I try to approach EU in the fashion that MA and the PPs have to generate income. That income comes from deposits, sometimes my deposits are made with the full intention of having fun and others are made strategically to benefit me down the road if my plans work out. Lastly not all plans work out. This game has always been about adapting to the changes brought about by the developers. I've had so many lucrative loot plans go sour over the years I just expect it now but I try to ride that horse as long as I can when I know its the difference between profit and loss.

    One last thing. While I love events and sometimes I participate in them be prepared to spend money on them. Only a few will win prizes and the loot generated from the mobs will eventually become TT food unless you hold onto it. On the flip side of that there is opportunity to supply those event players with goods and services and when most are hunting for those prizes less are mining and crafting driving which can drive up prices.

    Good luck.
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  11. Dwarf Simeron Steelhammer

    Dwarf Simeron Steelhammer Member

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    Well, as a new player (about 3 weeks to a month now..2-3 weeks actual playing) I can give a few pointers I suppose and from a new player perspective.

    1) As a new player, don't expect to be able to list things on the auction for sale realistically unless you get lucky.

    It really isn't for small values of PED items. If you can, take time and build up until you have enough to cover the fee at least for 2 listings and still make it worth while and always use a 7 day auction. It cost the same from what I can tell on the fees for a 1 day auction and a 7 day auction. And put a buyout price too just in case, it cost no extra.

    2) Sweat to supplement deposits. Use the various other ways to get some extra PED too like Partners and stuff.

    There is no better way to get PED then to deposit...just isn't. At least I don't see it. A real world job will pay me in the US a minimum of $7.25 USD per hour. That's 72.5 PED an hour and unless I am missing something somewhere, that is just going to be more then you can earn for a very long time (if ever) in the game.

    That being said, sweating in a group (or solo if need be) and doing other sites like Partners can be a supplement to your PED amounts. Don't ignore it. And Sweating gives skills, allows you to be social and build relationships IN GAME...that alone can be worth more in the long run then the best global or ATH you will ever see.

    3) DO NOT BEG!!!

    I can't stress this enough. I am new and I can tell you it annoys me when people want something for nothing. I can only imagine how someone with 2, 3, 6, 10 years into this game feels seeing someone asking for a handout.

    Ask for advice, ask for help doing something or to find a place. Be POLITE and use GOOD MANNERS when you are dealing with others.

    Ask if you can do something for someone to earn a little PED...maybe be the bait for a big mob...maybe be a hawker advertising their service or business...be useful, be kind, be helpful....do NOT be a pain or a leech or a scammer.

    4) For pet's sake..LISTEN.

    The more experienced players offer hard learned and won pearls of wisdom. Be grateful and thankful for that and yes...LEARN..USE...LISTEN to them. They have been around and made alot of mistakes or saw/learned about them before you. Don't try to make all the same ones on your own...its costly and not that much fun.

    Though I will admit walking out of a TP into a lvl 46 mob was...well...fun...for a hit....then the revival terminal was nice and red and the nice Chopper pilot said, "Oh, yeah. You might not want to stroll around out here right now at your level. I've been here 5 years and I don't. I just needed some fuel oil right fast."


    5) Take your time, smell the roses, build up.

    Empires are not built overnight and neither will your avatar or business or empire...we would all love to be the top of the food chain but there is only one at the top. And they normally got there by blood, sweat and lots and lots of time and PED.

    Enjoy the journey. I'm still not even close to learning everything and find out new things all the time.

    But I have LEARNED alot too in the first few weeks. Enough so I am alot more comfortable with the basics, even a few extras.

    And if you are by Ark and happen to see the "Fat Dwarf" as I seem to be called now..lol....say a Well Met and give me a HEEELLLOOO. I am normally at the Quarry or Outpost when I am online.
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  12. Kerham

    Kerham Member

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    Some important stuff which I feel is particular for EU:

    • skill progression does not equal equipment progression. Certain pieces of equipment (tools and weapons) are indeed influenced directly by skills. Therefore, don't use weapon X if you haven't maxed it yet. BUT, DON'T use weapon X, EVEN if you maxed it, if you CAN'T AFFORD that. Let yourself a budget of multiple runs worth of ammo free. Consider equal to that reserved for storaging stacks. And make it three, for stacks held on auction.

    • don't overprotect or overfap (hey!). Protection should be achieved by factoring in the defensive skills too. Hence you can allow yourself a lesser armour if higher evade/dodge. For example, a mob which deals maximum 20 damage regular/40 dmg critical can be held of very well with 10 protection armour and tt fap given reasonable speed of kill.

    • Never overkill (except for skilling purpose, but that's quite advanced playing). Underkill (too low dmg/slow wep) might be ok if the mob hits very rare, or you aim for particular skills and it's not regenerating hp too fast.

    • pk in EU is very particular (not as actual gameplay, but as purpose, costs and so on). Don't jump into it if you don't understand the whole economy.

    • don't spread in too many directions. Try to specialize a bit, things are easier to manage.
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  13. Kinnison

    Kinnison Active Member

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    Kerham - I agree with you for the most part but one thing that might be worth doing is crafting with low-MU "junk" loot. At one time, for example, this was the case with animal hides, which I found it useful to turn into generic leather and craft generic leather texture with. Basically, this is a way of getting cheap (or nearly free) skills.

    (This specific case isn't valid right now, because the Viceroy armour mission sequence is increasing the MU of leather to reasonably high levels.)
  14. iGriff1n

    iGriff1n New Member

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    Thanks for the advice!

    I've been reading these help threads and thanks for all the tips everyone. I usually end up doing something stupid in games like this so you guys probably just saved me some time and money.
  15. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    I love the animal hides, colours are so pretty that they just have to be valuable surely? And every creature drops them so easily :)
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