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Dark Moon Rises

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia News' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Dec 22, 2017.

  1. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    Id like some daily missions where we can gather tokens and trade them for guns,armour,pills etc...caly has it..since im back on ark id like to see some new content.make us grind A Team.give us something worth grinding.
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  2. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    What about a way to buy the soul bound armor via dailies instead of the traditional way?
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  3. RavenJade

    RavenJade Active Member

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    As a show of good faith to the A-team, and my appreciation of Arkadia, I've bought some moon deeds. Over the years, the Ark team has been the best with communication (my opinion)out of all the current planets in Entropia and I feel the moon will become reality. Will it be third quarter 2018 like stated? hmmm they have to rely on MA to turn on the lights, so I'm not holding my breath for it to be on time. But I believe in Arkadia. Can't wait to check out the moon on opening day. :)
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  4. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    1 week left then the price goes up !

    Sales date till 30 Jan : 50 PED ($5.00 USD)
    1 - 28 Feb : 52.5 PED ($5.25 USD)
    1 - 31 March : 55 PED ($ 5.50 USD)
    1 - 30 April : 57.5 PED ($5.75 USD)
    1 May onward : 60 PED ($6.00 USD)
  5. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    Hey bitch you have to catch me now I'm all souped up after MM with much bigger guns and lots of HP lol :cowboy::kiss::kiss:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Where can i buy for peds?

  7. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    If there was a chance to give the Dropships a role in ferrying passengers to the moon, that would be utterly cool. I don't know if there are good reasons to prevent them from going to space at all and participate in the transport business, but who knows what goes on in the heads of MA's balance managers. If there is the need to restrict their movement to the immediate environment of Arkadia, then they could be required to move along a corridor similar to the radio beacon technology invented during WWII. After all they're part of the military, so could be expected to abide to orders. A spaceworthiness kit would be needed to keep an air bubble around the passengers e.g. by an artificial gravitation field created by a craftable generator. The protective field generator is only working inside the corridor because its technology somehow depends on a beacon emitted from the planet surface. Leaving it means the field collapses, all on board get exposed to open space and die. The Dropships also would be a prime target for pirates, since they know that with a single passenger a no-loot rule is easier to maintain than with a whole bag of fleas. Personal aversion aside since we live with piracy, such a setup could make for interesting new gameplay constellations. Yea, it needs MA's willingness to implement the new technology. But who knows, new CEO, new ways?
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  8. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    To boss Ned......

    Do not let IFN get all cool ships and gear.

    Where are our modified ships and illegal weapons and gear?
  9. Hans

    Hans Member

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    Hmm, crafted mount point for mounted gun per seat. With potentially 10 guns on a dropship it will be more than just a sitting duck.
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  10. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Shhhh... working on it ;)
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  11. Bolleke

    Bolleke Member

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    If this will be like compet deeds and we have to wait for revenue people are going to be pissed as hell and won't trust this game anymore, in this case i'm buying some deeds so you guys can relax and go on vacation again with our money...
    Send those images or videos and keep us updated asap! I want a picture of u guys behind the desk working on the program so we have atleast something going for sure and spread the message otherwise i'm buying nada. Keep up the good work?!
  12. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Last edited: Jan 24, 2018
  13. Hiro_Protagonist

    Hiro_Protagonist Member

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    Do we know the backstory of the moon?

    Aside from unique ores and creatures it would be nice if the moon had a unique gameplay mechanic.

    Something similar to beacons on Calypso maybe. Or maybe a group buff that when triggered increases dps by 1% for each member in the team.

    Also any missions should have tokens as rewards so I'm not forced to accept a skill reward I don't intend to use.

    Finally, if you could lock the moon so one side always faces Arkadia. One side always light. One side always dark. With some mobs unique to each side.
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  14. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Could be interesting adding some weird mythos related to real world moons... Would love to see some conspiracy theory weirdo stuff like the Calypso mad prophet, etc.... maybe some missions related to flat Arkadia theories (why we end up at that blasted invisible wall if we walk in any direction too far, etc.)

    Calypso has/had the mad prophet,
    Rocktropia has/had the Book of Apocalypse
    Monria has the mission logs...
    Lets create some unique and interesting items, stories, logs for this moon...
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  15. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    Since Ned is seen on moon make it the smuggler's home of operations and most of all mission chains that awards some good armour,guns,amps,plates and so on.soo exited to see some smuggler toys.so far only the boss has cool stuff.hey i paid 1.2k ped for the smuggler set cos i loved the idea and the look.Ned im waiting to grind for my smuggler gear.make it happend.almost forgot....will buy some deeds as well.
  16. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Something like that would be great, thought about it as well but the devil's in the details. A twist is that you as owner have to provide the guns and in pvp space a passenger could cost you money by decaying them without being effective. Or worse, damage your reputation by shooting at the wrong target. If you have no way of controlling what folks do while on your property, they become a risk. MS owners are careful about who they let at their guns for this reason. The flawed karma system which blames the ship and not the player has been complained about many times to no avail so far. And the actual dropship idea of carrying a military unit to battle is still waiting for its contextual content to be released also. Was already thinking if it might have been abandoned as pointless since movement on planet is so quick that getting 10 people gathered and organised takes longer than just shouting out "Oratan!" and have everybody use their own means even if it wasn't near a teleporter (the inconvenience with distant revival makes it unlikely to happen, anyway). But if there was a storyline that requires movement of forces to or from the moon in a concerted way, then this could be the day of the dropship. Or not, since commercial options already exist and maybe the idea is to support them.
  17. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Waiting to grind...? Man how quickly things are forgotten. Waiting for what? It's already there. The clothes were only a token, a stepping stone to real equipment. Just not too many are grinding the warehouses now, are you? The reason is terrible TT returns and that you can't even remotely foresee how much it will cost you to collect the rare bits. They even put the Smuggler armour on display to advertise it but chasing it is beyond the means of most. Not sure how wise it is to do the same thing again without letting people see a real chance to get what is already designed.
  18. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    If transport options on the moon or parts of it were limited (perhaps few if any teleporters), then mass transport to move troops, such as the dropship, would have a place. They could be taken there using other transport since they are not space capable, but come into their own in any pvp battles on the moon. The ranking system within the IFN may also then be given some meaning. If guns are were to be added to the dropships then it would require a redesign due to the canopy over the passengers, so maybe a place for some smaller 1 or 2 man fighters to escort them into battle.

    TBH the IFN rankings require as much or more grinding as the smugglers and the majority of it does not even add to the normal planetary missions and mission rewards, so something that adds value to all that work would be cool. tbh have never understood why IFN can't defend their warehouses instead of NPCs.
    Since 90% of all missions on all planets are little more than grinding, why would we need more ? How about something different, something to make us think, explore, problem solve, work co-operatively perhaps using those ranks in a meaningful way. How would smugglers react would they try to stop the IFN, spy on them, or would they find they had in fact a common enemy, as yet unseen ?
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  19. hHitman

    hHitman Member

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    cant agree with you more San..ppl who took IFN side went on killing over 1 year of oratan dailies and finaly got non space worthy ship which is disheartening.Why cant the items ppl collect over ped spent and their time be tradable as well?Warehouses are crap i agree.Should Ark team do the same error on a new idea as well?id say think it over....listen to the community....give what they ask....keep the game alive...then in the end both sides are happy.

    Yes i wont be grinding if the missions which they will introduce is awarded with a avatar bound stuff and are like you have to kill hell of a lot mobs to somehow loot a part for the items.Only cool stuff i liked was the viceroy and smuggler clothes both avatar bound but for me it was just the looks of it that mattered at the time.when it comes to guns well i dnt want it to be always lvl 100 guns.its raining lvl 100 guns on ark.

    where are those bad ass Dark knight armours and other high end ones? all i see is mahketa armour parts ppl are getting.maybe im missing something from the old days since im not a uber or long time player but hey its my home planet and i want to see those good looking stuff back again.how about good healing tools as well?with that said its all controled by MA as everyone says.

    Hope Ark Devs will deliver what they promissed to last GR winners without further more delay as we should hv been inside those instances killing ubos around this time.Hope all will get sorted out soon or else its a shame to see ppl leave ark.
  20. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    The normal grinding missions on one planet will take me two life-times already to complete. Don't read this a an argument against good missions though, just saying that I myself am in no way 'done' with the missions on the ground.
    I think different missions, things that add something or make you think are great. But please with something like a puzzle or exploration make it so that it's (a bit) different for every player. The puzzle-like missions on Calypso are like crossword puzzles where you can turn the page and read the solution in small print. I personally enjoyed the "Clean the Swamp" chain on Caly, together with a bunch of other missions on the Odysseus Island.
    It would be cool if there could be a mission where we really have to work together as a team. For example that a team has to go to an area and that the mission is only finished when the teammember A gets an certain item, member B healed the others enough times, member C finds some stuff while mining. Or even better, teammissions that require tact and coordination.
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