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Dark Moon Rises

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia News' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Dec 22, 2017.

  1. McCormick

    McCormick Active Member

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    A new area with 7 new mobs..1.2 million dollars ? 3rd quarter of 2018 ?

    This planet crowdfunding is slowly turning into a pyramid scheme in my opinion.
    But good luck, you'll need it.

    I wonder what kind of barriers MA has prepared for you this time. Im glad I no longer support this bullshit with my money and will now lean back again, to enjoy just another show in the making...merry xmas !
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  2. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Hype was on for just 3 days, been a week since anouncement and people are just shrugging it off when asked about their thoughts on moon. This surely cant be good or no? Would love to see how sales are going. I am not fascinated on work Arkadia does, but i always look out about possible investments. Any chance A-team would let us know how the sales are going? How many deeds left? Even so i still believe its super bad idea, more information or some proof of actually a person working on this would be awesome. Teaser trailers, concept art, storyline or storyline teasers? Anything that would show there is actually something in there to look for? 7 new creatures? What kind? Will they be for nubs or will there be something new and groundbraking for skilled players? Maybe new guns will drop and finally something that skilled players could use? I think highest level piron is like 60(?). Just some thoughts, dont keep us in dark A-Team. A new year is coming and its time to change up and do better!

    Happy new year to all

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  3. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Instead of going the cave route as the other moon did, perhaps do something new? An entire subsection with water could be interesting. Cyrene's done a few things with water... or if water is not doable, as gravity is bad up there, perhaps something mountainy - nah, better not, too many mountains elsewhere... something more interesting... fog? Wind? Endor-like forests/swamps?

    Also, perhaps follow the paths in some other sci-fi type adventures... there's an entire history of sci-fi stuff out there... make it interesting...

    Monria is boring quidkly after a few days... Don't make this place boring. You did fairly good with the Underground... lets do something with same level of interesting... if not more.

    Rumor has it that although planet Micheal is long dead, the 'dance off system' in it still exists somewhere in Mindark's archives ready to be put to use somewhere... (what better place than on a smuggler bar in a moon) ;)

    Heck, maybe add in all of the rumored stuff from every dead planet... time travel from Next Island, Casino from Vegas to Macau, Social stuff from HFU, 'jobs for the masses' from CRD, a few classic monsters from Universal Monsters (stick with the ones that are in the public domain and no copyright suits will come hopefully), and a mini-faction war from Theryon Wars?

    You are a full scale planet starting a moon, so should have the ability to do more with it than Monria ever did or hopes to do. An exciting entry level mission path similar to what Neverdie did with the Thing could make it easily accessible for all levels, and add some excitement - not just making it a regular ol boring grind.

    Also, please make it better and more fancy than old Monria's Hub... Feel like I'm in a 1970s or 1980s convention center every time I go there, making me not want to waste money there... Also the blown out bright lights there are too harsh in the apartments, etc. A multi-colored rainbow northern-lights type sky would be way more interesting and alien in feel.
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    Last edited: Dec 28, 2017
  4. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    A little sneak peek into the early development of the moon.

    Please note that what you see in these images do not represent the final design or release. These are images are from early stages of development and changes will take place.
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  5. Sokolade

    Sokolade Active Member

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    Wow! I am impressed Dylan! Keep those pics and whatever other info coming! Even if that changes during development its great food for forum trolls and helps you selling deeds! Marketing 1 oh 1 :D
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  6. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    I love everything about the design of those towers.
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  7. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    a new 'twin peaks'?
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  8. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Any chance you can set up onesies on the webshop? Kinda of annoying having to buy 5 at a time every time.
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  9. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    I own 0,01 % of that bridge, can I request different color? More pink
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  10. Liviu | Arkadia

    Liviu | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Pro Users PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member Planet Arkadia Official Arkadia Adviser Gold Member

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    Noted. I actually found a cool concept for it :)


    On a more serious note, the textures seen there are WIP so we might see a different color scheme in the end
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  11. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Good Job Liviu !, as always you are in the background drawing the pictures and slaving away with a lot of attention to detail.

    Do not know how you maintain that passion and drive, but do know that your efforts are well appreciated, always !
    (I still get PMs about how nice my shop turned out, all thanks to your efforts)
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  12. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    This made me wonder, if it would be possible to adjust the Gravity, i.e. make it possible to jump higher and fall slower ?
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  13. Hans

    Hans Member

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    Very nice, it looks like a lot of apartments similar to those on Monria complete with penthouse suites at the top.
    I'd request more green in the bridge since that is the one thing missing in an otherwise fine view from the apartments.
    I know it's a moon and green plants are out but I do miss a bit of green while on the moon.
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  14. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Exactly, that is why there should be more yellow, cheese is yellow and everyone knows the moon is made of cheese !

    Cheese Moon Spoiler.jpg
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2017
  15. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    Finally someone with a vision.
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  16. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    It's an interesting concept, and one for wich I've gotten a few deeds myself.

    I always wished that Arkadia wouldn't go for the 'habitable moon or astroid' concept, but rather for something different. Like being able to explore the space debris left over from the war between the true Arkadians and the Oratans. Floating into a kind of low/ zero gravity from DBS (Dehera Battle Ship) to OAC (Oratan Attack Cruiser) to IAOS (IFN Arkadian Observation Station). Where in each spacecraft gravity is more or less retained, and where you can also encounter different types of 'space mobs'.
    You know, give it a bit of the Crystal Palace feeling ... only better!
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  17. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    I'd like to see some Crystal Palace come back too, but in the form of the old Crystal Palace. It really felt like a space station with its expansive tunnels, reactors, and service centers, and Entropia is lacking good interiors these days. Perhaps there could be a network of underground tunnels and warehouses, if the Smugglers are involved it would not be that far fetched .
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  18. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Is there any way to make it so that deed holders will be only ones able to purchase an apt or shop there so as to encourage more folks to buy?

    Maybe if they all sell out earlier than anticipated you can move the shedule up a few months?
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2017
  19. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    can someone tell me why dark moon reminds me about enigma? :wacky:
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  20. Hans

    Hans Member

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    Thx Dove, you solved my problem, green mold on cheese. I don't need all of it green, just a bit here and there, the developers can also pick blue mold, black mold, pink mold etc. and can still ;eave yellow areas as well. Finally a good excuse for some colour on a moon. :wink:
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