Watch This Custom Store Fronts Available Now!

Discussion in 'Shops' started by Cyrus, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    The thing is you may spend an extra 5000 ped on your shop, but as this game goes, players wont buy for a MU of an extra 5000ped. Someone desperate for Peds will sell for less regardless of the extra investment. This extra 5000ped is for your own enjoyment and unlikely to bring a huge MU.
  2. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I can understand the extra item point garnering added markup BUT i can't see the shop fronts doing so as one persons design isn't suitable for the next

    Also, seems some people missed this bit

  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Please consider adding the option to simply purchase a shopfront upgrade/makeover for some fee (less than 5k peds).
  4. Kevlie

    Kevlie Member

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    This is a great idea, with shop owners designs arkadia will look much more colorful!
  5. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    I wonder if the Dev team could put an example up for us to see how it looks. Say use one of the in used shops at Celeste Island.
  6. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Cyrus, in near future i plan to upgrade one of my two shops (maybe it will be Celeste North 9)

    But I have some questions about templates. I can use for painting only yellow-colored spaces in templates?
    On the left view the lower part of display area is black. Can i use them for design?

    Next question about a glass in display area. As i can see there will be a glass or something similar. Maybe we can have problems with the placement of objects in display area and with purchasing?

    Next question. Lighting - lamps or something similar i seen in the first post in the sample. Lamps for display area is included in the offer?

    Next, if i plan an upgrade, i can take 10 item points from 50 for display area, and left 40 for shop?

    Next, maybe you have a 3D-model in 3D-MAX or similar for editing? My friend is a designer, he can create a design for me.

    And final question. Can you make the name (In your example, IFN SURPLUS) shone like Moonshine Bar?
  7. Forgo

    Forgo Member

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    I really like this idea. Good stuff.
    Makes sense to have the fee with it, it sounds like quite an addition as it is, 50 points is a bonus IMO.
    500 dollars to have an experienced design team finalize it for you is better than a fee and stick-figure murals all over.

    I paid more on Caly by a fair bit for a shop in Twin Mall, versus the price for Celeste 9.

    The problem on Calypso is that Twin and PA mall are really the only places with regular traffic to justify that price. (at the right item points)

    Other shops on Caly I wouldn't pay 2k ped for.
    Location Location Location. - Commercial Real estate mantra. RL or here.
    Ark is well centralized, everyone has some exposure, and the traffic is condensed.

    The higher price I am happy with, but only because of the volume and traffic in Twin.
    The rest of the shops on caly are alot of work to get people to come.
    This is due to far too many shops and areas to go for shopping, we just don't have a population to support spread-out retail like that.

    The Ark shop I will have to wait and see,(just got it 1 day before this post) still IMO a decent investment for someone with enough stuff to fill em with regularly. Shop sales are sales that would not have occurred even offline, months on end, and even better, it helps supply the economy when options are null, and move it forward, helping newer players progress.
    Worth something right there.

    More Foma and Caly shops are being used for storage or unused than anything else.

    I'd rather not see that happen on ark.

    Aside from that, I may have to take some time on this idea to make sure I don't waste the opportunity.


    Is it correct that we could basically have a 3 sided complete mural, even on the outer side wall on the televator side?

    Could we have pillars or such along the walls?

    Could we add something like a modified awning or covered roof for the display area, or even entry?
    Like a hobbit shaped door or something.

    Is it any higher than the roof line of floor 1 on the side walls? The whole side of the shop building would work great with me. ) I will even give the tenants 1st option at design for thier unit space, for a small rental fee. ;) Or just a big ad screen for each, that we could upload stuff, or unlock it to allow uploads.

    Could we take parts of the front walls out and make them open?

    For kicks, just a thought.....could we get a paid sponsor like Coke and use the design for that? :surrender: (*slap taken)

    The only other thing I would love, Could we add a sub-floor for the unit. :)

    As you know they are buggy, people get stuck over water often looking at things, having to jump out and back in to reload it all ect. It sucks, RT has this issue bad as well.

    I would think adding a solid plane to the floor just above the main floor would solve that particular issue.

    Thanks for the time.
    Awesome idea, you guys have a good team goin.
  8. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    We are reasonably flexible on the designs and actually encourage you guys to add some structure to the design - the sample we showed has camo nets sticking out, we can add pillars, awnings etc, it's all up to your imagination.

    Best bet is to sketch a mock up, send it to us for review. Just a reminder that if you want it in for the June update we need designs finalised within the next 10 days or so.

    Regarding your suggestion with the floor Forgo, I'll take a look at it. I suspect it's due to load times which is something we have addressed with the next update - we are getting 130 FPS (running absolutely maxed settings) inside the shops at Celeste Harbour now, a massive improvement.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing some of the shops customized.
  9. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Hi again!
    Dear A-Team, will be upgrades of the Shops implemented in the server restart, 4 June?
    Cyrus wrote me that before upgrade i must remove all items, and i dont want miss time :)

    Thank you for answer

  10. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    The server restart on June 4th is not a partner update. You'll be advised in advance of the date of the update (due around middle of June).

  11. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Thank you, David!

    Collecting items and then the alignment of their back is not the most pleasant experience ;)
    I will wait for Partner update.
  12. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Will the glass display area be added to all shops currently? This is because all shops currently have an open display area. Or is it just for designed shops?

    I am keen to see an example placed ingame like in the mock up above so we can see what we are getting. I am thinking of doing a design myself, but not sure what design to choose at this stage.

  13. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    I think that the glass display areas + lamps is only for customized Shops.
    As i know, in near Partner update you can look on at least two customized Shops, my Shop Celeste North 8, and Shop Celeste North 16.

    But i think the next update is very close (in the middle of June), if you want to customize you Shop now, maybe its too late...
  14. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    All changes are implemented! But happens was what I writing. Display area with glass does not have possibility for put or take items (if i stay on the street) - area is 99% unusable now :(
    Also, now hard to put or take items even being on display area. Yesterday, about 5 minutes I could not remove a MegaView screen hung on wall :(
    A little later today, I will write a email to Cyrus about it
  15. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    I am currently looking at designing the outside of the shop but what if the Ark team made me one?

    Would the team make me an awesome "prototype" that people could see? I would love it if they put a lot of time in it. I would pay for the upgrade and they could make me a sweet design for the shop as it where my own. I could tell them a few things I'd like to see so they have a little direction.

    What do you think Ark team? I want to get it done anyways but I dont trust my own design ability... I am about numbers... art / design isn't my strong point!
  16. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I'm hiring a creative designer to do the concepting with input from me (though I have been very slack in getting this organised). Perhaps this is an approach you could take?

  17. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I can HIGHLY recommend Robotzelul's Photoshop Service. I'm working with Robo to completely update SFE's graphics both in world and website and will be commissioning him to do our HQ Building at Sanctuary Cove #3.
  18. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    Sounds like it would cost a lot of money , time and effort to create something of this calibur. I am not a artist, nor would I claim to be.

    When they asked for crayon drawings I knew there was a chance. Heck I could throw in a couple stick figures to show some customers too but, in all likelyhood Its gonna cost money, or a skill which I don't have.

    Keep the ideas comming. I am looking for ideas in this endeavor.
  19. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    You can certainly leave it to our designers. Best bet is to grab some pictures off the web that can give some sense of the theme you want. We'll send you a design and you can then suggest changes.

    Of course you can work with an artist as the guys suggest to try and work out the theme that will suit.

  20. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    My main concern is will the hallway maze leading into shopping area be able to be changed as well? I would prefer a more direct route to the heart of my shop. I would like my name shown a lot, in big old letters so when I advertise people know what shop I am sending them to without walking up to the door. Cool artwork (hunting / mining artworks) or signs saying things about my entropian history would probably be things I want to adorn my shop. My main goal is to draw in the foot traffic from the area and have a place that all arkadia can be proud of.

    That is great news for me. The ark team does some amazing work. I am sure they have some awesome ideas and I would like to see them. Please tell me how I can get started, do I need to purchase the item upgrades first? Or will we work on a design first and finalize that before?

    I really want to let ark team take it where you want and really make it wow people. My 2 things are a more direct way to get to shop center and my stores name scrolling across the top with some of my promotions which hopefully I can change week to week without paying 500 ped each time. If thats not possible than my name, and stores name along with nice, catchy artworks.

    Can I directly chat with anyone on the team today maybe we can talk about things? I should be in game most of the day after I have a chance to take care of a few more RL things. Would be really excited and privileged to have the Ark team create something awesome for the shop!