The universe can be a lonesome and cold place, so why not come in to us to try keep warm. Even if we are Monria based we travel to all corners of the universe and try progress and teamunt when possible. We have a deep force pulling us toward the darker side of Monria and game, so if you have some darkness in you this may be the place for you. PS. We love milk and cookies so would be good if you do also We are a fairly new started guild based on Monria where we try take part in activitys and all events that hapen on the Moon If this sounds interesting to you as new or old within the universe feel free to drop a line to one of the following: Kingu KinguXnoX Kingu Sith Lord Lumiya
Small bump for the Society and some open room.. Will also use this chance to promote society and Monria Valentine event.. Make sure to check out
Making a small bump as we still have a few open places.. Dont be shy.. We dont bite other then our cookies
He forgot to mention that the cookies he hands out are laced with Maladrite Elixir ... it's the stuff the Cultists brew up on Monria in an effort to make everyone mad and controllable ... he wasn't kidding about the dark side. Cult of the Skull is also very much a part of our official Monria storyline too. He just doesn't want to scare you away. This society is truly special.
We cant reveal all the secrets with cookies and all until they join us and test them Dont be scared of the cookies and dark side.. Feel free to send a pm for more info Can contact Kingu KinguXnoX Kingu or Sith Lord Lumiya