Crewe Of Lootius Ball: Entropia Mardi Gras 2019

Discussion in 'Events' started by happy_hipster, Feb 4, 2019.

  1. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Hitch Hikers Guide To Mardi Gras
    use the links and the back button to maximize this OP

    March 1st
    Less then 24 hours from NOW

    Warp Service Starts 20:00
    Parade Rolls @ 22:00
    Afterparty at 24:00

    Entropia Mardi Gras 2019
    A Free For All (FFA) Parade Through Arkadia
    Come to Arkadia! Throw Me something, Mister!

    Who Is interested in this event?

    You don't need to buy anything to get free Throws
    Mardi Gras Colors are Nusul, Hornet and Carabok

    Crowning of the 2020 King
    Aakas Island March 2nd
    00:00-01:00 EU time
    20p From The Event List


    (Free For All stuff we give away on the parade route)

    How to buy a ticket
    How to use Advance Tickets
    Transportation /Free Warp / TP Run

    File your support case: We Want Mardi Gras Strongboxes!

    Crewe of Lootius: Arkadia

    Ever Been To Mardi Gras? Here is your chance to not only participate in The Universe's first ever Mardi Gras Parade, but to be crowned KING of the 2020 Entropia Mardi Gras!!!

    Only 100 tickets will be available to get your chance to lead the parade in 2020, past the population centers, stables, and shops of the Entropia Universe, throwing free stuff to spectators.

    Fun for both participants and spectators, Mardi Gras is a great time to have fun as a group and spur growth in our community.

    Floats can consist of groups of people representing Stables, Warp Providers, Shopping Centers, Societies, even a Pirate float is welcome since New Orleans, the Center of the Mardi Gras universe, was founded by pirates.

    So bring you masks, wear your costumes, fuel up your vehicles and take the party to the streets! Mardi Gras colors are Purple, Green and Yellow, or Nusul, Carabok, and Hornet

    Mardi Gras is coming!

    The Crewe Of Lootius Ball was NOT the Parade!
    It was a fundraiser for throws FOR the parade.
    The Ball was held at Aakas Island (Arkadia, 19100, 9083)

    How to get a free throw at the parade?
    If you do not say "Hey I got a....(item link)" or similar
    in #mardigras, #rookie, #arkadia,#rocktropia, or #calypso chat(pick one)
    then the trade window will be closed
    and we can move on....
    This is being done to insure the Court does it's job! KEEP THEM HONEST

    Please respond with your comments, questions, suggested ticket prices and sponsorship offers to this event.

    The Top Promoter will receive a free advance ticket. Details in Sponsors

    Jack Hipster Kimble ingame

    Don't Panic
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    Last edited: Feb 28, 2019
  2. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Caly Mirror

    Common Questions:

    Who is the Court?
    The Court will get their throws at their TP, Shop or Stable from the King, and pass theirs out in their portion of the route, and at the Crowning event at the end of the Parade.

    How do I get tickets?
    Once the event is registered, a portion will be available from the Arkadian event queue. A set number of tickets will be purchased in advance of the event, and will be reserved for sponsors.

    Do I need to buy a ticket to participate?
    As a spectator, without participation, the throws will suck. The more people, the more sponsors, the more tickets sold, the better this can be. So if you want good free stuff, it is in your own best interest to help promote the event. One does not need to buy tickets to receive throws. One DOES need to buy a ticket to become 2020 King, pass out throws, win event prizes or attend the after parade party.

    How can one "Throw" items now we are not able to drop stuff on the ground?
    All Items will be given to the King. Who could run off with them. And piss everyone off. But some kings are good, some are cool. The King will pass key items out through private trade before, during and after the parade. At his discretion, randomly or to friends. We can never tell.

    *UNLESS* "I got a ............." is the common response to receiving a throw! EXAMPLE:The Mayor of Quarry gives you a B101 amp, and while the trade window is still open, you yell "I GOT A B101 Amp!!!" and then he checks the green check, and you get it. Otherwise, YOU DONT.

    At key points on the parade route, he will distribute an items package to the governor of that portion of parade. Not only will the King pass out items throughout the entire route but the governor of that area will as well. This will proceed until the end of the event.

    So it will be possible for a player to receive several items from several members of royalty throughout the parade.

    All leftover throws will be given out at the final destination.

    Why Arkadia? Why not Caly or RT?
    Glad you asked. I am from Arkadia. It is my home. I was borned here. I want to do as much as possible to improve it. I expect there are those on RT and Caly that feel the same. I know what I'm doing, and how to do it, and am laying out a framework for others to follow. I hope this will prepare the way for events on both RT and Calypso. In 2020, the first ball can be held for the Crewe Of NRF. The second on Calypso for the Crewe of HoF. And then a week before Mardi Gras, the Crewe of Lootius.

    There can be three parades. NRF, on RT. HoF on Caly. And Lootius on Ark. This event builds and eventually can include every planet. Once that happens, all planets can have part in each parade on each planet. It will make more sense in time. Lets just see how the actual parade on Ark goes.
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
  3. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Seeking throw contributions as well as related services to make this event worthy of its reputation

    Land Owners:
    Bring the crowds of people, during the ball, before the parade, and at its end to your doorstep where they are sure to get a good look at what you have to offer!

    Crowning Of the 2020 King: Govinda Gopaala Krishna - AAkas Island
    Crewe of Lootius Ball: Govinda Gopaala Krishna - AAkas Island

    MS Owners:
    If you make this event a hit, it will mean ALOT of travel between planets. Not only to the event, but back home.

    Crewe of Lootius Ball: Felix Wizard Petrescu of the STARFINDER XXXII​

    Promote your society and gain membership. There is a chance for you to take over the Parade if you win King. Don't miss this chance to gain membership and make sure your Soc is represented!

    Crowning Of the 2020 King:
    The Entropiad
    elitemania Community - Wash Your Hands
    Crewe of Lootius Ball: The Entropiad

    Shop Owners:
    Get you name and location out there by bringing droves of people to Arkadia. Next year, this event can spread to other planets, with even better throws. Stand by your shop and give away things as we pass by (if you can encourage us to pass by) and people will not forget it. Put your name and location on key throws to be given in front of your location by Royalty, and they will tell all of their friends!

    Crewe of Lootius Ball: Felix Wizard Petrescu: Celeste Harbor Booth #2 [29907, 10122, 103]
    Crewe of Lootius Ball: Gopaala Krishna: AI Treasures AAkas Island​

    Stable Owners:
    Nothing draws a crowd like free stuff! Want us to pass by you? Please help sponsor this event! This is a great chance for you to let us know who, and where you are.

    Get your name on the throw supplier list and it may mean future sales.

    Audio Broadcasters:
    Be the official DJ of the 2019 Mardi Gras. Promote the event as we promote you!

    Livecast what could be the largest event in EU history​

    Promoters, Advertisers, and Spammers:
    Be the one to tell your clientelle about this event. They heard it from you, so it must be awesome, right? I'm sure they will remember that, especially if you never let them forget it! Be the advertiser with the most responses to this post by different avatars, i will give you a free ticket to the ball! DETAILS
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
  4. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    (Please check with me, Jack Hipster Kimble, before you give anything to anyone regarding this event.
    Beware of scammers and copycat events.
    This is the post for this and all future Mardi Gras Events.)

    The following throws might be given out through the parade.
    This is just for starters.

    456 Confirmed Throws
    Nutrio Bars
    Alpha Core Cards
    Treasure Maps
    Fly Amber
    Animal Essence
    Motorhead Keg
    Pet Name Tag
    Akardian Key 1
    Akadian Key 2
    Arkadian Key 10
    (20)Herman Ark-0
    Herman Law-0
    Herman Cap-0
    Manta K-1
    (20)Terramaster 1
    Skildek Lancehead
    [Dominax Original Garter (L)]
    [Roadie BLP Amp Mk I (L)]
    [EWE EP-1 Neutron (L)]
    EWE EP-2
    Electric Attack Nanochip IX (L)
    Sandrunner MkII
    More to list....

    Possible additional Throws:
    Fanoos medical
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
  5. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    The Court is responsible For their section of the Parade Route
    Do you have the TP's?

    Acting as 2019 King:Jack Hipster Kimble

    Elected Mayors:
    Demi Deminish Nishap: Countess of Celest Harbor North
    Kain Dewey Fall: Jari of Outpost
    nick nikita3003 OP: Marquee of The Quarry

    Selected Governors:
    Gopala: Count of Aakas Island
    Felix Wizard: Baron of Celeste Harbor
    lastman last77 kenoa: Duke of Celeste Harbor Island
    Kasey DIE Jones:Tamaraq of Celeste Harbor South

    Specific Titles Can be Changed to suit players fancy, route is set to cover (at least) Quarry, Outpost, Celeste Harbor, Celeste Harbor North and Celeste Island

    When handing out throws in trade, do not complete the transaction until the spectator states what they are getting in one of these chats: #arkadia, #rocktropia, #calypso, #mardigras

    I understand that the sheer volume of throws to give out may be too much for one person to handle during your portion of the parade. If that is the case, please appoint people to help. I can reserve a ticket to the event at the end of the route for you to give to your best helper. 90% of the throws you are given should be handed out by Parades end, the rest at the Parade Ball.

    I am suggesting giving each member 100 throws. 70 for their portion. 10 for the rest of the route. 10 for the bar. And 10 for the Crowning. Reserve the best throws for the Crowning.

    You will be able to tell who to give throws too easily. The parade moves. Anyone moving is technically part of the parade. Anyone who is standing still is officially a spectator. So throws will go to those not in the parade, on either side, standing still(or dancing, dancing is allowed). We don't want to encourage people running after people for throws. If they do, they become part of the parade, are no longer spectators, and do not qualify for throws.

    Ball Results:
    Demi Deminish Nishap
    Kain Dewey Fall
    Jack Hipster Kimble-exempt
    nick nikita3003 OP
    lastman last77 kenoa
    Kasey DIE Jones​
    Lathan Scrog Levi
    Kingu KingXnoX Kingu
    Mississippi Blanketface Kimt
    Matisyahu dllr root
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
  6. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Support ticket sent:
    I am going to hold events related to a Universe wide Mardi Gras, and wonder what MA could do to help with such an extravaganza. Such an event would spur gameplay, spending and commerce throughout the realms. At the very least, I would hope the MA team could create a Crown for the King of Entropia, but other items such as masks and beads would make the event special.

    Thank you for your careful consideration.

    Response(spoiler:no King Cake):

    Event Items(that I would love MA to consider making for this event):
    Crown(for King)
    Rods(for Court)
    King Cakes


    Special Throws:

    Edit Vehicles so one can trade from gunner seat​
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
  7. gopaala

    gopaala Member Staff Member

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    These are some grand plans! Will require some serious event planning to make it work. I wish you all the best, Hipster.

    Would like to offer the services of Aakas Island for hosting the ball event. We recently had an accidental party over at the Island (I messed up by creating an event with Most Votes instead of HSL). As the details get hammered out, we can also work out some sponsorships.
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2019
  8. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    While I don't have sponsorship to offer I do wish you the best of luck with this project, It is a wonderful idea that takes us back to a style of events in Entropia that used to be far more common.
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  9. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Something as simple as 20 b101's (@ under a ped each) would get your name on the list, a ticket to vote, and a chance to be royalty, at this point.
  10. Suza

    Suza Member

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    I dunno if this will be something you want, but I can donate 100 nusul pets to be handed out as gifts. Might get some pandi pups to add as well :)
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
  11. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    That is better then I hoped for, and a great start. I will reserve a ticket to the Crewe of Lootius ball for you. Thanks Suza.

  12. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Warp service for the Ball has been donated by Felix Wizard Petrescu of the STARFINDER XXXII. This will consist of a warp from RT>>Caly>>Ark starting four hours before the event. You do not have to be a participant to fly. I have Reserved a ticket for him.
  13. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    100 Fly Amber and 100 Animal Essence Donated by Bare Barebones Bones. A ticket has been Reserved!
  14. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    The use of the Common Area at Aakas Island has been donated by Govinda Gopaala Krishna. A ticket has been reserved.
  15. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    2000 Arkoin has been dontaed by Detritus the Troll. A ticket has been reserved.
  16. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Just have people respond to this post with your Full Av name when they respond to the following ads:

    [#mardigras] -FREE WARP FOR ALL! Throw Me Something Mister!

    [#mardigras] -[S.I. HK110][ArMatrix LR-10 (L)] [Katsuichi Honor]

    [#mardigras] -Royalty: Claim your position! AdvanceTixAvailable

    [#mardigras] -FREE [Arkoin]s! Free Warp! Prizes! Throws!

    Societies:Free Ticket to One member YOU PICK as a Represenative! [#mardigras]

    I create a sticky and copy and paste from it. You will need links for the [#mardigras] chat and the items, contact me in game.

    5 minutes is the standard delay between ads, but that is relative. I enlarge my trade chat to go top to bottom, and post an ad every time the last ad disappears off the top. If you post too often, you will be ignored. You do not have to spam ads, though. Just telling friends and soc mates may get you the free ticket.

    Refer anyone with a question to the forum since their post, if it includes your name, will credit you for a chance to win the free ticket.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2019
  17. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    2019-02-05 12:00 Entropia Universe Support:

    Hi Hipster,

    Thank you for your support case.

    We apologize for the inconvenience but we do not really assist in player created events as this would create a favoritism scenario so we are very limited in what we can do in that aspect.

    To create a crown or any additional items would require development time from art and other teams, as we are working on big projects at this time we would not be able to spare such time to create additional items for a player ran event.

    We do however wish you the out most of luck with your Event and we hope it reaches the audience you are seeking, take care.

    Kind regards,
    Ulf | Entropia Universe Support
  18. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    There will be Arkadian Key 1 available as throws for the event
  19. Kain Dewey Fall

    Kain Dewey Fall Member

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    Happy_Hipster, are you this years King that will be handing everything out? If it is this Saturday, I don't have anything to contribute, but I will buy a ticket. :D
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  20. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    3 Skildek Lance Donated by Shaolin Amethera Nightwish