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Compensation petition for BUGED instance keys, not included in loot!!!

Discussion in 'Instances' started by hegidr, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. BubblesTheTormentor

    BubblesTheTormentor Member

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    I think you did a good job of summing up the concerns made by many in this thread nicely. I think, however, there is a perspective here that I really don't see discussed that I'd like to point out.

    Let's assume the worst. Let's assume that A-Team took people's data to heart and full on agrees with the notion that key returns are buggered up. What are their options then?

    They could stop the event and admit something is screwed up with the loot. But who's fault is that? MA's. In essence, they are calling out the very people they rely on as a business. For all the theories about how MA gives Calypso special treatment because it basically belongs to them, how would this help the A-Team prevent that from worsening? For better or worse, A-Team has to work and play (relatively) nice with MA.

    Let's flip it around. What if A-Team falls on the sword and takes the blame for this entire thing. Then what? MA handles the refunds, but A-Team can't speak for them. At best, some people completely stop trusting A-Team and leave the planet, as I doubt anyone would want to stay on ark if the team admitted that they ran an event knowing full well there were going to be problems in it. This isn't any different than what's going on now, save that many blame MA over the A-Team right now.

    I suppose the A-Team could offer refunds out of their own pocket, but I imagine that'd be a sizable blow to their finances. Sure, some would say the relationship between the team and its players is worth it, but without any of us knowing the numbers that is a tough call to make. Furthermore, even this option upsets the part of the player base that actively did NOT participate in the event because of the issues. This is another no win situation.

    So perhaps, as depressing as it may be to say, staying pretty silent on this matter is truly the best thing for the A-Team. As some have said, there aren't any good solutions to this issue for them, and unless they truly believe that the key values were returned in the instances, I imagine they are silently just as mad as we are about all of this.
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  2. Quin perv

    Quin perv Member

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    I know exactly what you mean, but before you say its fair for everyone you must see some stats.

    To compete on this 30 day event:

    - I spent 480 hours behind the screen ( some people complain about the 40 hours for mayhem)

    - just in exchange rate from Canadian $ to US I lost 17480 ped in depos This month alone ($1748 us dollar)

    - during the event I lost another 56000 ped ( keys and loot) ( $5600 US)

    - took 20 days off work to be able to compete and lost another $8000 in pay (80k ped)

    So this month alone I LOST over 15 thousand dollars, ( 150k ped) you want to re-do the event and tell me its fair for everybody?
    I won the improved weapon fair and square. And the key "entry fee" must be refunded even if in universal amo

    They have to find a solution to please the ones that had the loss, not the ones that didn't lose a single pec. Although I know others may have competed if it was cheaper.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2015
  3. Quin perv

    Quin perv Member

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  4. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    I hate to be the sceptic in all of this but to play devils advocate this is what I see happening.....

    MA will stand by the fact that all instances were running 'as intended' therefore no admission of any guilt or issue.
    They will then say 'Due to player and PP feedback we have adjusted the returns for the future.'

    And just for the record I put this solely on the shoulders of MA.
    Dave was painted in to a corner with the info MA gave him (that all was as intended) so all he can do is trust the people who are supposedly running the show.If MA keep saying 'thats how it is,deal with it' what option does Dave have other than to stop the event and completely call MA out on it and make them look like the bad guy-not good for company relations-or tell everyone that you're returns are as intended (which is what he did) so naturally you have to factor that in to just how 'worth it' the event is.

    To play devils advocate a little further......
    If I recall correctly the statement said "instances are working as intended",there was no mention of key values etc being included.
    The intructions at that time were "this is what you can expect and all you can expect".

    Many assumed that returns were so bad that its just not possible this is what they intended even though MA stated exactly that and yet chose to continue anyway.
    I'm sorry but I think the players who pushed on despite the 'official' information given have to take some responsibility for their actions here too.

    MA have done a massive disservice to Ark on this one....imagine if the MM instances were returning 60%,there would be rioting in the streets and MA would be forced to act.

    As it is now I dont see anyone other than the clueless running Aakas at all.
    Until something changes Aakas might as well not exist.

    I dont see any 'fair' way to fix the past but they damn well better consider the future.

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  5. Joda

    Joda Member

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    This is just not acceptable, and even trying to dely a word from ma or a-team shows that they dont care about us at all... not even "we are working to see what is wrong"
  6. Tryx

    Tryx Member

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    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2015
  7. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Jod is probably right here, they'll stick to their guns and basically say 'eat it'. Possibly an imp-gyro will drop soon and then they'll point and say 'see, there's the payback'
  8. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    I have gone back through and checked Daves posts and yes I stand corrected on the exact wording of the information.

    I dont mean to harp on the very people that got the rawest of the deal ie; those that soldiered on,but what would have happened if you'd gone through Merry Mayhem and found at the end you had a 60% return would you even think to ask MA for some restitution let alone expect some?

    I know its harsh and I dont like the situation anymore than you guys do,I'd like my money back too,but I will be pleasantly shocked if anyone gets a resolution they are completely happy with.
  9. Joda

    Joda Member

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    Sorry, post deleted.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2015
  10. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    Look I'm all for the fight for whats right and I'm right with you on it.I wouldnt have bothered putting my numbers in here otherwise.

    As i said its 'devils advocate' -no one likes it but you have to concede its possible,you of all people have been around long enough to know that.

    Not saying dont fight,just go in with your eyes open.
  11. Joda

    Joda Member

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    there is no need to be devils advocate , because there is actual people who can speak for them selves, and we are waiting for it.
    devils advocate can be, when people died or dont know how to speak.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2015
  12. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    A-Team cannot speak for Mindark. As David once said, when they are silent.. that means they are very busy behind the scenes. This is a no-win situation for Arkadia. To say they don't care is to let your frustration and cynicism cloud reality.

    I've lost 30,000ped TT to keys in the last year. Perhaps that fits your definition of who is worthy to be in this discussion. People do not have to lose tons of money to have a valid opinion. I seem to think us Arkadia bound folks didn't participate like the Calypso folks who came over did because we have always known instances worked this way in some form whether it be chests or loot in mobs... the losses were just as bad.

    I do hope they refund the TT of the keys .. mindark should eat it.. as I think they ducked over Arkadia with the sloppy design big time. we shall see what happens.
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    Last edited: Feb 11, 2015
  13. Sityl

    Sityl Member

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    I feel like at this point we deserve at least a "We're looking into it and will get back to you," type response instead of them just being totally mute.

    Does anyone know if they'll ever add the chests in again, or are the instances forever going to be guaranteed 60% return?
  14. Quin perv

    Quin perv Member

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    I've got a "we're looking into it" from MA.

    A-team when will official results be up?
  15. bleppen

    bleppen Member

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    i would love to get the chests back... was kinda the whole thing about aakas.
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