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Compensation petition for BUGED instance keys, not included in loot!!!

Discussion in 'Instances' started by hegidr, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Quin perv

    Quin perv Member

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    Arkadia scam.jpg Just a bit of no Loot
    I was so sick of the evades on the 1 shot mobs!
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  2. Tryx

    Tryx Member

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    You don't get it at all, people continued including myself on the wrong info from Officals, people claim all kind of shit on forums when it comes to loot all the time its hard to know for sure unless u do proper testing. I contacted Officals twice and both times they confirmed everything is alright it will come back, since key TT is going to the instance.
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  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    TT can't be compensated . A lot of other players, including myself, dropped out because we realized the keys were not being returned in loot, regardless of the official information.

    I really don't know what the answer is... the officials should have responded to our concerns in the first few days and postponed the event until MA could fix the instances. I can't help thinking that if this had been been held on Calypso, loot would have been fixed very quickly at the beginning of the event, because it's a lot harder to feed the PP false info when that PP is downstairs instead of thousands of miles away. I think MA owes the A-team (and players) big time right now and they're going to need to do something huge to make up for the damage done by their misinformation, lack of support, and to put it bluntly, theft of peds. Here are some ideas since MA is really bad at coming up with good PR moves: a public apology, and sponsorship of another event open to everyone who ran keys in this event, in which loot is higher than 100% return.

    We have to look at the amount of cash that was lost. A number of players lost $4000 RL dollars because MA and Ark officials gave misinformation. This kind of thing does real damage to the game if it's not handled right.
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    Last edited: Feb 10, 2015
  4. Ceral

    Ceral Member

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    Get rid of golden key part drops, get rid of armor drops, and while we're at it, kick them out of the instance if they drop. Got to love the design for this event. I didn't spend as much as some of you guys (Probably around 10k), but here's hoping that we get that Key TT back. This event was a robbery.
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  5. Tryx

    Tryx Member

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    People get compensated irl for simular shit all the time, its just you and others that dropped out that feel "cheated" if they did that, but look at it this way please please please, you spend hundreds of hours and don't win even if you win. Then some guy who didn't even take part of event come and opens his mouth, no thats unfair rabble rabble rabble. Just bystanders, they didnt spend hundreds of hours, they didnt risk shit, they didnt lose tons of money.

    Then on calypso they give out keys for free, and its obvious this coin system is just based from core and halloween event. It won't be a problem because its just loot, not loot+entrance fee. Loot will come back and hit your average return depending on setup.

    Mindark cannot do anything but give the keyTT back to all participans IMO, if you did 1 key or a 1000 keys doesnt mather.
    I repeat they ones that lost the most did not only lose peds they lost hundreds of hours of their life, Mindark CANNOT replace time, but returning key TT will put a value on the participates time atleast.

    refund keyTT, redo event all over and apologize from MA, all it takes. You guys who stepped out early dont miss out, people who took part doesnt get screwed.
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  6. Karmic Natures

    Karmic Natures Member

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    We get it, but on the other side people that did testing also contacted Ark officials, made support cases, and ended up dropping out of the competition because they knew Ark was wrong. If the instances had been working correctly the eventual winners of some of the prizes would have been different. I hope for a couple of my friends' sake that the TT value gets returned, but at the same time, if it is then the competition was basically rigged. If they refund the key ped then Ark could have just had everyone screenshot their ped card balance before the event, hand out prizes in ped order and saved everyone a lot of time and heartache.

    Arkadia didn't just make just a single error with this event, they continued to err for so long even in the face of player supplied evidence that it's basically unrecoverable, there is no fair solution to this problem.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Quin perv

    Quin perv Member

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    Some people!
    It's absolutely ridiculous how jealous some people can get.

    " you guys got robbed but its your fault"

    " i didnt compete so you shouldn't get reimbursed"

    "If you get reimbursed, then you should return your prize"

    If its wrong its wrong!
    Doesn't matter if someone tested ot not!
    If someone steals from you, it is still wrong even if you knew he would do it.

    Please stop with the jealousy and go kill some Diablos
  8. Quin perv

    Quin perv Member

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    And unless they finally come out to speak with us and help find a solution, their reputation will get affected.
  9. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    It's not jealousy. I just don't agree with you and the others who are asking for compensation for poor TT returns. I competed and I am up for significant losses but I realised that early on and made a conscious decision to press on. And so did you. People who pulled out performed a cost benefit analysis and decided the prizes were not worth the projected loss. You knew you were losing and chose to continue anyway. Don't you have some responsibility for the decision you made?

    The theft analogy is not reasonable. Poor returns are not theft.

    You might argue that MA/PP were deceptive. I saw the post where Dave stated we were wrong. I guess because I know Dave personally that I don't think he was intentionally deceptive. I think he was mis-informed by MA. Nevertheless, I feel that he, on behalf of his company needs to come back with some sort of statement to address the concerns of the user community. That's going to be very difficult because the policy will be in place that they don't publicly discuss disputes with MA or publicly criticise them. There are very good reasons for such a policy but it places them in a very difficult situation since their choices seem to be:
    • reject our findings as incorrect
    • assign responsibility to MA, breaking policy and damaging the relationship with MA; or
    • accept responsibility for something that probably wasn't under their control.
    So I am not surprised that Dave and his team are initially being quiet.

    I'm more concerned about the many keys wasted when I and others were kicked out of instances. Many support calls have been logged. Few have been resolved.

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  10. Quin perv

    Quin perv Member

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    You have some very good points i have to confess, but Maybe you missunderstood!
    Nobody complained about TT returns in the loot.
    This is only about the key itself.
    The key TT that was supposed to be returned to the instance runner wasnt!
    I loose always on tt return of course, and so do many others.
    And... No, i had no idea i was loosing at first!
    I invested into a event, and during a event i dont stop to count ped or pec.
    After the realization that the key tt wasnt coming back, I had over 15000 ped gone. At this point its too late to quit.

    The only compensation we are looking for is the " entry fee" for the event.
    I paid 50k ped to enter the event and the 50k were supposed to be returned to me during the event, but wasnt!

    I dont think David was deceptive either, but was indeed wrong.
    And although it may be MA's fault, it still happened on Arkadia, during a Arkadian event, organized by the Arkadia team. And therefore we expect their support
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2015
  11. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Yep I understand that its about the Key TT being total overhead. I guess where I disagree with you is that with 15k spent it was too late to quit. That was the time for reality check and a re-evaluation of your plans. And then you went on to spend another 35k.

    Anyway, I certainly sympathise with your situation and I am waiting to hear any sort of response from Arkadia Studios.
  12. Artrat

    Artrat Member

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    The instances have been bugged from the start. Myself and several others made Ark devs aware of this a long time ago, so they are fully to blame for what's happened here, IMO, despite loot being MA's turf.

    I hope you guys get your money back, but I doubt it. I have not been back to Ark in ages, largely because of the Ark team's refusal to acknowledge this issue. I am the owner of one of the UL Golden Key BP's and had intended to live on Ark permanently and pretty much run keys full time for the Golden Key parts, but gave that up when I saw I would never get more than 75% return from a key run.

    Here is my previously ignored thread:

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  13. Tryx

    Tryx Member

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    Yes its unfair for those who IMO won this event by dropping off early and save themself hundreds of hours and tens thousands of peds. Despite what arkadian officals said about keyTT, they managed to dodge the bullet they saw but yet didnt convince others was there until it was to late for them.

    What ark should do is refund keyTT and rebalance event, after thats done re-run the event, at fair grounds so you guys who didnt take part because you knew what was wrong have the chance to run too. So you guys can spend hundreds of hours like we did.

    I can agree with you that having a big pedcard was requirement in this screwup, but it doesnt remove the fact it was 300-500 hours of running keys involved too, so claiming big ped card equals win is not correct.

    Many i know who took part of this event wouldnt have joined it at all including me if we knew KeyTT was gonna be lost, all arkadian officals should have stated was that keyTT is an entryfee and entryfee will not be returned into loot. Then we wouldn't have this situation at all.
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  14. Joda

    Joda Member

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    It is just wrong, how i ever can believe in any similar type event ?
    that was a thing which just ruined my trust , and i dont know if i can get that trust back. I have noone to believe now...

    All prizes in all event was for competing and time spent (not secret invisible biding with tt value)

    allways was same, it shouldnt be changed. we all lost 1 month of regular life here. and time is payment for competing for prizes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2015
  15. slither

    slither Active Member

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    If ark/MA admit the system was bugged then return the peds and rerun is the only fair way to go. Those who think they should get prizes for running in an event they knew was bugged need to suck it up. You didn't compete on a level playing ground and you knew it. You gambled on getting your peds back and winning prizes, IMO that gamble shouldn't pay off.
  16. Tryx

    Tryx Member

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    we kept going cuz we had assurance and i am sure the quote been seen thousands of time, by david stating infact the key's tt are in fact in the instances. if david didnt assure us and we kept going then yes we are the ones to be blamed. and if mindark wants to return all peds for runs and event and redo then please teach them how to compensate for all the different amount of time spent. as far as i can remember every instance event by ma so far the key or entry fee is paid for by ma (like mm they give keys to you, halloween and core u go in instances for free). arkadia wanted to do aakas cuz i am assuming they think it'll increase treasure hunting activity and key crafting activity (which by judge of mu it did exactly that). go to a restaurant, go to a movie, go to a bar, go to any service establishment, order their food, order their services, if they messed up your order, the movie had technical issues, ur drink wasnt made to your liking, they would do what it takes to make it right, often time they refund your payment and still give you compensation for THEIR errors. that is what we are expecting here nothing less nothing more.
  17. slither

    slither Active Member

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    We all had assurances that everything was ok. I don't think those players who correctly assessed the assurances as bullshit should be penalized while those who blindly followed should be given big prizes.

    Here's what should happen, the event is run again and everyone has the option to stick with the score they have or abandon the mission and run it again. This make it fair for everyone.
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  18. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I hope for all the participants that a good solution is found soon. It is a very difficult question and I don't have the answers.
    Who is to blame for all the PEDs losts? a) MindArk?, b) Ark.Team?, c) Players, d) Combination of a,b,c?
    Trust is hard to get and easy to loose. I for one still have trust in the Ark.Team, but I have to admit that I didn't participate in the Gold Rush.
    I feel sorry for the players and the Ark.Team. This can be a blow that kicks back their efforts years back. Again, I don't have a solution, I can only voice my sympathy.
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  19. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel Active Member

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    As a player/investor in this game, this situation gives me great pause.

    If it was unintentional and just a bug, why not a statement relaying this info with an apology and a promise to do better?
    Companies make mistakes all the time, but good companies get out in front of their errors and are promptly forgiven.

    If it was intended as a cash grab due to the event, why do they need this sudden influx of cash? Companies that are bailing water and just trying to stay ahead of their next loan payment pull stunts like this. It would seriously make me question the stability of the game and it's owners as a whole.

    If I were a new potential player/investor in this game, what does this situation say about the people that run Entropia? Nothing good.....

    I wish you all luck with your petition. This situation gives this game and especially this planet a big black eye.
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  20. Karmic Natures

    Karmic Natures Member

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    Get in TS for event strats before all events! sorry we missed you in the discussions and I know a few people decided to run it anyway even knowing there were problems. Seriously though, like I said I hope that for your and a few other people's sake that they do some compensation but whatever they do won't be "fair". At the very least I hope they don't run any more 30 day unlimited time events.
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