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Discussion in 'vBCms Comments' started by Cyrus, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    This is good, I think fair startbids. It will be interesting to see who ends up owning them all. I estimate the Level 6 Apartments will go for around 1-2K. Considering Medusa Apartments went for 5K, standard Calypso Apartments go for just under 400Ped and the big ones for 1k. Will be interesting to see this unfold either way!
  2. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Sanctuary Cove will receive some shops and apartments, 8 Coins will come following further development. I don't think any shops will go on the market for SC though.
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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  4. Archman

    Archman Member

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    Will level 6 apartment owners be able to spawn their vehicles on the roof? Quads require a large area to spawn.
    Can they make it so the vehicles don't go to storage after you log off? I want a place to park all my vehicles and show them off and not have to rez them each time I want to show them.
  5. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I believe there was a discussion that there may be shops in the future where you can permanently place vehicles down for selling purposes. I think it is a bad idea to be able to do that on roof tops as really you would only ever be able to put 1 down on a roof top to be any advantage to be viewable more then that would be like the messes you see in Celeste where everyone stacks them up. Although if you own all the level 6 apartments I suppose you could put one on each floor but that would be spendy to do just to show off vehicles.
  6. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Hey I was looking at the AH and keep seeing bjorn bjornlongstaff bidding on quite a few different ones I would assume he/she is areseller. I would like to know is this the same bjron/mindark?? Also is there a time limit before they areable to be placed in the AH or is it like the caly land deeds, where all theresellers dp the uber dp and buy everything and everyone else get the stick?? Theonly good thing I see so far is that there is no BO but the prices I think willexceed the average players ability to get one. I would also be so bold as tosay that a lot of the people who buy multiple units will not use them and justhave them to try to make a quick buck. Is there any way to make the deeds unsellablefor a term of 6-12 months? I think this will deter the resellers from scooping themall up and then instantly putting them back on the AH? I hope this does notturn out to be like caly but it is starting to look that way, resellers willbuy most of them because the average joe does not have the resources on hand tobuy them or they just missed the end time because of the time zone they are in.So in turn the shops and the apartments will set empty and the only one whomakes anything here would be MA. So why not stipulate a time to where you haveto own the place before you are able to resell it this will weed out the O’so opportunisticreseller from tying up there peds for a year and would allow the average personwho will utilize the place to buy one.
  7. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Anthony, im just gonna say something about Bjorn Bjorn Longstaff - He is NOT Bjorn from MA.. And he is not a reseller.. He is merely keeping his options open.. I would too, if I had the ped.. ;)

    and FYI your text is not readable for certain Forum skins.. I use "Arkadia" which has a dark BG.. so your dark letters.. well.. guess what I mean :p
  8. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I do not believe they are the same person but I could be wrong as I don't know either of them in real life to validate they are in deed two separate individuals.

    As for the deeds being resellable right away they absolutely should be. It is no different then buying any other item in AH and putting it back on auction for more they you payed. This is a game of trading and adventuring so both have to be available at all times, reselling is a vital part of the game. I am not one who does it but I hold no grudges to those that do. If you don't agree with a price they resell for simply don't buy it, someone else later on will always sell for a different price. Being the only one with all the stock in something is a good thing and usually costs that individual a lot to achieve this so if they are willing to take that risk let them. I doubt if they will be able to sell them for all that much higher then they pay with there being thousands I believe what was said in last interview. Prices will stay pretty even most likely, do not fear to much about it. If your worried about apartments or shops sitting empty, all I can say pony up and buy one and use it.

  9. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Anothony, Bjorn is one of the Arkadian Advisers, and as Zume so nicely put it, he is probably just keeping his options open. Bjorn is also a very active member of our forum here so I'm sure he will be along at some point to speak for himself.
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  10. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    he's not MA there is a whole thread on PCF about it. Don't suggest he's a resceller cause he has bids on all. I"d put bids on 3-5 at start so i could watch them all easy but end up only getting 1.

    Now if he wins a bunch thats a different story but dont judge cause he has bids on a bunch of them.
  11. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    I love it! Bjorn the reseller....muhaha. When one wants to keep track of auction items one places a bid. I fully expect those bids to be surpassed, mainly did it to keep track of my bids in the my bids section. The tower 1 apartments are the most desirable. To be honest $45 for an apartment is nothing. There will be plenty available for $40 each. Will be interesting to see what the shops go for? 7-8kped maybe?
    Considering the most crappy Calypso apartments go for about 350Ped, 400Ped for these ones is a bargain.

    Will login later to see how thebids are progressing

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  12. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    ok that’s fine but there are several apartments and shops Iwas going to buy one complete building but my wife talked me out ofit.........well we will see but I did allocate a substantial amount of peds to acquirea whole building yes from shop-to-top, I was going to use it as a high risemall. The higher you got the higher lvl items you will find or something likethat lol. So I have no problem with people buying what they are going to usebut buying to just relist it for sale? If arkadia is looking for growth then Iwould not let this happen the reason is this; it did not work on calypso and itwill not work on arkadia look what happen on calypso all those vacant shops andapartments what a waste and a lot owned by people who decided to leave the gamefor a while or who are just not into it anymore. Look at the land deeds youwill not find a single on the au the reason is all the resellers buy them upand try to sell them for mu. They know not many ppl will have 5 k in ped to buydeeds so if they buy all the singles they have the market, I know this to betrue because I talked to one who does it and his words were you won’t find asingle deed in the AH they are all 5 and up and he boasted how he and a buddybought the last 10 single ones that were listed. Now tell me why they did notjust buy a pack of 10???? I have only one word for it “GREED”. They buy it just so no one else can and then theytry to boost the price of them. So I have no problem with ppl buying more thanone but I would be willing to wager 100 ped that after the auctions end youwill find out real quickly who your resellers are.
  13. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    I really did not mean any disrespect I just seen severalbids and I was like great......resellers are in the water lol. It like swimmingin the ocean it nice until you see a shark then, you start to think wow thiscould get ugly if I cut myself. And no sane person would ever go swimming withsharks wearing a seal skin. I see this on calypso all the time ppl buy stuffjust so others can’t not because they are going to use it, but because they canafford it. And have been told thispersonally “I’m not going to sell it until I get what I want for it and if I don’tget what I want then it will just set empty.” This is what I do not want tohappen, I want Arkadian’s to have a little piece of the pie. We all have been yellingshops, shops shops, apartments, apartments, apartments, and yet when we getthem if they are sold to resellers a majority of them will set empty unlessthey get resold. so please do not think I mean any disrespect towards you oranyone on this forum I just have a great deal of love for this planet and allits inhabitants.
  14. jellyfish

    jellyfish Member

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    is there any reason people have already started a bidding war on the first shop while they ignore the other 3 shops?
  15. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    location, location, location lol
  16. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    All shops near the Teleport will be premium! Drop in price the further away they are. Also its Shop #1, nice title :)
  17. Boardian Chilix

    Boardian Chilix Active Member Pro Users

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    happy owner of number 3 :D, gz to the other owners
    to my neighbors remember to invite me to the parties and can make all noise you want :)
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  18. Bemo

    Bemo Deactivated User

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    Celeste #3 - lvl 1 here :D yay

  19. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Sorry for being blunt, but you say you want other Arkadians to have a "piece of the pie" but you buy 4? 5? apartments in one building?

    I know you said you were going to, but still... You talk about everyone having a chance, but with only a few apartments on the auction this time around, buying a whole building seems kind of selfish and greedy, doesn't it?
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  20. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Ok,I can see where you are coming from, and I’m willing to make a deal here andnow to any Arkadian who will promise to use the apartment, I will be willing tosell them an apartment for the exact price that I paid for it and not a pecmore. So if anyone would like to buy one that I acquired I would be willing tosell it to them. This is my way of saying my intentions were not that of greed.So please feel free to contact me in game or on here. I believe Arkadia has agreat future and I’m willing to be all that I have bought on that idea so ifthere is any person who would want to get an apartment that I acquired then pleaselet me know I own number 1,2,3,4 in building 4 buy the north tp. I have just asmuch love and passion for Arkadia as I do with my RL investments. :surrender: Thisis my way of showing that what I was doing was not of greed or selfishness,does this seem fair to you? And I’m sorry if that is the way I come off toanyone.