Well we can always go cave man old school on them...Add a dig skill...( start with the empty holes from all the NRF miners get) everyone dig holes for the enemy to fall into then fill em with water, all the useless oils we loot, or even just piss in em..that would make their gear rust faster at any rate.
Just Wondering.. Do you think we can loot parts of Milton, maybe build his DNA. I wonder whet the MU on his head would be ???
That's pretty sad actually, but of course old Milton isn't really dead, we had his dna on file right? So he'll pop up somewhere again, I just hope he learned his lesson about going off by himself.
Sadly if he is reconstruced the death he suffered would not be imprinted as it did not happen. So his dumb ass would continue his path of selfserving nerdity with no sence of reprocussions.
Actually, in the EU the last thing you see before you die is the person/ creature that killed you as you lay there for a minute before the transfer takes over, so yes, old Milton will see what happened to him, but I strongly doubt it will have much effect..lol.
Yeah, except ... no restreaming tech on Arkadia. At least the death of Milton Lee very clearly implies there is none. They have not yet managed to import it from Calypso. Or possibly they will discover a lookalike tech in some following episode. This is something that is talked about in the veteran's tale mission on calypso gateway ... basicly its mumblemumble quantum teleport of the last state of your mind. You know, otherwise they could use the revival terminals for cloning. Having just the DNA is only good at most for making mindless clones of Milton Lee. Or possibly something like Globsters.
But just imagine if the leaders of Arkadia decide that they need to re-construct Milton Lee. Needing him to disipher the latest transmission that has been found. Ohhhh and the transmission could be looted too. Plan event around it, leaving his head as the last body part to be found ..... that would be cool.
I would guess by the space battle... the fact that killing the Olatar killed the leaders... the fact that Oratan are like a horde and possibly breed in huge numbers. ... The Olatar would be the bigger classification of ships that the Oratan had that both greatly increased the breeding capacity of the horde as well as served as some form of hive mind with the more intellectual leaders who were held on the Olatar. ...If that is the case then, the more intellectual Oratan might not be completely destroyed just the colonization fleet... Ender's Game anyone?