Arkadia's Economic Crisis

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by Dylan, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. Tancred

    Tancred Member

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    Ok, I'm a low level player, in fact I have mostly used TT equipment on Arkadia so far but still I would like to comment.

    1. BPs need to get out. No BPs = worthless mining finds and animal oils, etc. BAD for crafters, bad for hunters, and bad for miners. Everyone loses PED.

    I find the drop rate of blueprints quite reasonable although I really hate when I loot a Technician blueprint. That made me say some very not nice words out loud. And also, if we must loot "general" blueprints, why are there no books to put them in, except imported calypso ones?

    2. I ve only found TWO mobs that drop any armor, and it is lowbie stuff.

    Can't comment. Have not hunted enough to know. Although I have a feeling that you are right

    3. No unique draw.

    The story, separated hunting spawns, big mineable areas. Nothing of this on Calypso. This is unique for Arkadia and what draws me here.

    4. No big HOFs ever. It seems Calypso and Rocktropia are part of one loot pool, and we are in a different one. Few people = small loot pool = small HOFs. Not good :(

    Just a matter of statistics, all the big spendings is on the migration right now

    5. No shops. We have 0 land areas (besides the 2 presold ones), 0 malls, 0 shops.

    0 land areas=GOOD (I would have been hapy to skip the two presold as well)
    0 malls = GOOD
    0 shops = BAD, yes, these are needed, but coming soon

    6. Distance. Everything else that is popular is close together. (Calypso, FOMA and Rocktropia) People visit these places with relative ease. We are far far far away. Can t we at least be able to get MA to allow us to TP to one of the neutral stations or something to cut down on travel time?

    No comment, don't uses space
  2. Stilton

    Stilton Member

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    From my perspective, I am waiting for MA to get the textures sorted.

    Dave commented that MA had them in the VU where we lost all textures, which was a while back now, and in the mean time my storage accumulates more hides and timbers that I would normally craft through for textures.

    Since it would appear that they are concentrating on bringing mentoring back, I am now not expecting anything for quite some time.
  3. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Lol nothing as dangerous as telling a group of biased people that they are biased :)
    Ofc you have a point that there is still a lot to be done, and the others have a point that arkadia is a lot better then any other planet has been after such a short period. In the end we all want the best for Arkaida. I have my fingers crossed for shops in a not too distant VU :)
  4. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    *Folds arms and raises an eyebrow*

    Some people are getting a little warm under their collars here. Cool it off and discuss in a civil manner please or one of us Mod types may have to step in...

    There are some very interesting and valid points being made by both sides here. Remember a lot of things addressed here have also been addressed by Dave already and as such it is going to be an exercise in patience till they come about. Jumping up and down and howling at the moon is not going to make things arrive any sooner than they will. In the meantime, discuss as you will but keep it civil.
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  5. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    #6. Really? Traveling to Arkadia is no "harder" than traveling to FOMA. It's a little more time, but why exactly is that a bad thing? And do you really think Rocktropia is a "popular" destination? Personally, I think it's a good thing that Arkadia is not smashed up against Calypso, or we'd have a pirate infestation in our system as well.

    I don't think this game is about instant gratification, regardless of skill level. You need a certain amount of long-term perspective and patience to play and contribute to the community... and to keep from losing tons of peds. Hunters, miners, and crafters who TT everything they get are looking for instant gratification (hofs? UL BPs?), and they lack the patience to sell what they loot, and they lose peds and hurt the economy. Maybe you need to decrease/diversify the massive quantity of crafting you've been doing and sell your crafted items instead of TTing them. In my opinion, that would help the economy more than "searching" for rare BPs, since every item that is TT'd, whether materials or crafted item, removes something from Arkadia's economy.

    Also, if you want to help Arkadia's economy... it sounds like you have a large amount of cash available, and you might think about buying loot from hunters and miners, so they don't have to TT it. I try my best to do this, but I can only help a few because of my limited resources.
  6. Dylan

    Dylan Member

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    It's good to see so many people want arkadia to work. Some think all is well and others are concerned. My personal experience ped wise, and after having some of my members deposit a couple times, lose everything fast and quit make me concerned. I hope things will be better soon. I think more bp drops crafting and more equipment drops hunting would be easy to implement and would provide a large and fast boost to our economy.
  7. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Seems you need to go back to square one and remember the basics.

    1. YOU control the amount YOU put into game.
    2. Arkadia staff makes the items you can POTENTIALLY get. MA dictates what you WILL get back in loot.
    3. If the Arkadian economy is failing it rest squarely on MA shoulders as Arkadia team states they made the stuff to build an economy MA is not letting it fall into our hands.
    4. (This is a personal basic belief) You train the game what you are willing to lose by constant depositing after loss. It WILL take as much as you are willing to feed it. Cut back a bit and dont hit the depo button every time you lose and un train it. Get on a depo cycle and stick to it. X amount of money for X time..not unlimited amount of money per X return.
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  8. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    I also don't think there is a "crisis" as you put it... population is still small and it is more difficult to sell things yes... but if you are willing to transport stuff to Calypso to sell you do not need to tt everything either. The only loot that you actually need to tt atm is skins... wool & hide can be used to craft calypso clothing and I use all mine for exactly that. Only molisk buttons need to be flown in.

    Regarding armor and weapons i find that I loot them much more regularly then on Calypso and they are much better with higher mu. The other thing I want to say about this is that on Calypso you can almost never use a looted gun to kill the mob you got it from.... prime example is lr32 that mostly drops from Atrox gaurdian and above.... gl to anyone trying to take down an Atrox Old Alpha with a Lr32.

    I think atm Arkadia is atracting the more self sufficient player ... the hunter or miner that does some crafting as well. And this makes Arkadia stronger in the long run. I will however also say that I agree priority must be placed on getting bp's finished.... realeasing Arkadian vehicles (will draw every crafter to arkadia like flies to shit) and get shops and booths out.
  9. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    Just want to comment on this... smaller hofs and ath's means that more of the loot is spread around for all the players. I have found that I am getting much better ave returns on arkadia then I would get on Calypso. i have lost close to 3k peds last week but that is because I was hunting 24/7 and kept on grinding even while loot was bad.