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Watch This Arkadian Underground Deed (AUD) Payout History

Discussion in 'Arkadia Underground Deeds (AUDs)' started by Snape, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    No, that's now how they work... there is a single pool for the revenue and if the balance is greater than 2000 ped at the time of payout then everyone gets 1 pec per deed and the remainder is left in the pool for the next day. If the balance is 5000 ped then everyone would get 2 pec per deed and 1000 would be carried over.
  2. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    Well august 3th was a nice one for people who have AUD's, payout was 5x as high that day, because of the huge HOF that day.
    So, we need more events with big creatures and loots !
  3. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    After the 9 pec payout I was wondering if we will ever see such a high payout again, and if it will be within 1, 2,3 or more years.
    The good things about these deeds is that whenever i see an uber HOF in the underground i won't be jealous but i'll be happy knowing I'll get a nice share of it at midnight when the AUD payout comes ;)
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  4. the-unknown

    the-unknown Member

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    Was it 9 pecs per AUD payout for the ATHOF? Nice.

    I only know that I had a bunch of peds, but didn't bother checking per deed payout.

    Maybe this will encourage people to buy more AUDs as well.
  5. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    It certainly shows what consistent activity and good events can do.
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  6. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    Wooot. 1.02 return so far from my 1 deed. ;)
  7. megaman

    megaman Member

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    Good thread. Thank you for this info. :) Im guessing that if I live on the west coast usa, then we get our payment at 3pm pacific standard time? 9 hours behind?

    I now have 12 AUDs and 6 CLDs but want more! :) Is there a NPC broker on Calypso selling AUDs? Im just buying from AH, but sometimes a couple peds over 50, but sometimes a couple peds less as well.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2014
  8. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    @Dylan, you seem to need to put the little piece of code on this forum as well for the table on the second post to show up
  9. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    If you wish to buy from a NPC you will need to travel to Arkadia and visit the underground, otherwise you will have to deal with the reseller rates on auction.
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  10. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    Oh @Snape you can do it to I asume :)
  11. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Yep, I can. Send me a PM/convo to remind me will you please?
  12. megaman

    megaman Member

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    Seem that paydays are every OTHER day rather than daily. I guess its better than every three days. :p
  13. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Ok, the OP is now working again so we can see the EP wiki tracking of AUD payouts. Many thanks to the Awesome @RAZER for his assistance.
  14. giuly_adm

    giuly_adm Member

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    I see AUD ROI is lower than expected now that it's out for some time and we can already have a proper extimation about the trend in future.

    The price of AUD package is simply way over what the estate worth. And considering the MU is already stable under 50 ped each the most of AU Deeds are still unsold and might remain unsold for ages if not forever if price is locked.

    If the AUD would have been sold at half of the price, the peds collected with the sale would have benn more than what are now with all these deeds unsold, and we would have seen an impressive investment from the player base into the planet itself.

    Imho a lost opportunity here, for both Ark team and arkadians.

    Expecially a bad move by Arkadia team, considering they get, over the money earned by Deeds sale, money from income generated in Arkadia Underground as in every other side on Arkadia... they showed a greedy approach.

    I am sure the lesson learned here will make the difference in future and I am sure we will see more opportunities on Arkadia that will worth to be considered. Just now it's a bit late to fix this.
  15. BubblesTheTormentor

    BubblesTheTormentor Member

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    While I agree with some, if not most, of your sentiment, I think claiming that we can trend the ROI on these for the foreseeable future is a bit shortsighted.

    I say this because while the Ark team did say they'd continue holding events underground, the last event I can find evidence for was way back in mid-September when we had a smuggler attack down there. We've seen these events have an appreciable and positive effect on the ROI. This fairly long dry spell without anything to bring the area into universe-wide focus is something I sincerely hope and think will not last for too long.

    To go along with this, there's been much talk about the smuggler mission chain that, if implemented and is something people get excited about, would help boost the performance of the AUDs considerably.

    I do not intend for this to refute your overall post, as I think there is some merit to what you say. I respond in hopes that I'm not the only one with these thoughts and that attention might be drawn to some of the.....issues...with the AUDs at the moment.
  16. May

    May Active Member

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    Yup, I think most had hoped for a better ROI. [​IMG]
    The part that I object, is the "they showed a greedy approach".
    From what was said by the devs, the Underground and the AUDs are a long term project. Which is still very much developing.
    The number of deeds does seem high, but apparently that is based on the future fully realized Underground.
    It looks more like an optimistic approach than a greedy one?

    I can imagine that big buyers and resellers could be disappointed, if a MU like the CLD was expected.
    (Even though the deeds are different in setup altogether).
    But as a smaller deed holder, I can't say that I'm overly distraught by the AUDs.
    As I mainly bought them to support this planet and own a tiny piece of it. I guess the reason is different for everyone.

    Yes, it's disheartening to see days without any payment, as that means that there was fewer activity in the AU.
    Daily payouts make that painfully visible. [​IMG]
    (Kinda wish the AU Vaults would count too, since they are the only thing I can do effectively in there atm.)

    More events in the AU would be nice, but there were a lot of complaints about the loot in those.
    As loot is MA territory, maybe the holdup could be caused by issues/negotiations in that direction? (yes, this part is pure guesswork [​IMG] )

    Oh well, still too early to make final conclusions: we wait and see. [​IMG]
  17. giuly_adm

    giuly_adm Member

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    I am sure the reason I wrote this has not explained properly.

    The point I am thinking at is... if it's a fact that Calypso Land Deeds ROI decreased time by time, due to many reasons, but we knew what we was investing in... AUD price was set based onto a very optimist forecast of the revenue expected.

    Considering Arkadia Underground is an area where revenue generated over taxes are still collected at 50% by planet partner, so there is a profit itself without any sale of deeds, the deeds might have been sold to a lower price (actual price means whole AU is for sale at 1M USD) if sold before a proper test... or if it was so difficult to expect an income, a training period would have been appropriate before selling 1M USD deeds.

    When AU was released I made a quick calculation about price and the possible income... it was obvious the ROI wouldn't have been high enough to substain a sale price of 50 ped/deed, so I talked to many LA owners and all of em confirmed my considerations... with this and with my previous post I just want to share that this was expected from the first day AUD was announced, so no surprise about actual situation.

    To everyone thinking the ROI should grow in future, considering the expansion of EU and others realities in long term point of view (thinking at CND, CP and so on), I would doubt this possibility more than hope in...

    These are just my 2 pecs... my point of view since investor... I like Arkadia and I am waiting for new investment possibilities on this planet (I own a LA here already so be sure I love the planet and how it is managed).

    • Informative Informative x 1
  18. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    The AU is indeed a long term project.

    A couple of thing I wish to point out though that may have escaped people memories from the last couple of interviews David has done. The money/ped generated from the sale of AUDs is going to marketing, along with the payouts of the unsold AUDs still in the broker.

    Also, the BIG marketing push David has planned has not even properly begun. Parts of it are still being finalised (the new forum being a very small piece of it) and when it comes off ready, we will all know as I highly doubt it will pass by with little or no fanfare.

    Also, the reason people are seeing AUDs being sold below the original floating price is that the people who bought them, expected to be able to flip them quickly for a profit. However, these same people have not paid close attention to the way things have sold these past few years, or they bought them on a whim and then found themselves strapped for cash for one reason or another (such as not playing within their means).

    2 more things to note:
    1. AUDs are 1/200000th of 5% of a Land Area whereas CLD's are 1/60000th of 25% of the total revenue of an entire planet (Calypso). I feel confident that a development team would have far more immediate influence over the performance of an LA than it would over the performance of an entire planet. Just look at the effect 1 event can have.
    2. Whilst the ROI of AUD's hasn't climbed to the soaring highs that people want so far, CLDs (which have been out a lot longer) have also continued a significant downward trend that before too long will have them in the same ROI ballpark as current AUDs. Want proof? I have been keeping meticulous records since their release as have a number of other people - See attached graphs.
    Also, remember that AUD's currently cost (from the broker) 28 times less than CLDs - 1 AUD is 50ped where 1 CLD is around 1400ped. This makes them available to a FAR bigger proportion of the player base, one of the main aims of pricing them as they did.

    The AU is designed to build with the overall population of the planet (listening to David's interviews), so as more people come and stay and spend, the activity will likewise increase. In the end, it simply comes down to patience and faith in the vision that David and Arkadia Studios have for Arkadia. Need proof? Just look at the activity of all other planets in comparison, even going so far as to factor in the population difference of Caly to Arkadia and the bang for your ped on each and see where you will come out ahead.

    If you need something to hang your hat on, then take this as you will: I personally have far more invested in Arkadia than most and I have faith in David to see us right in the end. If you believe nothing else, believe this, I would not lightly invest what I have if I thought for one moment that it would not succeed, and succeed well.

    IMG_01122014_220058.png IMG_01122014_220220.png
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2014
  19. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    28 times less than a CLD???
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    I found some whining in this thread. I dislike it! :biggrin2:
    That's what I want to tell you:
    All this whining with poor ROI or slow sales of AUD can be easily solved. On the Gold Rush event A-Team only need to include AUD to lootpool or award bulks of them as a prizes, and I think a lot of people come in Arkadian Underground to try to get AUD, and thereby greatly raise payouts. :cowboy:
    • Like Like x 2