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Discussion in 'About Planet Arkadia' started by wicked, Aug 26, 2018.

  1. wicked

    wicked New Member

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    Hello today i tried to go to arkadia moon but as soon i got in space from arkadia the image didn't even loaded and i was already killed . wasn't it supposed to be safe ??that's not nice now im stuck im space and got to pay 7 ped for no reason but your damn bugs !!!
  2. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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  3. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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  4. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    It is safe to say that a group of exploiter pirates have ruined the launch of the new Moon and also overall ruining the game play for everyone else at Arkadia and at Arkadia Moon. The game Host does Nothing about this serious violation. Its so bad its actually overkill ingame.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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  6. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    This is debated since someone related an early support response, yes. But support has been known to not always get things right immediately, too, so I would take it with a grain of salt. Official statements here said it isn't the case. At any rate, fixing it is in MindArk's realm, not Arkadia Studios'.

    Since about day 2 or so after the release, several pirates keep claiming in chat that the bug has already been fixed and entice players to go up in space, sometimes spiced up with taunts like "It's safe now, babies". As this is a blatant lie, it now definitely crosses the line of openly exploiting a known bug. While it was wrong to assume it ever was safe, it now amounts to a deliberately laid trap. There should have been a patch already, there was enough time between release and the weekend. This is not a complicated thing to mend. Hotfixes were issued before when bad things happened, so one wonders why authorities are dragging their feet here. This will damage the game for a long time and possibly affect the economy of the planet partner. I wonder if there will be consequences.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
  7. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    I am spending 5000 Euros and buying a firebird. Yes I despise these scum that much. Want to join the pirate hunting crew? Get in touch with me ingame. If we can get a large pirate hunting crew together we take out my Starfinder XIII. With a wing of fighters as escort. If u have a quad, firebird or equus, join my armada. Assemble at Ark station. Bring your own ammo and repair tool.
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    Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
  8. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    There's also discussion going on about the earth being flat. Arkadia studios certainly did not want the safe zones/spawn points messed up, and they are trying to get MA to fix the bug ASAP. They have no control over implementation of content in space or fixing of bugs in space. That is 100% in MindArk's court. Don't base your understanding on a support case... honestly, if you want three different answers from support simply send in six different support cases (only half will be answered). Support is OK for a few issues (stuck avatar) but for answering questions about bugs and exploits, they are useless. (Still support bug reports since these are supposedly forwarded to the developers).

    The A-team have never promoted space PVP, since it is ouside the scope of Arkadia Studios influence. Discussion of space PVP has actually been banned on this forum almost as long as the forum has been around.

    I should also point out that MA tends to lag when fixing Arkadia bugs. I don't know if some of their developers have an axe to grind or if it's a Calypso vs Arkadia thing (Calypso is run by MA). If you want a conspiracy, you'll have better luck going with that one.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
  9. Sionkiewicz

    Sionkiewicz Member

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    Does anyone have word on when the needed fix will be in place?
  10. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    All hail to your spirit, but this is precisely what they (MA) want and therefore precisely why I won't do it even if I had that amount of money to throw in a game. It is not the VR I signed up for and should I ever find myself forced or stuck in a place I didn't want to be, there are only the two choices of letting me go or getting a foot with a stinky sock kicked in their faces. If I ever change my mind about pvp, it will be of my choice and not someone else's. I am currently spending a bit on decay for doing the damage tests for the mob survey, and that goes to support those I want to support.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    Sign me up I need to skill up my space combat anyway what's the plan?
  12. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    The question isn't whether or not "they wanted it messed up" though.

    The question is what exactly is "messed up". As an arkadia advisor, can you clarify what the intention was when no space station or safe zone was even added for the moon? The reason for the new warp gate?

    The last arkadia advisor who posted that the planet exit would be fixed "couldn't remember" what was said about the situation with the moon. I didn't press for details, I left the implication that something different/else was said about the moon.

    I'm not honestly pressing you to take on an official mantle or claim to represent ark studios. I'm not linking the comment I just mentioned because I don't think that person was equipped to answer that question and again, certainly not as a rep of arkadia studios. I'm just saying, that badge is on you and people are looking at it when you say these things.

    If I had time to dig it up. I would find the quote from another player saying that when they encountered someone they called "an arkadia dev" in game they were told that the arrangement with the moon (not the planet) was intentional and that they were waiting to gauge feedback. I personally give this quote just as much credence as the one from MA support, and agree with you as to how valuable that can be.

    You don't find it silly that in the midst of a week of this they can't get 6 words out regarding this question?

    "The moon is also a bug" - "The moon is not a bug"

    With regards to support though, file a ticket if you got hit. MA DO COMPENSATE BUGS and their response to this may be the most telling of all. It's not first tier support reps who make decisions about compensation. If Arkadia studios requested no safe zone at the moon, there's no way MA is compensating anyone for that loss.

    EDIT: IMO there is no way to get legit feedback if they won't clarify their intent. This is a cluster****.
  13. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    This should be fixed in the next update which should be this week. MA again messed up with space and didn't update it as the Ark Team would have liked. The owner of Arkadia knows of the issue and is working hard in fixing it as fast as he can get MA to do it.
  14. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Here I found that quote. And a couple more while I'm looking around

    Personal report of livesupport answer:
    Posted here and at PCF.

    Another quote from "ark dev on my stream" from another player:
    He says "TP to planet" will be added. No comment on safe zone or station for summons.

    Quote from a well known player, quoting an "Arkadia Official":

    There it is, it took me hours of rereading drama here and at PCF to find it.

    For some reason that was hard to spot again. Based on that I'm going to say there is a real, non-zero chance that Ark staff might converse with him, and also that he is unlikely to just completely lie about such things.

    I do in fact value that quote a little bit higher than the one from MA Live Support. Even though they agree.

    EDIT: It also means that no matter what they do in the near future, we may never know what their intent actually was.

    I have a feeling there's not going to be any actual "I was right" or "I was wrong" in this situation - Unless Ark studios tell us what was intended.

    File a ticket if you got looted.
    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
  15. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    My understanding is that you were always supposed to have to go through lootable space to get to the moon and back. If they wanted to "test out" something, this is probably what it was (not having a safe TP from the moon to the planet). I could be wrong, because the system has never been explicitly described by the devs, including the location of the moon. If the moon wasn't meant to have a safe zone around it, then that was simply a badly thought out "experiment" which will obviously be fixed. It has been tried many times before (accidentally) and has never worked... why would anyone think it'd be a good idea now?

    The clear bugs, however, are spawning in the lootable zone even from the planet and summoning not working. I do not know any details about where the spawn or summon points are supposed to be, but judging from the fact that the moon has a map area distinct from the station, just like CP and FOMA, my guess is that the moon was supposed to work exactly like those, minus the safe TP. This is the most logical explanation of how it's supposed to work, now that we know the moon is very close to the station, and not in another server. Having the moon spawn to the station safe zone would be the same as having a safe TP down to the planet.
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  16. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Yes we could all be from slightly to wildly wrong lol.

    I'm pretty convinced, all said, that no TP to planet was not a mistake. Well, not an "accident" ;)

    Overall it's clear they're doing something new and different here. This is the first body of any type in the entire EU where you can enter freely from any direction around an entire sphere in space, right? MA is going to insist on "balancing" that in somehow.

    It's a good change though. I'm still always rooting for full spherical entry. Preferably with your entry point affected by where you cross the atmosphere and exit point the same. Arrival Protection of course.

    For this maybe we will get compromised to spawn at the planetary system SS (effectively allowing safe TP down). This safe TP would come with thruster decay though that's new. Balance for the unrestricted entry?

    Also possible to see them recant, provide safe surface/surface TP, and continue spawning in PVP. Fingers crossed for a random spawn coord later if they do that.

    Either of those options leaves No place for MS of PF to dock, enter, or summon. This also has possibilities:

    MS/PF summons at the "planetary system space station" affects multiple in-system bodies? Neat. I also like it when pirates post long crying threads on PCF about how MA is unfair to them.

    Ark moon has some nice special ores, missions, sounds like BPs and maybe localized resources. Maybe this new environment has a new threat level associated with access and it's always solo in/out via PVP.

    MS investors receive a slight advantage here over hangar ship owners arranging atmospheric entry after warp. This helps them commercially but not really personally - seems totally fair and good investor care. Also still hoping for random spawn coords or at least arrival protection aura with this.

    Any of these options, except "add safe TP directly to planet" encourages people to think about changes to the way they're doing things. And gets more eyes on the fact that those auction transport fees start around the price of a quad trip between planets. Players may be encouraged to consider new aspects of the game that they would otherwise never break off of "the way we always did it" and try.

    I continue to be optimistic that we're not getting another copy of F.O.M.A. - We already have one that's watered down just a bit to balance zero-risk entry and exit.

    Fingers are crossed. 1 week and nothing.

    File a ticket if you get looted.
  17. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    I was just thinking of the days when ND was hiring pirates to make sure there was always some PVP, ahhh, 'available' at rocktropia.

    It's hard to tell a pirate that nobody wants them when the response is "Dude I'm getting paid to be here".

    TBF there Arkadia has always taken a solid anti-piracy stance so pretty much their only comment until now has been "It has nothing to do with us." It will be interesting to see if/how that evolves now that they are encouraging Arkadian players into space.

    EDIT: A little ride in the way back machine

    lol Snape keepin' it clean :banhammer1:
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2018
  18. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    We had Spotted Dylan out surveying the moon, so it would appear they are planning on making the Atmosphere around the moon non-lootable.

    Interesting that they had to login to the Production server to see these?

    It is also strange that there was no server restart on Tuesday or Wednesday which makes me think they were planning on doing a release but ran into issues?

    Who knows.... MA has more ways to make such an easy thing look hard.
  19. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    The pirates very quickly turned the moon into a no-go-zone. Morover deserted right now, nobody wants to go there. Not only players are victims here of robbery, but also the PP loses income due to this.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Why the ark Team can't fix it is due to Space being all done by MA. All Dylan can do now is find all bugs in space on the active servers and WAIT for MA to do something to fix it. So as of this point we are all waiting on MA.
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