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Arkadia back to Beta?!?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Grave Digger, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    Just a quick update, it seems the 70% tt return problem is finally fixed. I did quite a few runs in solo mode and got the same return as out in the wild. Can't be sure about team mode, cuz simply haven't tested it. Also haven't touched the Golden key so can't talk about that.

    What about UL item drops, got 2 daggers (songkra and aakas fire) maybe was lucky but at least it shows the chances in instances are higher by a magnitude (have slain gazillion mobs on Ark but never seen any UL weapon drops outside instances).
    • Informative Informative x 2
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2016
  2. The Jetman

    The Jetman Member

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    since the aakas were changed so the mobs looted in solo I think it's been the same as normal hunting, but like for example the vaults which have a chest, no matter what I can't get above 85%
  3. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    It is all fine. I know you probably didn't mean to, so I'm giving you an incentive to... meh. I just haven't seen a first-time poster collect so much negative feedback in so short a time, yet you still only find fault with how people interpret your words. I don't seek out things to misunderstand for the sake of misunderstanding them. I hate when that happens. Yet I'm the idiot who picked up the glove, so I'll see this through at the peril of making a fool of myself. I just had a great run with great returns, by the way. Was gonna put it on my log before I got distracted here.

    No, it's not your English nor the points you wish to make. It's your banging the door open and thinking that because you're so big everybody should fall at your feet. A little bit of reading could have told you that about several items (like the mixed spawns) discussions already exist and the current state of affairs is what seems to make the largest part of the crowd happy, and maximise returns for the landowners. It is already the outcome of compromises, this planet wasn't created yesterday.

    I took the arguments in case I responded to through the filter of slither's post, which I thought was nice of him to sum it up. All of these can be discussed, there are different perspectives and all are valuable. I'm not fit for hunting Yuka by myself, but was in it with a team and density was enough to aggro several at a time. I guess at a certain level even these things become like flies and you're craving more. Which is good for the planet if it can be accomodated, of course.
  4. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    in my opinion some complains are very reasonable...

    it's not only about sanctuary cove, which got broken by some time ago by changes noone had asked for, and not even the owner could tell what went wrong.

    status quo before change:
    3 different maturity spawns low-medium-high for each tiarak, kadra, huon
    awesome density

    status quo after change:
    only 2 spawns for each creature anymore - low-high?
    density doesn't exist
    maturity is completly fucked up, like youngs on high maturity spawns

    let's think about how long ago this change has happened ... TOO LONG AGO?

    so, in my opinion, this change was in no way an improvement, and still, whoever is responsible for this, decides to rather leave it worse than maybe adjust it to the better after some time. c'mon, honestly, i can't eat as much as i wanna puke about changes like this!

    regarding big mobs for the more than average players, there remain more questions than answers. why don't we have an oratan axe spawn yet? why aren't there high density lancer spawns? and why is it so complicated to get improvements that don't take a decade to come? in my very humble opinion, it's nothing but continuously bad management, and not necessarily the arkadian one...

  5. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    I have already apologised for not staying impersonal and constructive in my reply but I am but human and sometimes frustration shows.
    Yet when I pointed out that not all ubers avoid Ark, the response quite honestly made me feel I was being called a liar, which was not appreciated. This may just be my perception rather than intended meaning, so lets's move on to something more constructive.

    A future where the Uber has insufficient of interest to keep them interested enough to retain hem in game is indeed of concern, and in my reply you will note I agreed that 'as the EU population ages that the number of ubers will increase and that the introduction of new species for the more experienced hunters, harder BP's for crafters and deeper/rarer finds for miners will all need to be considered.'

    Re-reading this thread it would seem the main problem is that we each speak from our own standpoint, based on our personal experiences of EU, our skills and most importantly with regard to our individual style/preferences of game play.

    Grave Digger and others would appear (at least from what I see in this thread) to consider proof of skills to be not just skill counts, but also the expense/quality/stats of armours and weapons. In my very personal opinion, this says as much about a players bank balance as it does about their experience, though both will often go hand in hand.

    Although primarily a hunter, I now find myself developing other skills and enjoying other aspects of the game. When hunting I am more interested in my personal challenges than the grinding set out by the missions. Let's be honest folks, each Iron or IFN mission is in essence just more of the same, just at greater expense. I therefore feel, that for me at least, my ability to now hunt a mob naked and with a blade or inexpensive gun is more a recognition of how I have developed my skills (especially evade). It's cheaper too :)
    But this is my way of doing things, not his, not yours. If there was only one way to play this game we would expect an end game, and many would already have reached it and moved on to play something else.

    So lets agree to disagree on what is our preferred game play, let's also agree that as the game ages, the Dev's across the whole universe will need to look to the future of their oldest players.

    But let us also remember the development of each planet is not just a result of the vision of the PP Devs, but is often appears hamstrung by MA, who in trying to strike a balance between the planets may sometimes apparently prevent progress.
    This game is 'Entropia Universe' we should celebrate the differences each planet offers, each LA offers and even each player. If we don't like what is on offer this week in this location, we are not compelled to stay but can explore elsewhere.
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  6. Spawn

    Spawn Active Member

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    I looted a dehera immolation sword by mining treasure a couple of weeks ago.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  7. MaxHecWalker

    MaxHecWalker Active Member

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    Last edited: Jun 8, 2016
  8. Alis4311

    Alis4311 Member

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    Two words: THANK YOU!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I think these concerns would be better and more efficiently placed on PCF and clearly directed at the higher authority who is responsible for the mess. None of us would have reacted in this way, rather the opposite.

    Not meaning to rehash earlier threads about the case, just using it as example: If there is any solid reasoning behind changes like the clobbering of Sanctuary Cove, it is kept hidden from us, and afaik even from the land owner. Everybody is left just dangling, dumbfounded. This is bad attitude in so many ways I don't know where to begin or end. The customer in the end is still always human, and the conclusions humans draw from beind denied insight in plausible cause can only serve to exacerbate unpleasant situations. We can demand at least an explanation and I'd be with the ones who don't mince their words for sure. What's written in a contract is one thing, the social consequences from exercising some powers are another. But we have to direct anger at the right address.

    As for spawns and densities, of course you can always ask for changes or complain that the mop-up after a disaster wasn't quick enough. It is their business and letting it slip while excusing it with being busy is a clear message that priorities are elsewhere, for which I'm sure there are good reasons, too. Are we allowed to know them, and what are we supposed to think if not?

    Whichever way, my education and experience just tells me that injecting your business angle isn't achieved by declaring yourself as being the big incentive they needed. Arkadia is a "Care Bear planet", as some self-declared "alpha males" are pleased to characterize its community in foreign chats... I find no fault with both really, all be a good sport and embrace that choices exist. It's just like in the real world, there are different cultures and learning about them explains a lot. And being able to adapt is an essential business skill.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  10. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Mr.Grave Digger,

    Next time you come to Arkadia, please come put some PED in the IFN Warehouse, I want UL Armor, and the Instance needs some big gun PED.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    It's not betta - it's early eccess :banana: