Ardorjies (Mêlée) Hunting Blog

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by Ardorj, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Hans

    Hans Member

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    Looking forward to it. Hope I can make it this time.
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  2. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    2017 Summary

    Just like last year, (speaking about 2016) this has been a great Entropia/Arkadia year for me. I've made some fine progress, even though I am I think one of the slowest players out there in the Universe.

    So, what is it all that I've done, completed and gained in 2017?
    First of all the Mêlée all the Way! on Arkadia: great fun, good times and I'm looking forward to repeating that with the coming MatW! :wink:
    I've unlocked Treatment in the beginning of 2017, and Avoidance near the end!
    I've looted an unlimited Dominax Original Boiga Adjusted.
    Make my Museum of Mêlée look awesome, and continue to improve it. You can visited at Sanctuary Cove, first building on the left when looking from the TP, second floor.
    After leaving Supremacy Reign I started looking for another society and found that with the NBK Rangers.
    Doing a sochunt with the NBK on Cyrene.
    Flying to Calypso and doing all kinds of missions there, such as cleaning a swamp and many Hunting Stage 1's.
    First time I've organized an Mêlée all the Way! on a different planet then Arkadia. Getting of HOF and Uber for the first time since running MatW! on Calypso.
    I've started to focus a bit more on MindForce hunting. Great fun! And also buying a Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII to give my a goal to aim for.
    Max-out my beloved, favorite and pride & joy GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler, and getting it to Tier III.

    I've spend this year a total of 48314,66 PED, that's an increase of roughly 147% compared to 2016. Of those PEDs 46139,40 (95,50%) was the weapon-decay and ammonution used. 1733,09 (3,59%) was my total defense cost, almost one percent more. 293,19 (0,61%) was the cost of everything else, that means flying with the DragonFly when I'd been killed or jumping with the TP-chips. Also the cost of the Aakas and Sal'diresh Keys are in here. It's still ~25 PEDs less then 2016. 148,98 (0,31%) is left for my Chikara InvestaFoe ES300 scanner-decay.
    From all those PEDs spend I got back 89,20%, or 43098,71, a loss of 5215,95 PED. This overall year-return is less then previously, and less also then the 'promised' 90%. For now, I can't quite say what can be the cause of the low, albeit not in the least bad, result. I'm happy with the result I have. Entropia, to me, isn't about making money, it's about having a good time and getting better each and every time. And in that I've succeeded immensly! :spiderman:

    All that hunting (for some that might be their monthly budget, for others a lifetime) went, among others, into finishing the following missions on Arkadia:
    Stage 1: IFN Defense Bot, Magurg Male, Dehera Sentinel, Magurg Female
    Stage 2: Kadra, Oratan, Oweko
    Stage 3: Bokol, Rakta, Feran, Ubo
    Stage 4: Nusul, Yarrijak
    Stage 5: none
    Stage 6: Halix, Hadraada :beaver:

    And the mission completed on other planets (read Calypso):
    Stage 1: RipperSnapper, Gokibusagi, Combibo, Kerberos, Allophyl/Estophyl, Drone, Snarg, Prancer, Atrax, Cornundacauda, Eviscerator, Berycled, Feffoid
    Stage 2: Snarg, Combibo, Prancer
    Stage 3: Snarg, Daikiba/Shinkiba, Puny Creatures
    Stage 4: Snarg :hungry:

    I've made two graphs to show how it went from hunt to hunt.
    Ardorjies Hunting 2017.A.png
    Here you can see for each hunt # on the x-axis (first hunt of 2017 is #1, it's not the same as the numbers in this blog, because I've started end of 2015) how much the total return % is for 2017 on the y-axis. The view can be a bit misleading, because there's a huge range in hunting costs. With the cheapest I've only spend 4,97 PEDs (Hunting Wombana with Herman ARK-0 (L) during SAGE IV). While the most expense has been a hunt of 1112,85 PEDs (Hunting 250 Otorugi with Castorian Combat Mace Mk. II + Melee Trauma Amplifier VI & Khorum Ice Dagger + Melee Trauma Amplifier I and Arsonistic Chip I (L), with only one global to show for it).

    Ardorjies Hunting 2017.B.png
    This graph shows the accumulated (som of) the hunting costs on the x-axis versus the accumulated return on the y-axis. Can you guess where that 1k hunt is? It looks likeI've been in the positive right at the beginning, and that is correct this year! 21,47 PEDs in the plus after the third hunt!

    And I want to close this small summary with a top 5 of the best and worst mobs for me in 2017. This is heavily flawed, because all of these I've only hunted once or twice.
    Worst mobs---Best mobs---
    Smuggler49,35%Second Entity237,45%
    Magurg Male65,48%RipperSnapper148,37%
    So, where I to remove all the mobs that I've hunted four times or less, then the top 5s look completely different:
    Worst mobs---Best mobs---
    Dehera Defender76,00%Dromia091,71%
    And now there's only one thing left for me to say, and that is: ....

    Best wishes to all of you and happy HOFfing in 2018!!
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    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
  3. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've done quite a lot of different hunts lately, at least when compared to my 'normal' hunting activities, if there's even something like that to talk about with my hunting style. Let me first take a look at my goals:

    30. Buy tables for my Apartment (9 of 10).
    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (4 of 10).
    34. Max out Shagadi Disintegration (58.3 of 66.0).
    35. Finish Dromia Stage 5. (8.2k of 10.0k).
    36. Collect Arkoins (18.0k of 50.0k).

    To say it with a bit more words: I've done a little sochunt on the first day of the new year. We've hunted Yukaas ... autch, it takes all I got to even stay alive when one thinks I've a tasty bite! Loot was absent, so we went to the Togolossies where we got a few globals. It was fun, as sochunts are meant to be.
    Before that, also on 1st of January, I went on a small Oro hunt in search of Christmas Strongboxes. I wanted to loot a quality dividable by 5, so that I could open them myself with keys bought from the Webshop. Of course, I ended with too little (or much), and then some days later I returned. Soon I needed only one more, but then they stopped dropping for me all together. I kept on hunting, hoping that one would drop with every hunt. I switched to the high maturities, hours later, yet still no more Boxes. I got two nice globals on the big Oroos and I ended with a nice profit that hunt, so not all's so bad. Except that I stayed up way too late ... I didn't hunt the big ones with the same weapons as the small ones, of course. Yet I've noted in the table below only the weapons used in the beginning. The two hunts after that were on big Oro, and therefor the weapons used are different.
    After hunting enough Oroos to have a nice little stack of Strongboxes (35?), I got the keys and opened them. One had an amp, the others weren't much of interest. Some of the pills might come in handy one day, I don't know.

    Because maxing-out my Shagadi Sword is still a couple of levels away of my current level, I've set some goalpost for myself. With every new level in Swordsman (Dmg), I will go on 'Celebration Hunts'. These are hunts on big mobs that I normally don't hunt (much), and enough to complete one or two Stages that give a reward that contributes to the Swordsman (Dmg). One Bokol/ Nusul hunt I was thinking "Why haven't I gained a new level yet? How much longer will it take?" and when I got a look I saw this:
    PRINT SCREEN 2018-01-11 21-18-12.jpg

    lol - 100.00% progress! Needless to say the next hunt was a first of the Celebration Hunts, and for level 44 Swordsman (Dmg) I've chosen the Oweko. Oh dear ... they are not nice to me. I'm now 1/3rd into the mission, and all I've got is one half broken gun. It also took me a while to find out how to hunt them, without something like this happening:
    PRINT SCREEN 2018-01-14 17-17-8.jpg
    I believe I've found a way not to be beaten senseless by them. Now on to find a way to make a hunt profitable .... Enough talking for now, let's see how the hunts went.

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Com.NC.4LCombustive Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Cry.NC.1LCryogenic Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Elec.NC.3LElectric Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Elec.NC.4LElectric Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #526 - #539:
    526.70 OroElec.NC.4L & Cry.NC.1L019,04017,91094,07%3x Christmas Strongbox
    527.21 KP* YukaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Com.NC.4L+NPKA1L193,14125,52064,99%Global (78, 70) ; NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia
    528.43 KP* TogolossiGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Com.NC.4L+NPKA1L225,7221,04093,05%Global (58, 90, 82, 166) ; Combat Mask Portugal (M) ; NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia ; 3600 First Aid
    529.204 Bokol & 283 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Elec.NC.4L+NPKA1L733,99669,04091,15%Global (52) ; 260 Bioregenesis ; Level 22 Electro Kinetic (Hit)
    530.792 OroElec.NC.4L & Cry.NC.1L304,09324,46106,70%Global (10, 44) ; 12x Christmas Strongbox ; 2800 Electrokinesis ; Level 28 Electro Kinetic (Dmg) ; [System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 3.3 & 3.4
    531.86 OroElec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.4L070,06046,53066,41%2x Christmas Strongbox ; Level 23 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; 160 Avoidance
    532.87 OroElec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.4L072,37054,22074,92%4x Christmas Strongbox
    533.108 Bokol & 138 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Elec.NC.4L+NPKA1L391,55286,29073,10%Max. 168 HP
    534.175 Bokol & 226 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Elec.NC.4L+NPKA1L621,87516,62083,08%Level 44 Swordsman (Dmg) ; 6900 Longblades ; 4000 Martial Arts
    535.153 OwekoGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA1451,53281,92062,44%---
    536.425 DromiaElec.NC.3L & Lac.NC.1L068,48055,42080,93%1600 Concentration ; 3000 Electrokinesis
    537.119 OwekoGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA1367,01300,07081,76%---
    538.125 OtorugiCas.CM3+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA1620,80531,58085,63%Global (58)
    539.128 OwekoGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA1349,06279,31080,02%Piron PBP-37 (L)

    AARGHHH!!! When will the next profitable hunt be?! That's 9 so far with less then 90% return! :drowning:
    I doubt that anyone has noticed, so I'll point it out. The thing is that I've used two weapons that I've never used before: Aakas Fire Dagger and Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III. Both aren't maxed-out, but the first I'm using as a finisher so that's oke and it might give me a bit more Knifefighting skills, so that's all right. The second I've used on the Otorugi just to see how that would go. I think that at this moment the Mk. II is still the better option for me, the Mk. III now lacks in speed.

    And in closing, this has to be shown too:
    6900 Longblades.jpg

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 90,6%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 6,5%
    Total decay: 86623,47 PED
    Total loot: 78820,90 PED
    Result: 90,99%
    Ardorj :hurting::mad::angelic::battleroar::nailbiting::sour::banhappy:
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2018
  4. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    This update is for only ten hunts, but I still have a lot to talk about.
    To start with: I've finished the last Stage of the Dromia missions! I got Melee Combat as a reward and that went from 5203 to 5250, and subsequently my Swordman (Dmg) went from 44.1586 to 44.1825. It's not much, but every little bit helps. Dromia is one of the few mobs on Ark that ends at Stage 5, I think that's because it's considered to be a small mob. All the other mobs that have no (repeatable) Stage 6 are Arkadian Hornet, Carabok, Gallard and Monura (all these are single maturity mobs as well). I've ended this mission-chain with 86%. Not good, but I guess it could have been worse. They never were my favorite mob, and in the end I only did them to rush to the skill reward. I don't think I'll go hunting Dromia ever again, even If, or when, the A-team deceides to give us a new Dromia Stage 6. It's been fun while it lasted.
    When the end of the Dromia Stage 5 was in sight I got an item to tier 10 for the first time!
    Elec.NC.3L Tier 10.0.jpg
    It broke not long after that, and besides I don't use enhancers on small(er) weapons any more and hardly ever on the big weapons.

    Second: I'm now going for the Jori Stage 4. I want to complete most, if not all, of the hunting missions on Arkadia. I've made a little random-mission-generator in my Excell sheet, with the first five mobs that would be in line (Jori, Feran, Ostelok, Oro, IFN Defense) and the Jori popped up. This doesn't mean that I'm going for the Jori all the way, when Stage 4 is completed I'll run the generator again to see wich mob pops up then.

    Third: I've finished Oweko Stage 3! I did this as a celebration when I reached the milestone of Swordsman (Dmg) lvl 44, and they would give me a skill reward to push that on even further. .... except, it didn't. My Combat Reflexes went from 4444 to 4528, and Swordsman (Dmg) stayed at 44.2543. It was good though, just not what I expected it to be.
    PRINT SCREEN 2018-02-04 15-49-41.jpg
    Now, the Oweko ended at only 78%. I've re-read my Mêlée all the Way! threads, to see if there's some lessons to be learned in there for the next edition (= this coming weekend!). I've always said that Oweko is an attractive mob for me. Can't explain it, but they just look super cool and even now it feels like I've really archieved something. Completed a real challenge. I wish the loot could have been better of course, I've only looted to pistols and both not even at full TT, yet still, I do kinda like them.

    Enough talking for now, let's see how my goals are progressing!

    30. Completed! Buy tables for my Apartment (10 of 10).
    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (4 of 10).
    34. Max out Shagadi Disintegration (58.8 of 66.0).
    35. Completed! Finish Dromia Stage 5. (10.0k of 10.0k).
    36. Collect Arkoins (18.0k of 50.0k).
    37. New! Organize my Apartment and make a thread about the museum (0 of 2). My end goal for my appartment is to turn it into a Mêlée Museum. It's now stuffed so full with swords, tables, dagger, cuddly toys and other things that I can't add anything else. So I need to organize it. See what goes where. And when It looks good, then I'll make a thread about the museum, so that you can all visit it. (It's already at public access; Sanctuary Cove 7.1)
    38. New! Finish Jori Stage 4. (0.5k of 4.8k).

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Com.NC.2LCombustive Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Com.NC.4LCombustive Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Elec.NC.3LElectric Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Elec.NC.4LElectric Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Elec.NC.5LElectric Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Lac.NC.1LLacerating Attack Nanochip I (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #540 - #550:
    540.400 DromiaElec.NC.3L & Lac.NC.1L066,63058,52087,83%---
    541.150 OwekoGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA1400,09311,90077,96%260 Avoidance
    542.600 DromiaElec.NC.3L & Lac.NC.1L098,88082,28083,21%---
    543.200 OwekoGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA1535,20406,10075,88%---
    544.775 DromiaElec.NC.4L & Lac.NC.1L125,93105,34083,65%Level 29 Electro Kinetic (Dmg) ; Level 23 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; 1600 Cryogenics ; Level 24 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; 2000 Power Catalyst ; Dromia Stage 5 Finished
    545.202 OwekoGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA1515,71425,14082,44%Teamhunt with Bal at the end of the hunt
    546.350 JoriElec.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L160,66132,73082,62%---
    547.148 OwekoGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA1398,55279,60070,15%---
    548.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L066,95048,68072,71%Oratan Payback Day 1 of 30 ; 2000 Diagnosis
    549.100 OwekoGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA1260,25256,05098,39%Scott & Barlow BP-16 (L) ; Oweko Stage 3 Finished ; Level 48 Swordsman (Hit)
    550.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L055,60051,59092,79%Oratan Payback Day 2 of 30

    RED! I'm seeing Red! :eek:
    That's 2.6k spend this update, without a single global or profit hunt. Or to put it in even worse words: the last hunt with >100% result was almost 5.7k PED ago, and the last global (58 PED) happened over 3.0k ago, or over 3k mobs killed.

    But, the end with a good note. It's been a while, but I'm doing the IFN Missions again. Only two so far, and they give Longblades as a reward this Stage!
    I've bought a Leoi Shock Dagger yesterday, making my collection of Aakas swords and shortblades complete. And I've also bought a set of 6A plates again, that I've sold years ago and might be arguably the one sale that I regret the most. 6A plates are good against bots with 11 Penetration and 12 Burn protection.

    And remember, the Mêlée all the Way is coming to Arkadia this weekend! 9th to 11th February, starting friday at 18:30 MA-time with "Heavy Melee". See for more info the MatW!-thread here.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 90,3%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 7,0%
    Total decay: 89307,92 PED
    Total loot: 80978,83 PED
    Result: 90,67%
    Ardorj :finger::borg::confused::battleroar::pompus::whistling::barefoot:
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2018
  5. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    This post is mostly about the numbers in the hunting-table form the Mêlée all the Way. You can read in the thread there how that went and my thoughts about it. One thing that I don't think I've mentioned there: during the Huon hunts on friday I completed Stage 2 and got 13,9281 Longblades as a reward. I didn't check how much my Swordsman (Dmg) went up because of that, but I can say that now I'm at roughly level 44.5.
    I've done one hunt that was bigger then most others. That was a Bokol/ Nusul hunt and I got four globals from that and ended with a very nice profit too. All the notes from that are a bit too much to put in the hunting-table, so I list it here.
    In pictures it looks like this:
    Nusul 022.jpg Bokol 014.jpg
    And the notes form the first Mêlée all the Way hunt is rather big too, so that goes here as well:
    Lately I've also been thinking that I want too many things (in EU) done at the same time, and as a consequence can't focus on anything.
    I want to max-out the Shagadi Sword. I want to finish the Nusul missions. I want to get a Smuggler Coat. I want to visit Crystal Palace. I want to max-out my Cryogenic Attack Nanochip VII. I want to have the best Mêlée Museum in EU. I want to finish the Oro missions. I want to get more skills in Clubs, and eventually become better in clubbing then in sword fighting. I want to finish the missions from any Underground mob. I want to have a good MatW on Calypso or Cyrene. I want to finish the Zadul missions. I want to visit places I've never been to, like Toulan and RockTropia. I want to do my first solo Huon-hunt. I want to finish all the Arkadian hunting-missions. I want an solo Über. I want .... I want it all.

    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (5 of 10).
    34. Max out Shagadi Disintegration (59.4 of 66.0).
    36. Collect Arkoins (18.0k of 50.0k).
    37. Organize my Apartment and make a thread about the museum (0 of 2).
    38. Finish Jori Stage 4. (0.9k of 4.8k).

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cas.CM2Castorian Combat Mace Mk. II
    Com.NC.2LCombustive Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Com.NC.4LCombustive Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Kat.D.SGAKatsuichi Determination, SGA Edition
    Leoi.ShoLeoi Shock Dagger
    Loka.EleLokabhu Electrifier Sword
    Ozp.SB.1Ozpyn RSB S1X1
    Rep.BA.1RepEdge Battle Axe 1x0
    Rep.BA.2RepEdge Battle Axe 2x0
    .Sha.DisShagadi Disintegration Sword
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #551 - #572:
    551.143 Bokol & 205 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA10509,080562,49110,49%Global (75) ; Scott & Barlow LR-25 (L) ; 1600 Analysis
    552.175 JoriCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L0079,560073,05091,82%3000 Pyrokinesis
    553.54 HuonCas.CM2+MTA60221,560243,46109,88%See note above
    554.26 HuonCas.CM2+MTA60082,820070,67085,33%MatW!-18 A #02
    555.341 KP Mutated Beladoth & 141 KP Mutated OtorugiCas.CM2+MTA60229,360184,12080,28%MatW!-18 A #03 ; Level 35 One Handed Clubber (Hit) ; Global (75, 63)
    556.649 KP WombanaAak.Fir+MTA10053,610033,03061,61%MatW!-18 A #04
    557.738 KP NaviAak.Fir+MTA10139,140125,84090,44%MatW!-18 A #05
    558.92 KP* Nusul and 38 KP* MadanaMan.KTL0035,940025,31084,76%MatW!-18 A #06
    559.243 KP* OroRep.BA.2 & Rep.BA.10018,630015,79084,76%MatW!-18 A #07
    560.640 KP Mutated Hadraada & 40 KP Mutated Nusul & 180 KP Mutated ZadulCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA40165,560193,27116,74%Global (65) ; Combat Mask Italy (F)
    561.206 KP* KianaKat.D.SGA+MTA40118,210097,98082,89%MatW!-18 A #08 ; Global (54)
    562.138 KP* TeladonCas.CB.13ME+MTA60203,100148,78073,25%MatW!-18 A #09 ; Global (76, 77)
    563.65 KP* ScoriaCas.CB.13ME+MTA60119,900073,29061,13%MatW!-18 A #10
    564.1909 KP Oratan MinerCas.CB.13ME+MTA60225,620150,98066,92%MatW!-18 A #11 ; Global (88)
    565.253 KP* HuonCas.CB.13ME+MTA60329,730235,66071,47%MatW!-18 A #12 ; Global (164) ; Combat Mask Belarus (F)
    566.908 KP* NusulLoka.Ele+MTA1 & Leoi.Sho0176,360141,48080,22%MatW!-18 A #13
    567.304 ZadulLeoi.Sho & Ozp.SB.10137,080117,98086,07%MatW!-18 A #14 ; Global (22)
    568.589 KP* KadraSha.Dis+MTA60413,400345,14083,49%MatW!-18 A #15 ; 3600 Evade ; Global (51, 52) ; Piron PLP-27 (L)
    569.824 KP* OtorugiSha.Dis+MTA60553,270469,19084,80%MatW!-18 A #16 ; Global (138, 70, 50, 57) ; Combat Mask Israel (M)
    570.2140 KP Mutated Hadraada & 90 KP Mutated Nusul & 882 KP Mutated ZadulSha.Dis+MTA60352,230241,65068,61%MatW!-18 A #17
    571.304 Bokol & 394 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA11077,821359,52126,14%See note above.
    572.250 JoriCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L0111,620082,42073,84%---

    That very large Bokol/ Nusul hunt got me thinking "what is the average and deviation of my hunts?" It turns out that on average I spend 165,20 PED with a standard deviation of 167,71 PED! Not really a suprise of course, but my hunting-costs are not normally distributed.
    I think I've said all that I wanted to now.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 90,6%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 6,8%
    Total decay: 94661,52 PED
    Total loot: 85969,93 PED
    Result: 90,82%
    Ardorj :spiderman::shifty::spitoutdummy::battleroar::mad::bag::stinkyfeet:
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    Last edited: Feb 18, 2018
  6. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Bokol 017b.jpg
    This picture is from a month ago already. I've never had a global like this before. The Combat Masks just kept on popping. Add to that a full TT Piron PLR-22 (L) and some nice stacks of oils and shrapnel.

    I wanted to write an update earlier, but didn't. And now I'm at a loss for words of just about all I've done.
    I've been to Calypso in the mean time. Did a mission to kill 200 mobs (of wich I've killed 1 way back). The challenge was that the area is haunted by Spiders. Fortuatly I can survive some of them long enough to drown them in the river. The reward was pretty good, one full point in Psyche and some other skill. I forgot to take a picture, and now I've forgotten what it was.
    I've participated into a Gauntlet Team for the first time. Hunting special types of Drones (and other kinds of tin cans) and Marcimexes with three other noobs. So now I have my own special Vivo S10, yeah!
    I'm back on Arkadia now, and took a bag full of axes, swords, daggers and one unlimited club with me. I need to do a check-up of what I have, because I'm not sure what I have and what not, although I have an Excel-file with all the mêléel weapons. And I really need to use them too, of course.

    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (5 of 10).
    34. Max out Shagadi Disintegration (59.8 of 66.0).
    36. Collect Arkoins (18.0k of 50.0k).
    37. Organize my Apartment and make a thread about the museum (0 of 2).
    38. Finish Jori Stage 4. (1.6k of 4.8k).

    Aak.FirAakas Fire Dagger
    Cas.CM1Castorian Combat Mace Mk. I
    Com.NC.1LCombustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Com.NC.2LCombustive Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Com.NC.4LCombustive Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Cry.NC.1LCryogenic Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #573 - #589:
    573.116 Bokol & 201 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA1487,44490,96100,72%Global (55); Global (55) ; 2x Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L)
    574.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Cry.NC.1L055,72070,37126,29%Global (15) ; Oratan Payback Day 3 of 30
    575.108 Bokol & 129 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA1365,39636,65174,24%See picture above.
    576.475 JoriCom.NC.2L & Cry.NC.1L109,18110,18100,92%---
    577.143 Bokol & 187 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Aak.Fir+MTA1494,09413,15083,62%1200 Medicine ; Level 40 Knifefighter (Hit) ; 4200 Serendipity
    578.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Cry.NC.1L087,48079,09090,41%Oratan Payback Day 4 of 30 ; Level 24 Pyro Kinetic (Hit) ; 1800 Concentration
    579.553 KP OstelokCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Cry.NC.1L012,20010,33084,67%---
    580.1952 KP SnargGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1404,49315,97078,12%---
    581.1395 KP SnargGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1293,84239,36081,46%Lacerating Attack Nanochip I (L) ; Iron Snarg V Finished ; 3400 Perception
    582.325 KP* Bristlehog & 160 KP* ItumatroxGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1138,24281,28203,47%Global (41) ; Global (148)
    583.597 KP* Bristlehog & 295 KP* ItumatroxGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Cas.CM1+MTA1253,90216,75085,37%“Clean the Area” Finished
    584.434 Calypso PunyCom.NC.1L & Cry.NC.1L030,30031,62104,36%---
    585.398 Calypso PunyCom.NC.1L & Cry.NC.1L030,54028,80094,30%Sollomate Rubio (L) ; Level 24 Cryogenic (Dmg)
    586.134 Calypso PunyCom.NC.1L & Cry.NC.1L008,78013,03148,41%---
    587.500 KP* Gauntlet MobsCom.NC.1L & Cry.NC.1L004,56010,76235,96%Gauntlet I & II ; Vivo S10 ; Robot Beacon (0110010101111010)
    588.89 Calypso PunyCom.NC.1L & Cry.NC.1L007,74005,59072,22%---
    589.150 JoriCom.NC.2L & Cry.NC.1L029,23028,52097,57%---

    That's all for now.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 90,5%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 7,0%
    Total decay: 97474,64 PED
    Total loot: 88952,34 PED
    Result: 91,26%
    Ardorj :hungover::coldfeet::greyalien::battleroar::blackalien::punch::turtle:
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018
  7. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I have suffered from Riptorophobia ever since I've hunted them during the first 24 Hours Mêlée all the Way! on 10 januari 2015 at 15:40. To quote myself from that experience:
    About a week ago, after a failed Madana hunt, I was thinking what to hunt. I wanted something special for my 600th hunt since starting this blog. Something big, out of the ordinary, not something that I normally hunt.
    I have a list of all the mobs on Ark with HP/lvl from the lowest and highest maturity. And as I scrolled by the Riptors, I noticed something. HP = 960, that's about the same as Otorugi - and I can handle those! Lvl = 19, and that's lower then the lvl23 Oweko - and I sort of can kill those too! So I thought, why not just try it? And what do you know? it worked! They are even slightly better to hunt to Oweko. And besides that, the loot wasn't too shabby either. Defiatly a mob I will return to some later day.
    Yeah! I'm cured from my Riptorophobia!

    What else have I done this time?
    I've done one Aakas #5 run with a small team. It was nice, running one with strangers, and the globals from opening the chests.

    Level 30 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg).jpg
    I've reached level 30 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg) while on an IFN Defense Bot hunt. Therefore I am now 'great' in my first MindForce skill. Too bad the Cryogenic levels are still falling short, since I have an unlimited VII chip. But first I want to use all the other MindForce chips that I've bought.

    I've started using some of my double Mêlée weapons in my collection. I have four, or even six of some (L) swords and daggers (mostly). The first was a hunt with a S & B Fractal Katana 35 (L), and man that sword is slick! It slices through big Zaduls like a knife through hot butter. Love it!

    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (5 of 10).
    34. Max out Shagadi Disintegration (60.0 of 66.0).
    36. Collect Arkoins (18.0k of 50.0k).
    37. Organize my Apartment and make a thread about the museum (0 of 2).
    38. Finish Jori Stage 4. (2.6k of 4.8k).

    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Com.NC.1LCombustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Com.NC.2LCombustive Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Com.NC.4LCombustive Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Cry.NC.1LCryogenic Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    SB.FK35LS & B Fractal Katana 35 (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #590 - #602:
    590.250 JoriCom.NC.2L & Cry.NC.1L052,30066,55127,25%Piron PLP-2 (L)
    591.100 Oratan ProspectorCas.PEnB6L061,83047,73077,20%Oratan Payback Day 5 of 30
    592.17 Dehera Sentinel & 7 Magurg Male & 9 Ubo & 3 YarrijakCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L064,65047,13072,90%Teamhunt
    593.250 JoriCom.NC.2L & Com.NC.1L050,20047,78095,18%---
    594.5617 KP IFN Defense BotCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L362,27323,02089,17%3200 Pyrokinesis ; Level 24 Pyro Kinetic (Hit) ; Level 30 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg)
    595.100 JoriCom.NC.2L & Com.NC.1L023,90016,95070,92%---
    596.225 ZadulSB.FK35L+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1384,44351,35091,39%---
    597.150 JoriCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L029,71025,84086,97%10 Skinning ; Level 15 Animal Looter
    598.250 JoriCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L050,01049,49098,96%Piron PLP-2 (L) ; 20 & 40 Skinning
    599.125 MadanaGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1277,43180,08064,91%67 & 110 Skinning
    600.82 RiptorGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1316,19282,17089,24%Piron PLP-32 (L) ; 160 Skinning ; Riptor Stage 1 Finished
    601.100 Oratan ProspectorCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L073,33072,43098,77%10 & 20 & 40 Scourcing ; Oratan Payback Day 6 of 30
    602.153 OroCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L040,76042,51104,29%2200 Power Catalyst ; Oro Stage 4 Finished

    And I'll be logging back in, after having left Entropia Universe after roughly a week. And in the middle of a Nusul hunt at that too.
    Stay tuned to read the outcome of that hunt!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,9%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 7,6%
    Total decay: 99261,66 PED
    Total loot: 90505,37 PED
    Result: 91,18%
    Ardorj :wink::eek:o_O:battleroar::spiderman::nurse::confused:
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2018
  8. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    So, let's see what I've done and accomplished this month.
    For the most part I've hunted Jori trying to complete the mission. I'm now about 500 kills short, wich can be done in one or two hunts.
    I've done a bit of Wombana hunting, and now I've finished Stage 2. Rifle isn't a much needed skill for me of course, but still it's nice to progress on any mob. And later rewards are more to my liking.
    Speaking of needless skills, I had this weird idea in my head for a few days to go hunting Hornets. So that's what I did and in two hunts I finished Stage 3, and got some Aim as my reward.

    Last saturday I had a sochunt on Arkadia. We hunted Teladon, Togolossi, Korwil and Yuka. I broke almost even on the Teladons, had a loss on the Togolossies, and Korwils and Yukaas combined were a nice profit. These two babies helped to enjoy the fun and comraderie:
    Togolossi 019.jpg
    Korwil 001.jpg
    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (6 of 10).
    34. Max out Shagadi Disintegration (60.2 of 66.0).
    36. Collect Arkoins (18.0k of 50.0k).
    37. Organize my Apartment and make a thread about the museum (0 of 2).
    38. Finish Jori Stage 4. (4.3k of 4.8k).

    AML.40LArMatrix LB-40 (L)
    Ars.C.2LArsonistic Chip II (L)
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Com.NC.1LCombustive Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Com.NC.2LCombustive Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Com.NC.4LCombustive Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Cry.NC.3LCryogenic Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Cry.NC.5Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V
    Gen.Ice.LGenesis Icerage (L)
    Gen.Ice.ELMGenesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L)
    Kin.NC.2LKinetic Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #603 - #619:
    603.245 NusulGen.Ice.ELM+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1329,59301,05091,34%260 Skinning ; Level 16 Animal Looter; Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L)
    604.58 OtorugiGen.Ice.L+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1271,37184,56068,01%---
    605.1755 KP WombanaGen.Ice.L+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1292,62270,56092,46%Global (54)
    606.1680 KP WombanaGen.Ice.L+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1274,22286,96104,65%Wombana Stage 2 Finished
    607.325 JoriCom.NC.2L & Com.NC.1L066,84059,17088,52%---
    608.325 JoriCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L065,41061,03093,30%460 Skinning
    609.585 Arkadian HornetCom.NC.1L & Kin.NC.2L034,47028,74083,38%3400 Pyrokinesis; 3200 Electrokinesis; Level 25 Electro Kinetic (Hit)
    610.380 Arkadian HornetKin.NC.2L021,36019,90093,16%Level 30 Electro Kinetic (Dmg) ; Arkadian Hornet Stage 3 Finished
    611.1266 KP NaviAML.40L+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1452,26351,65077,75%---
    612.300 JoriCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L063,43053,36084,12%---
    613.675 JoriCom.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L138,72126,10090,90%---
    614.4983 KP OstelokCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L108,00097,83090,58%600 Treatment
    615.67 KP* TeladonCry.NC.5+NPKA2L & Arc.C.2L098,33095,35096,97%NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia ; Level 17 Animal Looter ; Global (129, 74, 221, 52)
    616.57 KP* TogolossiCry.NC.5+NPKA2L & Arc.C.2L074,91057,57076,85%NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia ; Global (54, 50, 52) ; HOF (206)
    617.57 KP* Korwil & 23 KP* YukaCry.NC.5+NPKA2L & Arc.C.2L105,09114,80109,24%NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia ; Level 25 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; HOF (366) ; Global (57, 52, 108, 73)
    618.808 KP Badger_710RCas.CM3+MTA6304,55211,45069,43%10 till 110 Reclaiming
    619.150 JoriCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L029,47027,03091,72%---

    That's it for now. Slowly kicking my way forward.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,4%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 8,2%
    Total decay: 101992,30 PED <-- I broke through the 100k PED spend here!
    Total loot: 92852,48 PED
    Result: 91,18%
    Ardorj :cowboy::drowning::walkingdead::battleroar::eggonface::blackalien::roflmao:
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  9. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    It's been a while since I've made an update, but here it is. I've been inactive more then active, and the first hunt is from three months ago. Needless to say, I can't remember much from most of these hunts, and will just leave it at that.

    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (6 of 10).
    34. Max out Shagadi Disintegration (60.6 of 66.0).
    36. Collect Arkoins (18.5k of 50.0k).
    37. Organize my Apartment and make a thread about the museum (0 of 2).
    38. Completed! Finish Jori Stage 4. (4.8k of 4.8k).
    39. New! Finish Oro Stage 5. (0.4k of 12.0k). It's a long way to go, but yeah, I just want to get them all done one day.

    AML.40LArMatrix LB-40 (L)
    Ars.C.2LArsonistic Chip II (L)
    Cas.CM3Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III
    Cas.PEnB6LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-6 E.L.M Edition (L)
    Com.NC.2LCombustive Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Cry.NC.3LCryogenic Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Dehe.ImmDehera Immolation Sword
    Kin.NC.2LKinetic Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Sha.DisShagadi Disintegration Sword
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #620 - #638:
    620.100 TiarakAML.40L+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1249,59186,38074,76%Max. 170 HP
    621.168 Bokol & 237 NusulAML.40L+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1620,13564,17090,98%600 Skinning; Skildek P 40 (L)
    622.425 JoriCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L087,07090,83104,32%Jori Stage 4 Finished
    623.A) 5 Dehera Sentinel & 5 Marurg Female; B) 140 Ubo & 440 Rakta & 300 YarrijakA) Sha.Dis+MTA6 & B) Cry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Kin.NC.2L140,25107,30076,51%---
    624.100 Oratan ProspectorCas.PEnB6L048,32042,80088,58%Oratan Payback Day 7 of 30
    625.1685 KP WombanaAML.40L+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1264,93259,05097,78%4000 Inflict Melee Damage
    626.365 KP* SmugglerCas.CM3+MTA6 & Ars.C.2L+NPKA1L151,09065,33043,24%Level 11 Robot Looter
    627.100 Oratan ProspectorCas.PEnB6L060,12043,66072,62%67 Scourging ; 110 Genetics ; Oratan Payback Day 8 of 30
    628.152 NusulDehe.Imm+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1200,14214,89107,37%Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L)
    629.2805 KP IFN Defense BotCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Kin.NC.2L171,49167,41097,62%160 Reclaiming ; 2000 Concentration
    630.225 ZadulCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Kin.NC.2L128,17099,19077,39%Level 26 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; Level 20 Cryogenic (Hit)
    631.100 Oratan ProspectorCas.PEnB6L055,04040,32073,26%110 Scourging ; Oratan Payback Day 9 of 30
    632.35 TeladonSha.Dis+MTA6281,27245,86087,41%800 Skinning
    633.275 OroCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Kin.NC.2L093,07065,92070,83%Level 18 Animal Looter
    634.100 Oratan ProspectorCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Kin.NC.2L052,06039,38075,64%Level 10 Mutant Investigator ; Oratan Payback Day 10 of 30
    635.100 Oratan ProspectorCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Kin.NC.2L064,62050,51078,16%160 Scourging ; Oratan Payback Day 11 of 30
    636.125 OroCry.NC.3L+NPKA1L & Kin.NC.2L041,36037,40090,43%Level 21 Cryogenic (Hit)
    637.46 OtorugiSha.Dis+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1218,02180,90082,97%Headshot III (L)
    638.45 RiptorSha.Dis+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1440,24372,04084,51%460 Avoidance

    I can't tell what the following three months are going to be like.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,0%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 8,6%
    Total decay: 105279,56 PED
    Total loot: 95725,82 PED
    Result: 90,93%
    Ardorj :speechless::wink::vulcan::battleroar::yawn::cool::jimlad:
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2018
  10. chongpha

    chongpha Member

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    Hello Ardorj, gratz on your melee endeavor so far! Just wanted to let you know the Songkra Valley has a great event, Lucky 7's Event, going on that will maximize your returns so you can continue to skill up more. You get 7 Peds per global plus more additional ways to win. On top of that the Mutated Belodoth and Mutated Otorugi mission chain are somewhat geared towards melee rewards. Stage 6 Mutated Beladoth gives 61.68 ped Athletics and stage 6 Mutated Otorugi gives 54.35 Alertness.

    Good luck to you and on completing your goals. Finish up 2018 strong!
  11. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Thanks for the note chongpha.
    I'm not sure I can take on either of those Mutated mobs. I can kill some that are around the same level (M. Beladoth: 25 and M. Otorugi: 22), but still I'm a bit unsure. Last Mêlée all the Way! we went there as well, and I remember it as a pretty tough fight.
    I can, and do, hunt Otorugi up to Providers, so those shouldn't be a problem. (And a young is lvl 27, higher then the Mutated?!?)
    I've tried solo'ing Beladoths only once, and that was more then a year ago.
    I'll check it out soon. I do get stronger with every hunt. In fact, I'm now celebrating this milestone:

    Wounding Unlocked.jpg

    I'm celebrating it by hunting Huons till either a) I complete Stage 3 with the Inflict Melee Damage as reward, or b) I get to level 46.

    Ard :):woot::borg:
  12. chongpha

    chongpha Member

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    No worries mate. Mutated Beladoths will still be here when you are ready. :banhammer1:
  13. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    So, yeah, I've done it. I've unlocked Wounding at level 45 Swordsman (Dmg)!
    I had this idea in my head to go on "celebration hunts" after every milestone that will bring me closer to maxing out my Shagadi sword. And that's what I did, for this milestone the Huons stood on my list. However, I hadn't taken Wounding into consideration when I made up that plan of celebration hunts. Therefore, I've already reached the next milestone long before the end of the celebration period. It ended with a bang too:
    Huon 032a.jpg
    Not all is loaded in that picture yet. There are a total of eight masks in that loot, and the notes on that hunt look like this:
    Some globals and other pictures from the Huons.
    PRINT SCREEN 2018-08-03 23-6-1.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-08-15 21-50-14.jpg Wounding Unlocked.jpg 20 Wounding.jpg 1000 Skinning.jpg 4000 Heavy Melee Weapons.jpg Huon 029.jpg Huon 030.jpg Huon 031.jpg Huon 032b.jpg Huon 032c.jpg

    At first I was testing what armour to wear. I've tried a) Musca Adjusted + 5B, b) Viceroy, c) Gnome + 5B, d) Musca (L) + 5B. And then I knew that what I was wearing first is working best.

    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (6 of 10).
    34. Max out Shagadi Disintegration (63.5 of 66.0).
    36. Collect Arkoins (18.5k of 50.0k).
    37. Organize my Apartment and make a thread about the museum (0 of 2).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (0.4k of 12.0k).

    Cor.NC.5LCorrosive Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Dehe.ImmDehera Immolation Sword
    Gen.Ici.LGenesis Icicle (L)
    Kat.D.RetLKatsuichi Destiny Retro (L)
    Kin.NC.2LKinetic Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Kolu.GlaKolukhar Glacier Sword
    Loka.EleLokabhu Electrifier Sword
    Sha.DisShagadi Disintegration Sword
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA1LMelee Trauma Amplifier I (L)
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #639 - #650:
    639.1584 KP IFN Defense BotDehe.Imm+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA10102,23089,07087,13%IFN Defense Bot Stage 2 Finished
    640.100 Oratan ProspectorCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Kin.NC.2L0058,36040,30069,05%Level 26 Evader ; Oratan Payback Day 12 of 30
    641.75 MadanaDehe.Imm+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA10167,93140,36083,58%Canis Gloves (M)
    642.107 Bokol & 150 NusulSha.Dis+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA10390,58372,35095,33%Level 45 Swordsman (Dmg) ; [System]: Congratulations, you have acquired a new skill; Wounding ; 10 till 110 Wounding
    643.126 HuonKat.D.RetL+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA10778,50814,67104,65%Global (103) ; Combat Mask Sweden (F) ; Combat Mask Latvia (F) ; 160 & 260 Wounding ; 6300 Anatomy ; 100 Skinning
    644.56 HuonGen.Ici.L+MTA4 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1L0363,06251,78069,35%360 Wounding
    645.95 HuonSha.Dis+MTA6 & Kolu.Gla+MTA1L0629,97491,83078,07%---
    646.73 HuonSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA1L0477,64392,98082,28%Global (87) ; Combat Mask Norway (M) ; 460 Wounding
    647.157 HuonSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA1L1002,55804,08080,20%[System]: Your Shagadi Disintegration Sword has reached tier 2.2
    648.115 HuonSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA1L0725,19622,54085,85%Global (54) ; 1200 Skinning
    649.110 HuonSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA1L0703,20522,24074,27%4000 Heavy Melee Weapons ; 800 Wounding ; Level 46 Swordsman (Dmg)
    650.35 HuonSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA1L0219,73614,51279,67%See Above

    Needless to say, I'm an happy Entropian and Arkadian right now.
    The next unlock, Commando, lurks just around the corner with just one more level in Swordsman (Hit) to go.
    Exciting to see what the Moon will be like. And what real life will be the next months and years. Big changes lay ahead of me, ingame and on the outside.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,5%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 8,2%
    Total decay: 111017,94 PED
    Total loot: 100918,64 PED <--- another milestone, 100k in loot since tracking.
    Result: 90,90%
    Ardorj :thumbsup::roflmao::greyalien::battleroar::borg::bookworm::drowning:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2018
  14. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've been to the Ark.Moon and back again. Although, back means on Calypso this time.
    But a lot of other things has been happening too. First of all: I've joined the Natural Born Killers - the top of the NBK socs. It still baffles me at time that I'm in a Top 50 soc.
    Second is that I've done several Aakas runs, #2 and #3. On one of those I got a nice global from a Dehera, nothing grant, but it's hard enough to get one as it is already.
    Dehera 004.jpg

    And after that I went to the Ark.Moon. Did some exploring, completed the missions 1 and 2 of the Oompa, Warhounds and Sicarius. It looks fine, but I must admit that there's still a lot left to do here for the developers. I never was meant to be a place for beginners, yet even I can still struggle with the aggressive Warhounds or mid-high level Sicarius. Those Gamma's are just plain deathly to me. In my opinion a lot has already been said about the PvP zone surrounding the Moon, and the lack of options to leave savely. I'll just add my voice to that and say that I agree. It was a pain to get a flight leaving Ark.Moon to Caly. Thanks to Granny Rowan and Katica panda I had been able to take my lootables with me.
    PRINT SCREEN 2018-08-31 20-46-18.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-08-31 21-1-54.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-09-03 22-11-12.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-09-05 21-5-26.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-09-07 21-49-56.jpg

    So now I'm back on Caly. Hunting some Snargs, maybe some other mobs although I don't know what I'll go for yet. And then I'm going back home - Arkadia! and take a small collection of (L) mêlée, some tables for my appartment/museum and (with a bit of luck) my loot.

    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (6 of 10).
    34. Max out Shagadi Disintegration (64.9 of 66.0).
    36. Collect Arkoins (22.0k of 50.0k). I forgot to note how many I really have before flying to the moon. I think it's closer to the 23.5k
    37. Organize my Apartment and make a thread about the museum (0 of 2).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (0.4k of 12.0k).

    Com.NC.2LCombustive Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Cor.NC.5LCorrosive Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Elec.NC.1LElectric Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Kin.NC.2LKinetic Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Loka.EleLokabhu Electrifier Sword
    Sha.DisShagadi Disintegration Sword
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #651 - #662:
    651.100 Oratan ProspectorCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Com.NC.2L039,72036,11090,91%Oratan Payback Day 13 of 30
    652.A) 4 Dehera Sentinel & 4 Magurg Female & 60 Dehera Defender ; B) 464 Ubo & 234 Rakta & 392 YarrijakA) Sha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4 ; B) Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Kin.NC.2L298,96262,97087,96%Joined Natural Born Killers ; Level 26 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; Rakta Stage 4 Finished
    653.A) 6 Dehera Sentinel & 6 Magurg Female & 205 Dehera Defender ; B) 636 Ubo & 438 Rakta & 522 YarrijakA) Sha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4 ; B) Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.1L660,88651,95098,65%Global (84) ; Lacerating Attack Nanochip III (L) ; Arkace Dining Table ; Global (61) ;Level 27 Pyro Kinetic (Hit) ; Level 20 Animal Looter ; Level 11 Telepath
    654.100 Oompa & 75 WarhoundSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4276,39202,27073,18%Oompa Culling Stage 1 Finished ; 1000 Wounding
    655.23 Oompa & 25 Warhound & 1 GMC GammaSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4102,44131,50128,37%Level 16 Mutant Looter ; Warhound Culling Stage 1 Finished
    656.17 Oompa & 14 Warhound & 22 Sicarius & 3 GMC GammaSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4228,46228,94100,21%Exploring Arkadia Moon ; Global (64)
    657.78 Sicarius & 3 OompaSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4234,36186,87079,74%1400 Skinning ; Sicarius Culling Stage 1 Finished
    658.274 Oompa & 186 Warhound & 4 SicariusSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4643,44514,69079,99%360 Scourging ; Oompa Culling Stage 2 Finished ; Warhound Culling Stage 2 Finished
    659.134 Sicarius & 1 WarhoundSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4423,01341,32080,69%[System]: Your Shagadi Disintegration Sword has reached tier 2.5 ; 3200 Coolness
    660.62 Sicarius & 3 OompaSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4258,93184,64071,31%Sicarius Culling Stage 2 Finished
    661.116 Oompa & 143 WarhoundSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4397,89363,67091,40%Max. 171 HP
    662.2050 KP SnargSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4425,73289,74068,06%2x Lacerating Attack Nanochip I (L) ; 1200 Wounding

    That's all for now.
    Happy HOFfing and see you soon on Arkadia!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,4%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 8,4%
    Total decay: 114968,43 PED
    Total loot: 104277,20 PED
    Result: 90,70%
    Ardorj :stig::hungry::nailbiting::battleroar::ninja:o_O:droid:
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2018
  15. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    It's been a while since I've posted anything and a lot has happened.
    First thing is that I'm back on Arkadia! But before that I've enjoyed the Snargs on Caly. One even was so good to give me a small global with an (L) sword. After I've completed Iron Snarg VII I went for some puny hunting. Completed Iron Puny IV as well and then flew back home.

    PRINT SCREEN 2018-09-10 22-7-35.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-09-10 22-25-55.jpg Snarg 006a.jpg Snarg 006b.jpg

    Back on Ark I first did a bit of every day hunting (not that I log in every day, but you get my drift). Then I went for an Aakas run, a #4 this time. It looks like I am now close to what I can handle on my own. The Magurg Female is still not much of a problem with a bit of armour, but the Dehera Sentinel is. He hits me almost every time, and hard too. I didn't die, but I can closer then comfort. I hadn't put on my biggerst armour, rather far from it, so I am wondering if I could solo an Aakas #5? I've used Gnome+5B, Viceroy+5B is my top armour. I'll find out in due time, I still have a couple of #4 keys to run.

    After the last Aakas I noticed that I was very close to finishing one of my personal goals. So I grabbed a sword and went for some Tiarak killing. Boom! Here it is!
    Level 47 Swordsman (Dmg).jpg
    Today I've also finished another goal. My apartment is now a Mêlée Museum! Come visit it at Sanctuary Cove 7.1, I have a link in my updated signature now.
    PRINT SCREEN 2018-10-15 21-18-10.jpg

    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (6 of 10).
    34. Completed! Max out Shagadi Disintegration (66.0 of 66.0).
    36. Collect Arkoins (26.9k of 50.0k).
    37. Completed! Organize my Apartment and make a thread about the museum (2 of 2).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (0.6k of 12.0k).
    40. New! Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V (8.8 of 10.0 hit). A year ago I've bought a Cryo VII with the idea to use it on teamhunts. I'm still quite far from maxed out on that one. This Cryo V is a bit of a sub-goal so to speak. I also have way too many (L) mindforce chips, of all types, so maybe I can complete this goal without even using this chip.
    41. New! Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (0 of 44). I not only have way too many (L) mindforce, I also have a lot of (L) Mêlée weapons. Extra that is, meaning I have one (unused) in my Mêlée Museum and/or collection, and one or more in Storage waiting to be used. I've only counted the ones that I've maxed (or have SIB), there are even more. What kind of extra Mêlée weapons are these? Dominax Original Garter Adjusted (L) that I looted from Nusuls, Rocktropia Axes, ArMatrix swords and knives, some (L) Katsuichi Retro, and more!

    AML.35LArMatrix LB-35 (L)
    AML.40LArMatrix LB-40 (L)
    Cor.NC.5LCorrosive Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Elec.NC.1LElectric Attack Nanochip I (L)
    Loka.EleLokabhu Electrifier Sword
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Sha.DisShagadi Disintegration Sword
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #663 - #677:
    663.2224 KP SnargSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4523,40404,64077,31%Healed by Dr0gul3tz ; Iron Snarg VI Finished ; 3200 Athletics
    664.1000 KP SnargAML.40L+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4216,35224,85103,93%Global (59) ; Kilic Mak (L)
    665.3012 KP SnargAML.40L+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4664,70512,39077,09%Lacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    666.1969 KP SnargAML.40L+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4447,78297,01066,33%[System]: Your S.I. H.E.A.R.T. has reached tier 3.2 ; Iron Snarg VII Finished
    667.373 Calypso PunyLac.NC.3L & Elec.NC.1L029,55028,74097,26%Skildek Lancehead (L)
    668.742 Calypso PunyLac.NC.3L & Elec.NC.1L071,13061,70086,74%1400 Wounding
    669.422 Calypso PunyLac.NC.3L & Elec.NC.1L031,51035,96114,12%Sollomate Rubio (L) ; 3400 Electrokinesis
    670.496 Calypso PunyLac.NC.3L & Elec.NC.1L036,88036,91100,08%Iron Puny Creatures IV Finished
    671.100 Oratan ProspectorLac.NC.3L & Elec.NC.1L054,27052,64097,00%Oratan Payback Day 14 of 30
    672.170 TiarakAML.35L+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4407,58388,90095,42%Scott & Barlow BP-20 (L) ; [System]: Your S.I. H.E.A.R.T. has reached tier 3.3 ; 5400 Melee Combat
    673.275 OroCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.1L094,36076,71081,30%---
    674.A) 1 Dehera Sentinel & 1 Magurg Female & & 27 Magurg Male & 109 Dehera Defender ; B) 53 Ubo & 33 Rakta & 34 YarrijakA) Sha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4 ; B) Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.1L239,69217,00090,53%1600 Skinning
    675.100 Oratan ProspectorLac.NC.3L & Elec.NC.1L047,12036,71077,91%Oratan Payback Day 15 of 30
    676.A) 2 Dehera Sentinel & 2 Magurg Female & & 54 Magurg Male & 210 Dehera Defender ; B) 106 Ubo & 66 Rakta & 68 YarrijakA) Sha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4 ; B) Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Elec.NC.1L489,98479,21097,80%Dehera Defender Stage 2 Finished ; Level 21 Animal Looter
    677.100 TiarakAML.35L+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4154,31101,33065,67%Level 47 Swordsman (Dmg)

    I won't have much time the next couple of weeks ... or months ... or years. I have just started a new study. I'm going to become a teacher of elementary school!
    Therefor, my progress wich isn't the fastest to begin with will go even slower. But I'll get there one day. Whatever or whereever there may be.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,4%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 8,5%
    Total decay: 118639,39 PED
    Total loot: 107439,34 PED
    Result: 90,56%
    Ardorj :jimlad::bag::ninja::battleroar::oldman::finger::borg:
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
  16. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Wow, a lot of things has happened. To tell it as chronologicly as possible, I went on a couple of Kiana hunts to start with. That was for part 1 of my celebration for completing two personal goals. First hunt was good with a nice global, but the next four hunts were all worse then the previous one. Ending with just 62% return *yuck*. But luckely for me I got another good global on the last Kiana hunt.
    Kiana 008.jpg
    Kiana 007.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-10-18 20-53-59.jpg

    For the 2nd part of my celebration hunts I went on some Mutated mobs over at Khorum Coast: Hadraada, Nusul and Zadul. On the second I looted an unlimited Gravis GLP-33 off a Mutated Zadul (or an Hadraada, as my notes say). And a little note to add: at first glance I thought it would be easy peasy missions on them. But now I know that's far from the truth. I am only halfway on the Nusul and Zadul and just about 75% progress on the Hadraada. And that's just from stages 1!
    3600 Perception.jpg Gravis GLP-33.jpg Mutated Zadul 001.jpg Mutated Zadul 002.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-11-09 22-40-3.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-11-09 22-40-35.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-11-09 22-43-6.jpg

    Next up a little teamhunt with the boys from NBK. We went in two teams for a big Ostelok hunt with small guns. The winner was the team with the most loot and that was 'team 1' who scored a global. I was in team 2.
    I enjoyed it hunting together with a few socmates from NBK so asked who was up for another teamhunt. Only Tomashar wanted to join me. Off to the Huons we went. And only after the 4th Huon or so this explosion occured:
    Huon 033b.jpg
    Yep, I totally forgot to add the teamname in Tracker, so completely missed all the fireworks lol. I was too stupified to even think about hitting PrntScrn too lol. It had a lot a oils and a lot of shrapnel.
    This is only my third Über, all wich I had while in a team so far. Yeah, I'm damn happy with this!
    I am not too far away from Combat Sense now. That unlocks at lvl 50 (Hit), I'm about lvl 49.5 (Hit). I wonder if I will get there without scoring at least one solo Über? I know it's rather unique. I also know that 99% of my hunting is done on mobs that won't ever Über, so there's that. But still, I do wonder sometimes when my first solo Über will strike?

    The last hunt was an Oro-hunt. Or it wasn't. I screwded my data and discarted it. The decay on my second MF-chip was 3-4 times as high than what I had on the primary MF-chip.

    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (7 of 10).
    36. Collect Arkoins (26.9k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (0.8k of 12.0k).
    40. Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V (8.9 of 10.0 hit).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (0 of 44).

    Cry.NC.5Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V
    Herm.A0LHerman ARK-0 (L)
    Loka.EleLokabhu Electrifier Sword
    Sha.DisShagadi Disintegration Sword
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #678 - #689:
    678.43 KianaSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4162,35207,44127,77%Global (107)
    679.104 KianaSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4406,84367,32090,29%[System]: Your Shagadi Disintegration Sword has reached tier 2.9
    680.99 KianaSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4373,74285,48076,38%---
    681.125 KianaSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4467,40311,95066,74%Kiana Stage 2 Finished
    682.89 KianaSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4334,10208,13062,30%1600 Wounding
    683.117 KianaSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4432,46580,65134,27%Global (125) ; Blank Arkadian DNA Cartridge 4 ; Level 28 Paramedic
    684.690 KP Mutated Hadraada & 834 Mutated Nusul & 915 Mutated ZadulSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4414,91314,98075,92%[System]: Your GYRO Combat FAP-60 Smuggler has reached tier 3.6
    685.1054 KP Mutated Hadraada & 602 Mutated Nusul & 1017 Mutated ZadulSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4440,02447,46101,69%Gravis GLP-33 ; Global (61)
    686.1500 KP Mutated Hadraada & 1328 Mutated Nusul & 1275 Mutated ZadulSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4696,78612,37087,89%Potted - Correa ; Global (60) ; Piron PBP-27 (L) ; Scott & Barlow LR-25 (L) ; 3600 Perception
    687.1462 KP Mutated Hadraada & 917 Mutated Nusul & 1390 Mutated ZadulSha.Dis+MTA6 & Loka.Ele+MTA4640,52458,57071,59%1800 Wounding
    688.1833 KP OstelokHerm.A0L036,17031,35086,67%NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia ; 3200 BLP Weaponry Technology
    689.69 KP* HuonCry.NC.5+NPKA2L089,89613,85682,89%HOF (1139) ; Teamhunt with Tomashar

    Woot! Good times are in the past and good times will lie ahead.

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,7%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 8,3%
    Total decay: 122972,22 PED
    Total loot: 111671,45 PED
    Result: 90,81%
    Ardorj :cool::eek::cat::battleroar::woot::blackalien::barefoot:
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
  17. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    So, it's been a little over a month already. Time flies when you're having fun ... and when you're busy in real life lol.
    I haven't stood still in Entropia either. First thing to note is that I've maxed out my Cryo V (I just now notice that I was at 26/27 attacks per minute when I made the pic, it's propably truely maxed-out by now.
    Cryo.NC.5 Maxed-out.jpg
    To celebrate that personal goal I went on some Beladoth hunting. And for good measurement I took one of my old skool swords* out of my collection: Castorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition. I am using that one now with Katsuichi Determination, SGA Edition to push myself forward to the next level: 50 Swordsman (Hit). And it goes S-L-O-W- ....
    * With old skool I mean the weapons from the first few version of the old Project Entropia. These weapons are maxed-out at level 100, have no SIB and anyone can use it (although not really recommended that you do).
    The Beladoths were quite nice, and the first global was the best:
    Beladoth 011.jpg

    After that I helped garci with his Kamaldons. We were praised with a nice HOF. I forgot to add the teamname in the Tracker, so didn't get the swirlies.
    Kamaldon 001.jpg
    Now I am concentration on level 50 Swordsman, using only the Castorian and Katsuichi.
    Some other pictures I took last month:
    78 Strenght.jpg 2000 Skinning.jpg 2000 Wounding.jpg 2600 Cryogenics.jpg 3800 Dexterity.jpg Beladoth 012.jpg Beladoth 013.jpg Beladoth 014.jpg Beladoth 015.jpg Beladoth 016.jpg Navi 014.jpg Oro 008.jpg Oweko 002.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-11-27 21-55-55.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-11-30 23-45-0.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-11-30 23-59-30.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-12-07 21-56-2.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-12-07 21-56-53.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-12-08 5-21-32.jpg

    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (9 of 10).
    36. Collect Arkoins (26.9k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (2.7k of 12.0k).
    40. Completed! Max out Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V (10.0 of 10.0 hit).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (0 of 44).
    42. New! Get to level 50 Swordsman (Hit) (49.80 of 50.00). So close, yet so far away! Can't make it before 2019, that's for sure.

    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cor.NC.5LCorrosive Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Cry.NC.5Cryogenic Attack Nanochip V
    Herm.A0LHerman ARK-0 (L)
    Kat.D.SGAKatsuichi Determination, SGA Edition
    Lac.NC.4LLacerating Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    +NPKA2LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier II (L)
    Hunts #690 - #704:
    690.250 OroCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L083,54084,64101,32%3600 Pyrokinesis ; Level 22 Cryogenic (Hit)
    691.500 OroCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L175,36139,36079,47%Level 22 Animal Looter ; Level 34 Pyro Kinetic (Dmg)
    692.135 OroCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L041,08037,30090,80%---
    693.421 KP* OroHerm.A0L032,16025,22078,42%NBK Teamhunt on Arkadia
    694.247 OroLac.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L078,87070,34089,18%---
    695.600 OroLac.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L208,68173,16082,98%Global (10) ; Potted - Bynxia ; 2600 Cryogenics ; Level 30 Cryogenic (Dmg)
    696.62 BeladothCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA4463,99767,38165,39%Global (216, 90, 100) ; Piron PLP-37 (L)
    697.79 BeladothCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA4602,87530,81088,05%Global (54) ; Piron PLP-37 (L) ; 600 Avoidance
    698.20 BeladothCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA4147,43145,06098,39%78 Strenght
    699.79 BeladothCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA4601,63599,60099,66%Global (58, 54) ; Piron PLP-37 (L)
    700.56 KP* KamaldonCry.NC.5+NPKA2L & Kat.D.SGA+MTA4091,11187,90206,23%HOF (371) ; Teamhunt with garci ; 3800 Dexterity ; Level 23 Cryogenic (Hit)
    701.1127 KP NaviCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA4474,42608,08128,17%Global (269)
    702.71 HuonCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA4509,01369,94072,68%Empty Skill Implant (L) ; 2000 Skinning
    703.99 OtorugiCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA4491,92371,13075,45%2000 Wounding
    704.153 OwekoCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA4497,95543,67109,18%Global (100)

    I could be that I'm just lucky, but the past eight hunts with old skool weapons got me a return of almost 104%!
    Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,5%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 8,5%
    Total decay: 127472,24 PED
    Total loot: 116325,04 PED
    Result: 91,26%
    Ardorj :dead::stop::laugh::battleroar::android::mad::angelic:
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018
  18. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    End of the year is almost apon us, so time to make up the balance. But first the last hunts of 2018! I'll post a summary somewhere the first week of 2019.

    I've been quite active the past two weeks. I needed a break from all the big mobs hunting with the old skool Castorian 13-ME. Yeah, failed that "I want to get to level 50 using only Castorian and Katsuichi" with the first hunt. So I went for some puny whipping. Fun for a change, not something I can do for long without going mentally insane (like I'm not already?!) Although lootwise ... more on that in the summary 2018 :wink:

    I tried hunting Togolossi solo for the first time. Not really solo, because I asked for a healer. Fun to hunt, I can survive the Youngs without a healer, no problem. Probably up to old shouldn't be that much of death wish. Nothing special though, but I enjoyed it.
    PRINT SCREEN 2018-12-25 19-56-27.jpg

    After the Togo I went for the Magurg Males. Note to myself: avoid the Stalkers! I can't kill one without being sent to the revival at least one time. That hunt went fantastic, including two great globals (both in my top 20 on Tracker).
    Magurg Male 001.jpg

    The last big mob that I've hunted were the Kadraas. And that hunt just sucked. One global, but that was all that prevented me from losing even bigger. Maybe my armour was too big? I don't know, but I got deflected 99% of the hits.
    PRINT SCREEN 2018-12-28 21-28-13.jpg

    Some other pictures and globals I took along the way.
    Feran 007.jpg Kadra 007.jpg Magurg Male 002.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-12-21 19-19-32.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-12-25 19-54-26.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-12-25 21-30-28.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2018-12-28 20-44-54.jpg

    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (9 of 10).
    36. Collect Arkoins (27.4k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (3.2k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (9 of 44).
    42. Get to level 50 Swordsman (Hit) (49.94 of 50.00).

    Ars.C.2LArsonistic Chip II (L)
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Cas.PEnB5LCastorian Pioneer EnBlade-5 (L)
    Dom.OG.AdjLDominax Original Garter Adjusted (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Lac.NC.4LLacerating Attack Nanochip IV (L)
    Kin.NC.2LKinetic Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Kat.D.SGAKatsuichi Determination, SGA Edition
    Pir.LP2LPiron PLP-2 (L)
    RCAxeLRoad Crew Axe (L)
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #705 - #719:
    705.100 Carabok & 89 GallardDom.OG.AdjL009,540011,20117,40%Piron PBP-0 (L)
    706.247 GallardCas.PEnB5L & Dom.OG.AdjL015,180015,17099,93%---
    707.184 Carabok & 104 GallardCas.PEnB5L & Dom.OG.AdjL015,300012,26080,13%---
    708.226 GallardCas.PEnB5L & Dom.OG.AdjL014,000013,20094,29%Piron PBP-0 (L)
    709.93 GallardCas.PEnB5L & Dom.OG.AdjL005,820006,27107,73%---
    710.678 CarabokRCAxeL & Dom.OG.AdjL028,770025,43088,39%---
    711.275 OroLac.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L087,780084,82096,63%---
    712.200 FeranLac.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L159,130133,40083,83%Global (19) ; Piron PLR-7 (L) ; 2800 Cryogenics
    713.A) 6 Dehera Sentinel & 6 Magurg Female ; B) 168 Ubo & 528 Rakta & 359 YarrijakA) Lac.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Ars.C.2L+NPKA1L ; B) Lac.NC.3L & Kin.NC.2L160,320108,77067,85%Yarrijak Tail ; Level 31 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; Level 27 Electro Kinetic (Hit) ; 2600 Power Catalyst
    714.200 Arkadian HornetKin.NC.2L011,040010,20092,39%---
    715.821 KP TogolossiCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA4464,710365,18078,58%Healed by Dr Clausius
    716.114 Magurg MaleCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA4853,421167,68136,82%Global (295 ; 197) ; Piron PBP-37 (L) ; Level 48 Swordsman (Dmg)
    717.225 OroLac.NC.4L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L071,530060,81085,01%Level 24 Cryogenic (Hit)
    718.157 KadraCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA4823,260617,20074,97%Global (72)
    719.541 Carabok & 89 GallardPir.LP2L & Dom.OG.AdjL027,340026,79097,99%---
    One last thing before closing: I am also planning something else for 2019. Won't say what it is yet, but it will happen soon.
    Happy new year and good luck in 2019!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 89,3%
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 8,7%
    Total decay: 130219,38 PED
    Total loot: 118983,42 PED
    Result: 91,37%
    Ardorj :cat::greyalien::woot::battleroar::wtf::coldfeet::bookworm:
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018
  19. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    2018 Summary

    It has been a fantastic Entropia/ Arkadia year for me. I've done some good stuff, and can look forward to even greater achievements.
    Time is short lately, so I'll keep this short. And it also is quite a bit of copy-past from the 2017 Summary.

    So, what is it all that I've done, completed and gained in 2018?
    First of all the Mêlée all the Way! on Arkadia: great fun again, good times. No new MatW! planned yet ...
    I've unlocked Wounding this summer!
    I've joined the Natural Born Killers, the top NBK.
    Flying to the Arkadian Moon and doing some hunting there. Haven't been back since the opening.
    Getting an Huon Uber with a socmate.

    I've spend this year a total of 48084,72 PED, that's roughly 99,5% compared to 2017. Of those PEDs 46038,67 (95,74%) was the weapon-decay and ammonution used. 1779,50 (3,70%) was my total defense cost. 136,35 (0,28%) was the cost of everything else, that means flying with the DragonFly when I'd been killed or jumping with the TP-chips. Also the cost of the Aakas and Sal'diresh Keys are in here. 130,20 (0,27%) is left for my Chikara InvestaFoe ES300 scanner-decay. These values are all very similar to 2017.
    From all those PEDs spend I got back 91,22%, or 43861,45, a loss of 4223,27 PED. This overall year-return is more then previously. I'm happy with the result I have. Entropia, to me, isn't about making money, it's about having a good time and getting better each and every time. And in that I've succeeded immensly! :spiderman:

    All that hunting (for some that might be their monthly budget, for others a lifetime) went, among others, into finishing the following missions on Arkadia:
    Stage 1: Riptor, Oompa, Warhound, Sicarius
    Stage 2: Huon, Wombana, IFN Defense Bot, Oompa, Warhound, Sicarius, Dehera Defender, Kiana
    Stage 3: Oweko, Arkadian Hornet :whistling:
    Stage 4: Oro, Jori, Rakta
    Stage 5: Dromia
    Stage 6: none :bear:

    And the mission completed on other planets (read Calypso):
    Stage 4: Puny Creatures
    Stage 5: Snarg
    Stage 6: Snarg
    Stage 7: Snarg :smug:

    I've made two graphs to show how it went from hunt to hunt.
    Ardorjies Hunting 2018-A.png
    Here you can see for each hunt # on the x-axis (first hunt of 2018 is #1, it's not the same as the numbers in this blog, because I've started end of 2015) how much the total return % is for 2018 on the y-axis. The view can be a bit misleading, because there's a huge range in hunting costs. With the cheapest I've only spend 4,56 PEDs (Doing a Gauntlet on Calypso). While the most expense has been a hunt of 1077,82 PEDs (Hunting 304 Bokol & 394 Nusul with Genesis Icerage E.L.M Edition (L) + Melee Trauma Amplifier VI & Aakas Fire Dagger + Melee Trauma Amplifier I, with four globals and 126% return).

    Ardorjies Hunting 2018.B.png
    This graph shows the accumulated (som of) the hunting costs on the x-axis versus the accumulated return on the y-axis. Can you guess where that 1k hunt is?

    And I want to close this small summary with a top 5 of the best and worst mobs for me in 2018. This is heavily flawed, because all of these I've only hunted once or twice. Funny, Magurg Male was also in this list last year, but then on the other side.
    Worst mobs---Best mobs---
    Scoria61,13%Bristlehog & Itumatrox127,00%
    Oratan Miner66,92%Magurg Male115,98%
    So, where I to remove all the mobs that I've hunted four times or less, then the top 5s look completely different:
    Worst mobs---Best mobs---
    Oweko81,68%Calypso Puny098,34%
    And now there's only one thing left for me to say, and that is: ....

    Best wishes to all of you and happy HOFfing in 2019!!
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
  20. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Unlock Combat Sense.jpg
    Yes! I did it, I got to level 50 Swordsman (Hit) and with that I unlocked Combat Sense! Also got to 7200 Longblades - my highest ranking skill - that hunt. I knew it would be coming that hunt, I asked a socmate to team-up with me for heals and I went for some big boys: Teladon. Never knew, but the youngs and matures are doable for me solo. So we went a big bigger to the level of old and providers. Guardians are yet too strong.

    What is the most unlogical thing to do when just unlocking Combat Sense? Right, doing something that does not give that skill: hunting Mindforce! I wanted to celebrate it by hunting Bokol/ Nusul with MF, but didn't realize that CS doesn't contribute to those profession.

    Later I did some other weird things. Over 1k kills of Monura. One Oratan Prospector hunt that I totally fucked up, because I dumped all the loot into storage before checking how much it all was.

    Here are some more pictures of globals and things I've done:
    4200 Courage.jpg 7200 Longblades.jpg Bokol 017.jpg Hadraada 160.jpg Huon 034.jpg Level 25 Cryogenic (Hit).jpg Nusul 024.jpg Otorugi 020.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-11 20-54-46.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-11 21-0-6.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-11 21-33-7.jpg 3000 Cryogenics.jpg PRINT SCREEN 2019-01-15 21-44-31.jpg Teladon 012.jpg Teladon 013.jpg

    33. Attend more Teamhunts/ Sochunts/ Events (9 of 10).
    36. Collect Arkoins (27.5k of 50.0k).
    39. Finish Oro Stage 5. (3.2k of 12.0k).
    41. Use all extra (L) Mêlée weapons (11 of 44).
    42. Completed! Get to level 50 Swordsman (Hit) (50.00 of 50.00).
    43. New! Max out Castorian Combat Mace Mk. III (38 of 42). I've used it more then once already. I like this weapon very much, it's also a sort of last resort weapon when I encounter something that needs a bit more damage to be convinced to die. Not maxed-out yet, so that's a good goal.

    AML.40LArMatrix LB-40 (L)
    AMS.35LArMatrix SB-35 (L)
    Cor.NC.5LCorrosive Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Cry.NC.5LCryogenic Attack Nanochip V (L)
    Cas.CB.13MECastorian Combat EnBlade-13 Mentor Edition
    Dom.OG.AdjLDominax Original Garter Adjusted (L)
    Forc.MAForce Mace Assail
    Herm.CTLHerman CAP-TT (L)
    Kat.D.SGAKatsuichi Determination, SGA Edition
    Kin.NC.2LKinetic Attack Nanochip II (L)
    Lac.NC.3LLacerating Attack Nanochip III (L)
    Pir.LP2LPiron PLP-2 (L)
    +MTA1Melee Trauma Amplifier I
    +MTA4Melee Trauma Amplifier IV
    +MTA6Melee Trauma Amplifier VI
    +NPKA1LNeoPsion Kinetic Amplifier I (L)
    Hunts #720 - #733:
    720.67 HuonCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA40490,770530,70108,14%Global (124)
    721.73 OtorugiCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA40367,250382,75104,22%Global (62) ; 2x Headshot III (L) ; 4200 Courage
    722.41 TeladonCas.CB.13ME+MTA6 & Kat.D.SGA+MTA40560,260573,98102,45%Healed by Bal ; Global (210, 97) ; 7200 Longblades ; Level 23 Animal Looter ; Level 50 Swordsman (Hit) ; [System]: Congratulations, you have acquired a new skill; Combat Sense ; 10 till 40 Combat Sense
    723.110 Bokol & 136 NusulCry.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L+NPKA1L0389,460310,52079,83%54 Combat Sense
    724.56 Bokol & 79 NusulCry.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L+NPKA1L0221,320162,92073,61%Level 27 Evader
    725.298 Bokol & 502 NusulCry.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L+NPKA1L1298,021203,74092,74%Global (23, 37) ; Bullseye IV (L) ; 3000 Cryogenics ; Level 32 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; Level 25 Cryogenic (Hit) ; 2200 Skinning ; Max. 173 HP ; 3800 First Aid
    726.76 Bokol & 105 NusulCry.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L+NPKA1L0280,130281,88100,62%---
    727.270 Carabok & 397 GallardPir.LP2L & Dom.OG.AdjL0033,940033,31098,14%2x Piron PBP-0 (L)
    728.100 Oratan ProspectorCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L0067,230058,78087,43%460 Scourging ; Level 33 Cryogenic (Dmg) ; Oratan Payback Day 16 of 30
    729.4162 IFN Defense BotAML.40L+MTA6 & AMS.35L+MTA40247,730204,93082,72%110 Combat Sense ; 260 Reclaiming
    730.1110 Monura FemalePir.LP2L0060,930053,73088,18%Piron PLP-0 (L) ; 160 Combat Sense ; Level 34 Ranged Laser (Dmg)
    731.A) 1 Dehera Sentinel & 1 Magurg Female ; & 34 Dehera Defender B) 183 Ubo & 73 Rakta & 87 YarrijakA) Cas.CM2+MTA6 & Forc.MA+MTA1 ; B) Cor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L0108,450095,18087,76%---
    732.100 Oratan ProspectorCor.NC.5L+NPKA1L & Lac.NC.3L0078,600064,14081,60%Oratan Payback Day 18 of 30
    733.362 KP Hadraada & 2413 KP OstelokKin.NC.2L & Herm.CTL0060,720056,13092,44%Global (13)
    That's all for now!

    Results since tracking:
    Mêlée all the Way!: 87,7% <-- going down
    Mindforce without Remorse!: 10,3% <-- because this is going up
    Total decay: 134484,19 PED
    Total loot: 122996,52 PED
    Result: 91,46% <-- little increase
    Ardorj :writing::notworthy::chicken::battleroar::droid::playful::ninja:
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2019