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Any chance of a very dense Carabok spawn somewhere?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Huskie, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Huskie

    Huskie Member

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    Wave event wouldn't be optimal for skilling/PED cycling IMO, but still an interesting addition for wave event fans.

    Blackhawk's idea for an alternate mob with similar stats would be acceptable as well (maybe make it's threat level even higher, if possible, to make it an even better skilling mob).

    Here's a few additional suggestions:
    - Make the new very dense spawn over plain fields, make the entire spawn have an area of, say, 500mx500m, but actually sub-divide it into four 250mx250m spawns close together, to avoid wild respawning all over the place (size figures were merely an example, wouldn't mind it being larger).
    - Divide the really big area of the Carabok spawn south of Resolute Firebase into several smaller area spawns. That way the carabok respawn in the general area they were killed in, rather than anywhere in that gigantic area.
    - Not sure if this is possible, but increase amount of spawned Carabok in academy spawns depending on the amount of avatars present. Right now when there's only one or two newbies there at a time, 4 Carabok is ok, but should Arkadia get a larger newcomer wave, I can see those spawns becoming insufficient.

    Would love to hear from David or other Devs what their veredict is.
  2. Huskie

    Huskie Member

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    Been a while already, and still no response from dev team...

    Just a "No, it's out of the question" or "We are working something out" would already be swell.

    C'mon Dave, throw us a bone here! ;)
  3. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Didn't you read post 4 of your own thread? :p
  4. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I've certainly been watching the thread and appreciate everyone sharing their insights.

    I actually like the idea put forward by Blackhawk, we'll take a look at introducing a new mob to fit the demand sometime in the future.
  5. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    And some kind of IFN challenge for newbies? or repeatable missions chain?

  6. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    I wish guys at Calypso would be more like you... Is not even that hard, if you like what you are doing.

    In case you plan to make a noob skilling mob with uber dense spawn, have in mind few things. I am convinced you already know... but I rather have it posted that not.

    1. Have it high agro. People will want to skill fast, and have few on them for skilling evade and probably support weapons system.
    2. Make it respawn fast, if possible in relation to number of players on the server at that time.
    3. Ninja spawn is a must there.
    4. Try to have it focused on only one type of damage. Not sure you can decide that... but one can only hope.
    5. Have in mind that a dense spawn with an agressive mob will tempt people to mob train. Isolate that place with hills, walls turrets... Or exploits will follow.
    6. Add in its loot an item with 800-900 TT that is good for noobs. That mob will give such loots every now and then, and I am sure people would enjoy looting something that just looks cool, even tho, market value is not uber. A UL lowish damage sword or lowish level gun would make many people happy. If is common, it may never go for more than +100 ped, so it will not have huge impact in economy, but it would make people happy.
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    How could a noob-skilling mob commonly drop an item worth 800-900 ped? We hardly ever see the big mobs dropping items of that size.
  8. Huskie

    Huskie Member

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    Thanks a lot for the response, Dave. Very glad to hear those news! :)

    I think missions, especially repeatable ones, would ruin hide prices much more than a dense spawn would. In case the missions are made for the new low stats skilling mob instead of Carabok (if we end up getting those), then more than one spawn will be necessary, even if the one spawn is made max density.

    I agree on most your points, but I'd like to point out a few things:

    1. About aggro, yes making them agressive is desirable, however you need to get the aggro range right. of course for somebody skilling explosives the farther the aggro range, the better, but for somebody skilling melee, for example, that can end up being counter-productive, since it is going to be a maximum density spawn. So, making the mobs aggro you is desirable, but not from too far away. Say 30-50m aggro range would be optimal for whichever type of skilling you wish to do. Making them 100m aggro range like atrox and tantillions wouldn't be optimal. At 30-50m aggro, ppl skilling explosives (that have huge weapon range and usually keep running all over the spawn anyway) is still pretty good, and for melee skillers it is still enough to not get overwhelmed.

    2. Agree completely

    3. I'm not sure if "ninja-spawning" is something that the devs can set themselves, I think the respawning system is hardcoded.

    4. Agree completely.

    5. Yes, according to my personal experience with skilling on tantillions during the 3x skill event a few years ago, having many people on the same spawn will lead to grieving. Thus a large spawn is necessary if there's only going to be one, but preferably more than one spawn is desirable. Especially if you end up making missions for that mob. I agree on isolating the place as suggested, though.

    6. I think making them drop decent (but not valuable) stackables is a better idea than a high TT value item that will drop once a month, being optimistic. At 10 HP (and please, please don't make them higher HP than that, if you end up making a new mob) the multiplier you'll have to get to attain a chance at the item drop you suggested is equivalent to getting an ATH multiplier on mid level mobs. Sure item drops are great (as long as they're not the TT items, like Jori drop, for whatever reason), but I'd rather they gave the mob a few stackables (hopefully with 1 PEC TT, so we can get less of those animal oil residues and more of something that isn't complete TT food) so we can get a few extra % markup every run, than a once in a blue moon item drop.

    And here's a few suggestions of my own:

    7. I must reiterate: mob stats are of the utmost importance to making it good for skilling. It needs to have as little as possible HP (10 would be ideal) and as high as possible threat level. I'm not sure how the threat level is determined, if Ark devs can simply set it as they see fit, or if it has to obey a certain formula based on all the stats of the mob, like aggro, regen, HP, damage, attack speed, etc., but if it has to obey a formula, please avoid giving them too high damage (if they're gonna be aggro and on a dense spawn, that's gonna end up being trouble).

    8. Whatever you do, please don't mix the spawn in with anything else, like MA did to tantillions.

    9. If possible, make that new mob single maturity, like Carabok.
  9. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    That was my point. A loot of 800-1000 ped would be like an ath. Such a loot would be uncommon. However, on loots of that size, a huge surprise can come. Not in all....
    So in order to loot that item you need to do 2 things at once: hit an ath on that mob, more or less, and have the luck to loot that item, since we all know that even if they add it in loot table, it will not drop every single time. But the simple fact that it can happen, is interesting. Having it a high TT item, ensures its rarity, but since is a low level item, ensures it will not have a drastic impact on economy...
    People will skill on it even if it would drop only ammo... so this is not a must.
  10. ruslan

    ruslan Member

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    Sounds like Arkadian version of Merp :)