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Announcing Normandie Radio "Bangin with the Borg" Radio show

Discussion in 'Normandie Radio' started by Cyborg Bill, May 23, 2012.

  1. KillerDawg

    KillerDawg Active Member Pro Users

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    Can't be in game but I can turn up the tunes. :)
    Go Go DJ Borg. :hail:
  2. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Im up n an about early today and working on second cup of coffee. Ill plan on gettin on early today. Gonna shoot for a 1600 start instead of 1800. Hope to see you all at the quarry for another Borg show.

    Ill start updating this thread more often with news about the show and Normadie Radio. I kinda got a tad lazy lately with so many people out for the summer. I am sorry that I kinda left out the people who are still here playing and will get back into this for you guys.
  3. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    What a freakin show wednesday night!!!! You guys made the show one of the best I have had yet. I think we may be on to something wih that Alphabet show format. That was great fun with all you guys participating.

    All of you came thru with flying colors. I did that show as a spur of the moment idea and you made it have a great result. I was very surprised that you all came up with great songs that were not the standards by the bands that fit the letter. Lotta B side songs and even a few very obscure bands that even I never heard of from that genra.

    Wanna give a special shout to our newest borgling Blarq he was throwin out some excellent stuff. ( right up until he requested a 17 minute long song). Also wanna shout out to Alexa she was hittin me with some greatness as well. all in all for a wednesday show that was just a great great evening.

    I will have to adjust some of the rules how that will work as I was just gettin hammered trying to keep up with the DL and gettin it all out to you, but as I said that made the show fun for many people.

    As always I have to acknowlege all the great people that hang out at the quarry with me the entire time I am on. Special thanx to the lovely ladies club you all know who you are. Thanx for the NR dj's that take the time outta their day to hang out and help support the Borg show as well. I know they mor ethen likely do not have an Arkadia account but I have to give a shout to the boys in Star Trek online whom I play with that hang out for the show. Same for my clan in World of Tanks, and even a few of my non gamer friends that pop in for a listen on ocassion. I will also say hi to all the people that hang out in the Normadieradio Live chat with us all the time. I know alot of you guys and I know my music is not yer thing but you are part of the NR family anyways.

    Anyway Ill stop yakkin and say C-Ya til Sundays show. Remember start checkin in around 1600 as I am known to pop on early most sundays as of late.

    Remember when the Borg start to Bang the Metal starts to fly.
  4. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  5. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    K Thought it was time to pop in and give a shout to everyone who hang out with Normandie radio!!!

    Got a show today as usual except for a little twist. I been gettin flack from my soc mates who mainly spend time on Caly hunting and doin their own thing as we have always done to come back to Caly and hang out a bit. I took the opertunity this week end to head over there since the VU on Ark had been delayed to do so.

    I been thinkin what to do as far as a show and where to do it from. I remember back in the wearly days of the radio stations how annoying it was when the 3 radio stations were all in Twin Peaks spammin their shows so I decided to not do that to others. That being said I asked a few people what to do for the show and I got the go to Twins anyway, go to Port Atlantis (which was a viable option), until I saw that Rocksomething or other station was spamming there for their shows. I saw them spamming for Calypto there and decided NR does not need the drama that would come from being in the same area so I took another friends advise. I will find out where the WoF teams are doin their thing today and what times and maybe try to hang out there and give a little support to a player based event.

    Sooooo someone told me that they were going to be some where near the water treatment plant so I will peek in that area in a few minutes to see whats happining and when. Since I am gettin on early I thought maybe I would TP hop for the first half hour to see how many new listeners we could scare up before bouncing over to the WoF areas. I more then likly will not be doing a play by play but will for sure announce some of the bigger things happening during the event like who or what team got something special and maybe a score board update from one of the officials if I can track someone down.

    Anyway for those interested and for those who may be on Caly today I will start out at Twin Peaks at 1600 if I am able to steal the feed that early so you are more then welcome to join me and bounce around Caly today and see what rock n roll mayhem we can perpitrate.

    Remember the Borg show is not just for gamers. We wanna assimilate the entire known universe so tell your friends, tell your family, tell your pets to spread the word that when the Borg starts to bang the metal starts to fly.
  6. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  7. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Ok its time to update this again. ( Iknow I am still in lazy mode and should be here more often)

    We are going to do another Alphabet show today and will be bouncing from place to place during the show. Starting at 1600 at the quarry we will kik off the show as we normally do and then we will bounce to a new tp.

    The TP schedule will be this
    1600-1730 at the quarry.
    1730-2000 at celeste outpost to show some love and support to the new players and the ASU started and promoted by our great friend Sirmixalot bring your sweat tools or MF heal chips or a few spare ped to help out the new people there working hard to get a start on Arkadia
    2000-2100 at my apartment at Celeste harbor north building 1 apartment 5 to finish the evening. I am doing this to show where I hang out and do some entertaining when socmates and friends are in town and to continue using it as a party pad to say thank you since I was lucky enough to win extra item points in the recent contest held by the ATeam and planet Arkadia staff.

    K on to the show rules....YES there will be rules this time. It was really fun with the crazyness last time I did this but was far too much to keep up with at times AND move the show forward. So that being said here are the rules.

    I will have a set list of 26 songs by bands whos names start with each consecutive letter of the alphabet. I will play them in order during the show. Your job will be to beat me to the end of the alphabet. I will take the first 3 requests for each letter off of the request line. NO request will be thru pm's or thru local chats. Only directly off our request line at Normandieradio.co.uk.

    The way this works is I will start the show with a band whos name starts with the letter A. you guys will then submit songs to the request line by DIFFERENT bands whos name starts with A. I will play the first 3 songs from the request line and dump the rest off to keep it clear. I will announce when the first 3 songs have been submitted and the next letter in succession will unlock to have your requests for it submitted for the same thing to occur with the first 3 songs there allowed in order.

    Should there come a time when enough submissions are not made and the songs from the request line are played I will then start to advance my list to the next letter until the 3 songs for your current list are complete and we can advance your playlist.

    As always I try to play all reasonable requests but today the main rule will be to stick to the Rock / Metal genres as last time we were getting greifers asking for rap songs dance tracks and things that dont go with a rock show. You guys dont call your local stations and ask for songs not fitting their formats I ask you show the same respect for mine.

    Anyway hope to see you all there for what I hope will be a fun and exciting show and I think there may be random small prizes this time for participation so you will have to show up to see.

    EDIT: I have just recieved word there will for sure be a few prizes today as donations have come in to get added to what I had planned already so surely things will get exciting today.
  8. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Wow that was yet another Crazy show to do.

    First I want to apologise to everyone that was hanging out with us Sunday as I did not spend alot of time socialising in local chats. I am sorry if I had missed anyone speaking directly to me there. These shows are fun but they are a TON of work keeping up with all them downloads, announcements, and prize organisation during the show. This one was even more fun then the last one as we were able to give away prizes for this one. I want to thank Killer Dawg for our grand prize of a really nicely textured slepnir and fuel he donated along with two level 1 Arkadia instance keys on behalf of himself and his society The Forth Dimension. Much appreciated KD that was an awesome jesture in support of the Borg show and Normndie radio. We also need to say Thank you to our friends Liosha and Sirmixalot for their donations of a textured hover pod and fuel and another slepnir respectively. Many thanks there as well for the great support they show us here. I also haned out two level 1 instance keys and a few random ped prizes of 5 ped and one for 20 ped as a spur of the moment hide and seek game to find Mindstar9 who's birthday it happened to be the day of our show. (Ty Syer for letting us know so we could use her as a prop to celebrate her own birthday)

    We spent alot of time at CHOP (celeste harbor out post) in support of the Arakadian sweaters union started by our good friend Sirmixalot. So hopefully there was alot of support for the new players there. We had a few people healing with Mind force as well as doing the kills as the mobs dried up. We got to meet a lot of new people there and hopefully gained a friend or two as new listeners to Normandie Radio.

    All in all it was a kick ass day as DJ Iclay held most of his Cafe show there as well in continuation of our support to the new players n planet Arkadia. Alot of fun was had by many. We had great participation from listeners submitting requests the entire show. I was not allowed to get past the opening song for teh letter A and we never got to finish the alphabet in the 5 hours the show ran for. We only got to the letter S.

    So that all said I have to thank all the loyal fans of the Borg show and the Normandie radio staff for all the support with this show as well as all the others they are at with help advertising the show. They hang out with us where ever we may be to do the show, and dance with us no matter what we do for the show. I also want to thank the lovely ladies club ( you all know who you are) for your part in the show. After all what kind of rock show would it be with out tons of hot babes hangin out.

    Hopefully all this cool stuff can continue on for a long time to come.

    Remember when the Borg start to Bangin the metal starts to fly.
  9. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  10. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  11. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  12. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    No Borg show today

    My appologies to all the loyal people of the Borg show but I will not be doing one today.

    Due to all the crap going on over this latest Joke of a VU I have decided to not even bother downloading any of it until MA can get their shit together. I read nightmares of people getting locked, others having skill levels that dont exist, others ... well Its just a total freaking nightmare I do not wish to deal with.

    That being said.. I do the show for the people who hang out with me and enjoy it as much as I like doing them. With not being able to hang out and poke fun at each other or shoot the shit in pm, or discuss music in general to me it would be like sitting in the doctors office...

    Hopefully by sunday there is enough stability back in the platform I feel comfortable enough to put it on my computer and I might even have calmed down......

    Anyway for those of you that seem to like how these VU's go GL and many hof's.
  13. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  14. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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  15. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Sunday sunday sunday !!!!!

    Ok guys new news from the Borg show.

    This coming Sunday the 28th of October DJ Isclay and I are both going to be doing our show live from Celeste Harbor North building 16 where Colin "Archman" Hungwell from the Skillin Villians society is doing his anual Halloween haunted house in his apartment there. I was able to do a walk thru last night and they have done an incredible job setting up this haunted mansion. He has a thread up here on Arkadia forum giving all the details http://arkadiaforum.com/showthread.php?5353-The-Devil-s-Den-Do-you-dare-enter and there is also a write up here http://mindstarmedia.com/?p=4135 over on Mindstar Meda's website telling a good story about tghe event and posting scheduled meida personalities that will be attending in support of this nicely done tradition.

    Ok all the commercials are outta the way now for the begging portion of the post. As always when I / we at Normandie Radio do these events we like to make them big and exciting. We usually try to hold contests and do give aways and in general pick on people as much as digitally possible. That being said I will and I am sure Isclay will be more then glad to accept donations for prizes to be handed out. I usually let the donating entity decide the what how and why the donation is given or if they do not wish to put a specific way to get the donation out figure out ways for listeners to earn these nice rewards. Any confirmed donations to this show will be posted here in this post as they are given along with who has donated them if they desire. The last show I did was an alphabet show and we had some REALLY nice prizes to give away. Serveal custom colored and textured slepnir, an un moddified slepnir, a textured hover pod, a full set of starter gear for mineing, 8 or 9 level 1 Arkadian instance keys, as well as a few cash prizes.

    I think I may try to gather as much heavy metal halloweenish type music for the show so if you have ideas that would fit feel free to post them here and I will make an effort to get them and have them ready to play come Sunday. If you wish to donate something for sundays show post your offer here or see me in the Celeste Quarry tomorrow night for my normal Wednesday show between 2100- 2400 game time. If you can not make it at that time let me know in a PM and we can make arrangements to meet between now and Sunday and get these donations listed.

    Lastly I want to thank all who participate in these and all Normandie radio shows as it surely makes it great for us behind the scenes knowing all the work that goes into these shows are appriciated and worth the effort.
  16. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Bump for post #35 to keep this at the top
  17. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  18. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Just a quick bump back to the top for post #35 to remind evveryone abou Sundays special event.
  19. Archman

    Archman Member

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    The Devil has come down to Arkadia.
    DJ Cyborg Bill and DJ Isclay will broadcast starting at 18:00 on Normandie Radio.
    6 hours of frights, chills, and thrills await. Fun events and prizes will be given out during the event.
    Don't be late. The Devil's Den is best viewed at night and that will be during the first hour of the broadcast.
    Celeste Harbor North 16 level 1.
  20. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Hello all just wanna wish all our American listeners a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday week end. Make sure all of you do the right thing and rock your faces off but keep the partyin under control in secure places and not on the road.

    We want you all back to hang out with us having a good time and not have to read your names off in a news brief.

    Stay safe and enjoy the time with Family and friends.

    GO GO FOOD COMA FTW!!!!!!!!