Oweko - basic leather extractors ... got ~60 extractors in 75 kills from 2 drops only, so doesn't seem very common
Hi, big Ostelok (only stuff that isn't in the wiki yet): - Paint can (purple) (quite some) - Gyro FAP-10 (L) - Muscle oil (not much) - Basic mineral extractor - Weak & Strong cloth extractor - Surface Hardener component Have fun! Btw, quite funny for a "nekkid hunt" ...
Update: currently compiling a list that will be sorted by item name so that one can look up what mobs to hunt for specific things.. Will make a new thread with the list once finished and I will link to here for further "discoveries"..
200 PED of ammo on Oratan only new things I could find not on Entropedia already were the following: Paint (Burnt Umber) - 1 can Diluted Cloth Extractors - about 200 Strong Cloth Extractors - about 150 Gyro FAP-10 Where are dem new blades :'(
Please post new discoveries in NEW posts - DO NOT update existing, as i am done sorting what has been posted up till now..
Small Oros: Basic Stone Extractors, yellow paint Small Halix: Olive paint (seems pretty frequent?), weak and Advanced cloth extractors, Muscle oil (usially 1 bucket per loot) Moonshine bar: free drinks Tippin'
Huon dropping ESI The loot has definetly turn around for me Hunting Huon recieved 15p ESI and then last night a 66p ESI
Try some different mobs, you'll see they loot different items. Remember this list is not ALL the loot from mobs, only the new ones we didn't typically see before. It looks like loot has changed so much that maybe we should re-make all the loot charts.
Kadra are now dropping basic leather extractors. Something which is harder to track is where mobs have stopped dropping loots. For example huons seem to no longer drop thyroid oil or violet cream paint.
Scoria young are still dropping generic fuses. Friend of mine looted one yesterday. When Dave made an appearance at the quarry, I asked him if Scoria were supposed to drop generic fuses or it was part of the robot loot bug, and he said he was pretty sure they are supposed to drop them.
Anyone notice the increased Nova-only drops in; Oro, Oraton and Hadraas or am I just that lucky? Had to be close to 30% of my lewt windows... Tippin'