Aakas Bazaar, Shop #4 (Celeste Harbour South TP)

Discussion in 'Shops' started by Dove, May 9, 2018.

  1. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Bored or need a break from the grind ? Come browse Aakas Bazaar.

    The Aakas Bazaar does not specialize in specific commodities, but instead offers a range of stock, that may often change. Should you be looking for something not stocked or that appears to sold out, please so ask. I may just have more in my storage, just waiting for you.

    Aakas Bazaar TP Map.jpg

    Aakas Bazaar Shop view.jpg


    Aakas Mini Keys 1 to 10: (Handy for all but more so for those Melee users that do not need the ammo generated by key conversions). Note that the keys on display are lined up with the Golden Key parts that may drop from that door.​

    Smuggler Brand Gear: Smuggler and Moonshine gear, equipment and collectibles that have been raided from the IFN Warehouses are for sale when available. Stock is dependent on the IFN resupply to their warehouses and the success rate of the True_Smugglers, that have the courage to challenge and take from the IFN.​

    Arkadian Weapons: Weapon types range from Melee to short and long range, (L) and UL, BLP and Laser, with skill requirements to use ranging from beginner to Master. Best to keep checking as weapons are dependent on what I have been hunting. Full TT weapons are priced at a competitive rate and non full TT weapons are usually priced a bit lower, this it to encourage the sale and use of that weapon, to get it back into the loot pool and also to give users the opportunity to test a weapon, before committing to a larger purchase on a full TT.​

    Currently have quite a few [Piron PBP-27 (L)] and [Piron PLP-27 (L)] in stock.​

    Mind force chips: The shopkeeper outside the shop offers a range a Mind force chips and accessories.

    Viceroy Armour: Have you finally reach a point in your hunting career where that Discipleship Armour no longer serves its purpose and have decided to upgrade to Viceroy ? At Aakas Bazaar you can find the bits you need at fair Mark up prices.

    Arkadian Collectibles, these include, Alpha Core Cards (A complete set earns you an apartment), Plants and other decorations like Vases (Vases are used to store additional items in your apartment or storage/inventory.)

    Last edited: May 9, 2018
  2. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
  3. Dove

    Dove Active Member

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    Added Selection of Mindforce chips, ESI and Makeup Mask to shopkeeper outside.