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10 days later

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by AxeMurderer, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Soderd

    Soderd Member

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    Arkadia is a great place but i went back to calypso for a while... ill wait for more mobs and some loot balance. I cant hunt with my budget when all i get is below 103%...with exceptions of some wood and a few output amps

    All mobs do dmg that gives max decay on most armors... hit often to max the decay again.
    there are not enough L guns to give me a steady supply with decent markup.

    The crap about missions and bps are just BS... its only been a few days and its already on its way to give calypso a good fight over customers. something you cant say about RT and NI.
  2. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    One thing is for sure. If someone decides he/she FEELS "something" based on "something" then there's absolutely nothing, that anyone else can do about it... if they've already made up their mind on the matter.

    So if You've decided that this is how You FEEL about Arkadia, then that's how YOU feel. Note taken. Next...

    Looks like we're finally getting planets different enough from each other, that it's also starting to gather players that share the same mindset to the same planets and I'm quite pleased to find out what kind of a players are attracted to what Arkadia has to offer as a planet and how its run by Arkadia dev.team.

    AxeMurderer... we have been on the same planet, same outposts, mined and hunted etc. and my experience has been quite the exact opposite of Yours.

    Feel free to move on and forget these unpleasant 10 days that You had to put up with all this.

    -- Hyssch --
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  3. Gatman

    Gatman Member

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    Ughhhhh just read all that, phew baited into a BS arguement.. you hear that 10days and shit is so messed up...

    take a months break, go back to calypso.. Try Next Island I hear business is booming! lol

    Now my brain is confused as to what I'm lefting or righting about.

    your opinion is ofcourse yours so have fun with it I guess
  4. kosmos

    kosmos Member

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    I think everyone is intitled to their opinion, however I do want to make one point. Who says you have to have all tps to play this thing? I am missing 4 or 10 tps on Calypso and several on arkadia. Yeah its been almost 2 years since new tps were added to calypso and i don't even care cause it doesn't effect my game play.
  5. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    I think this will matter more on Arkadia than it does on Caly. It will effect your game play here. Yep...I'm sure of it.
  6. Chrome

    Chrome Active Member Pro Users

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    Curious why you believe that?

    I have about 1/2 of the TP's on Arkadia, and am not really in a rush to get the rest. ;)
  7. kosmos

    kosmos Member

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    You missed my point. Point is you don't need tps to play this game.

    And if it matters I am missing several on Arkadia and I am in no rush to get them all until I have a reason to.
  8. lokiscamaro

    lokiscamaro Member

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    lol ok.
    you dont like it......
    thanks for your input.
    feel free to go back to calypso.
    teleporter works both ways
    not everyone is going to like it here, cool, no biggie.
    see you later, enjoy your trip home !!!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    Now when I drink my coffee in the morning I realize that I was wrong about the support and the crafting. I apologize for saying that support is bad now. I probably just missed some of their replies because of the increased numbers of post.
    Now to sum up my feelings in creative critique:
    Add a lot of interesting missions, add more Arkadian loot in the mobs, get treasure hunting from MindArk, rename all teleports to have unique names, add shops that are more usable than on other planets.

    And 1 more morning brain fart.
    I say: treasure hunting is not on Planet Arkadia now.
    You say: Treasure hunting is not Arkadia team fault.

    but you forget that Planet Arkadia = Arkadia Studio + MindArk + Crytec
    if you mix 1 kg shit with 1 kg chocolate who's going to guess what you will have in the end :huh:

  10. Manny

    Manny Member

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    Very valid points, some that we are all hoping will be realised soon.

    We mostly replied to "the devs had promised this and that and didn't deliver" part of the comment that was maybe unintentionally sprinkled all over the first post.

    P.S. If Arkadia = Arkadia Studio + MindArk + Crytec, then Calypso = ex Mindark + MindArk + Crytek, right? According to your chocolate assesment above, i have to admit your eating habbits seem kinda strange. Maybe another sip of coffee would help? (J/K but you get the absurdity i guess)
  11. dude

    dude Active Member

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    Pointless video. But since I am a nice guy and will help all players. In the video if you turn left go up the stairs you will find STORAGE REVIVE and a TRADE TERMINAL. Like a said before the ARKADIA Dev team has done a great job.

    OH and the answer to your skill testing question is ************** SHITTY CHOCOLATE .

    But hey chocolate is still my favorite food group.
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  12. red

    red Member

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    I think some of axe's points are valid. however, since the planet is less than two weeks old and has only seen devleopment for some nine months, what is here now looks pretty good for an initial delivery.

    so, for many of these other details, I would think seeing what happens when they do their first major update would be prudent.

    and, as for the treasure hunting, I'd think one can complain in ernest if it doesn't show up in six months or so. after all, it's taken MA almost 10 years to almost implement space - which is pretty strange for a sci-fi based game.
  13. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    AFAIK the ETA for space is end 2011/early 2012 :)
  14. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    the ETA for space is end of june.
  15. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    crossing fingers :)
  16. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Axe, and others interested, I found this quote below from Dave Dobson that you might want to consider? I agree with those who have said that a lot of people had expectations that were way too high for how things were going to be at launch or even in the first month or so, the community itself raised that expectation level unreasonably though, the Arkadia team didn't, they have not yet promised and then not delivered what they promised really as far as I can tell. Treasure hunting was always said to be coming later, not at launch, and dependant on MA implementing the system needed for it. After a couple of content updates I think you will see a natural progression that fits what has actually been promised.

  17. Chrome

    Chrome Active Member Pro Users

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    Some very tasty shit! :)
  18. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    Something to remember is that there are two sets of eyes looking at the same scene from different perspectives and its only natural we will see different things.

    The thing for Axe to remember is that the if you're in a diet of 100% crap with a day or two here and there with a little chocolate it makes a nice change to get a little chocolate in every meal.The older player base has eaten a lot of crap to get to this stage so we are fairly respondent when we start to taste something a little sweeter.

    And on the other side are those sitting down to this meal for the first time who naturally are only gonna notice the crap no matter how much chocolate you put in it.

    The advantage the older users have is the experience to taste the chocolate and see that the recipe is getting better and with Arkadia there has never been so much confidence in the kitchen.
    The reason older players are older players is because they have been sold the vision and dreamt of how great this platform can be so it's only natural to see a little excitement when the first taste of that dream seems to appear.

    Yes they still have work to do but Arkadia come straight out and acknowledge that and reassure us they are working on it where as in the past and with other PP's it seems like the chef is constantly saying "I know whats best,get out of my kitchen!"
    "and stop asking where your meal is,you'll get it when you get it".

    What I'd like you to do Axe is make a list of the things you think need fixing,consider their importance in the scheme of an entire planet and its economy and see just how long it takes to get done.I can guarantee it will get done a hell of a lot faster then what we've seen from other PP's.

    As for the treasure hunting...
    It is true in saying its Arkadia as well as MA that are responsible for it not being implemented.They want to do it right however and have a fully functioning system before implementing it.
    When I say fully functioning I don't just mean the tools and graphics work,for fully functioning you need a complex list of items and uses for those items whilst keeping in mind the economic balance of the results.
    The complexity of something like this cant be over stated.It's a massive undertaking and only works when its done 100% right.Imagine the work that went in to getting 300bp's ready for launch and then remember that they've only been at this for a little over 9mths.
    Most MMO's are in development for years before we get to see them.This is the first 1.0 release in EU that doesn't make me feel like a paying beta tester.

    We've seen it all before on other planets when things are put in without these functions and you end up with loose ends all over the place and no continuation of the economy.The economy is a circular process and if you have a weak or missing link anywhere in the process the whole thing fails and no planet will ever succeed with a functioning economy,its the heart that keeps the planet alive.

    The reason the older player base is so positive is that they can see the Arkadia team has realised this and didn't put the cart before the horse.They also know it takes time to get everything done but they can see it being done right and so are a little more forgiving and willing to give Arkadia the time it takes to do it.

    The slow rate of BP drops is perfect just how it is.
    If they dropped them all in the first 5 days like we have always seen then nobody would be looking for them and using all our hunting resources to do so.
    Being that items are looted and crafted instead of just one or the other means you cant just drop them all in loot either or once again there would be no discoveries to drive the crafters along.

    Last thing to remember is that this is not a console game where what you buy is all you get.
    This is a living MMO that will evolve and change over time.The baby has only just been born,they beauty is in watching it grow and change and knowing you have been around for the journey and perhaps even shaped its future.

    In my opinion with the implementation of space,Arkadia showing us what a professional team can do and the announcements of even more professional teams joining the family I think we are now seeing the first baby steps of EU's Second Golden Age and it would be a shame to throw it all out the window due to an unexplainable pink flame under an outpost(even if that outpost doesn't have a name):cool:
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  19. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk Member

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    The pink flame is from someone standing on the floor above it using a MindForce regen chip, the animation "leaks" down to the floor below and always has, even on Calypso.
  20. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Well said ;) +rep