Supremacy Reign needs YOU! One of the oldest societys needs fresh blood. We are mostly stationed on Calypso and Arkadia. You will find fierce...
Well, it took a bit.. but yay here is the answer: 2015-08-07 09:38 Du schriebst: Hey, I tryed to change my soc behavior to an other soc. But...
they ate my pedcard.. still none spawned..
No, not at all.. only guessing
anyone yet seen a tameable oratan miner? i'm at around 14k killpoints and none spawned till now.. propably have to kill more if its only about...
Thanks for all the answers, till now these dont show great interest in shops. BTW, atm I only sell pets, Nutrio, Whips, Animal Essence, Pet Name...
Dear Arkadians, why dont you buy at my shop (Celeste North #3, Emma's)? Do you in general dont buy in Shops? I hear other shops like kikki jikki,...
hmmm.. if you feel comfortable with a pet lover around why not :D
Come one join us sociable bunch :playful:
ok, i did. tx :)
hm ok tx for looking :)
Anyone know how i can change the attitude to other societys? I can see in the socterminal "Our attitude towards this society: friendly". But there...
Supremacy Reign is recruiting active players to join our already active base :) We have members both on arkadia and calypso. And a lot players...
Supremacy Reign is recruiting active players to join our already active base :)
Come join us :)
Get better soon Lars!
Dylan, whats the card on the image, the one between amp and coins?
"Hope this answers your questions." yes :) thanks a lot
Dylan, I'm sorry, I dont understand the purpose of the cards. Can't understand why some have a lot stars and others not. Can't understand why some...
I tryed to build Texturing and Coloring tools with a miner who would get me material, but there are only caly BP's for the Tools. The miner told...
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