I have read rules twice and still this is not clear to me: "If you abandon the mission at any time during the event, all points will be lost and...
For everyone who missed the introduction speech made by Dylan just before event started: [Local] [Arkadia Official Dylan] : we have heard what...
Is it possible to compete in all 3 categories like it was in the past and only highest prize is awarded? (So doing over 60 hours total, 20 each in...
Shhhhhh... mayby the npc Kate will not notice that one scratch it has!:biggrin2: Just get that composite and try to pull it off! Falagor :cowboy:
Yup, yup - this is true. Btw i am really surprised its 5.00ped... i mean it really seemed it will be 10.00ped after all (30.00 (L) plate + 10.00...
Sooooooo... Badger? <watches the global ratio on bagers skyrockets...> Falagor :cowboy:
I will be online tomorow ;)
[IMG] ... :greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy::greedy:...
Polymer does not go into refiner ;). First thing i checked when i looted one ;) - seemed so obvious, right? Falagor :cowboy:
Yup its: 1x full TT regular plate (30ped) 10x Graphene Polymer (1ped each = 10ped) 1x Graphene Composite (unkown TT so far) Since the UL plate has...
Also the TT value of the UL plate indicates that the "most wanted" graphene composite material has most likely 10ped TT which may be the reason...
Hello, since i will be staying on Arkadia little longer (with occasional short visit on other planets) - i will be buying: Shrapnel at 101% If...
So far there is no way to bring back the timer but it is ticking after disconnect (you will get auctokickout at reaching 2h in the instance)....
Thx for answering.
If i understand this right it IS possible to compeete in more than one category? So i.e. i could do 66h (to be safe) in cat 2 and then if i will...
If i understand this right - it will work very similar to Haloween Mayhem instances. There will be 4 totally new different instances with ONLY...
I love you! :biggrin2: Big plus from me for Ark Devs for listening to players :). Now i know i can doboth Haloween + Ark Gold rush (if they...
Haha - good idea! And seriously - Ark Devs should really think about normalised scores in Hunting Gold Rush (at least). Something like 40h or...
Actually i am half way on togolossi already (almsot 100k/195k total points on all 6 missions) - done in little over 2 weeks (and i was not playing...
Well i did not know - thats why i asked. So not everyone knows this ;). Thx for answer. And i agree with the rest of your post (i already...
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