Since this morning, the level 1 amplifier (L) presents an empty item info window -all basic, detailed information and description. I tried to...
Hey, For soc and mentor, it has been already noticed in the previous replies ; about peds i can share my own beginner experience : i put €20, so...
Fish, as I said in my previous post, I don't care of their "war". I see they buy at 3peds/K. And i don't belong to any "cult" or group, even not...
(that's exactly what I do, Anthony : exploring and mining -in the three ways- sweating between two runs allows me to skill a bit and repay my...
Welcome.:cool: You already have a mentor, that's great. It's very helpful to me too, and if you add hours of reading on websites like i do, it...
Just to add my beginner 2pec to the subject, for the moment i've to recognized that ASU people do buy sweat/ASU at 3peds/k, in the meanwhile some...
That's an impressive example of carrier I didn't think about as new miner (!) really interesting, an other idea i'll keep in mind for the future....
That's a precious information I keep in mind. Congrats ridan. :cool:
Haha. that's true, but maybe are we too greedy. If we could earn dozens of peds every day in these events, it'd be too easy :D (i often check too,...
Thx to all. I'd not have arrived there without your advices.
Just to say i've googled it at my start and it was so helpful, for my tp run and even for event. Thx.
I'm Ognap -which is not a name from Bielorussia, but just the inverse of "Pango", my usual web nickname- and i wanted to introduce myself a little...
I saw a Sleipnir when arrived on site and i thought it was lost for me. But behind a plant : [ATTACH]
Hi, i found the other two, it was on Jaguar digsite. I've some issues to post and upload picture, sorry for that. You can click to enlarge : [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.